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AMC: FAvorite Greenlee Moments

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I figure with Greenlee now back in town we can devote a thread to sharing our favorite moments and lines concerning Greenlee. So what are your favorites? I will start:

1. Greenlee turns on the sprinklers at Leo and Laura's wedding

2. Her and Kendall catfighting at the bridal show

3. Greenlee and Jake trapped on the boat

4. Greenlee and Kendall fight at Fusion

5. Greenlee and Kendall kiss in front of Erica

Now my favorite liners:

1. Greenlee (to Jack at SOS): "Well I am meeting Simone here for lunch but she is late so that means she's probably been arrested again."

2. (Greenlee, Mia, Kendall, Ryan, Aidan, Edmund, and Maria are all held hostage on New Year's Day January 2004 by many gun men)

Gun man: "Are there any men upstairs?"

Greenlee (to gun man): "I'm not sure. Check Kendall's room. That's where they end up eventually."

3. (Greenlee, Lily, and Kendall are trapped in the cave by Jonathan)

Greenlee (to Lily): "So put your hands behind your ears and sing the Star Spangled Banner, count Erica's ex husbands by threes...."

4. (Still in the cave)

Greenlee (to Lily): "Forget her, Lily. Kendall just likes to live in a place called La La Land."

Lily (To Greenlee): "La La Land? I thought she lived in Pine Valley with us."

5. (still in the cave)

Greenlee (to Kendall): "Fine if you want to live in denial, be my guest."

Lily (to Greenlee): "So does Kendall live in denial or La La Land?"

6. Greenlee (to Simone after she, Greenlee, and Kendall broke into the sperm clinic): "Simone you did something completely over the top and you did not get arrested."

7. Greenlee: "Jonathan is a few corn flakes short of a cereal bowl."

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I loved Greenlee from 1999-2004 mostly. 2005 she was a completely changed woman for me :(

I loved Greens the most when she was giving Erica hell. Greenlee has the best one-liners too.

I really enjoyed Millicent and Woodruff - and her other family (Outside the Kane-Montgomery family).

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Remember when Leo tumbled off the cliff and Greenlee's yelling "LEO, LEEEEEO." I'll never forget that moment (Cullitan had his moments).

What about when she ripped off Kendall's dress exposing her fake pregnancy on trial (I guess McTavish had one or two moments too).

Earl Greenlee when she was uberbitchy to Bianca...good times.

Finally, ANYTHING with Leo and Greenlee. What a fantastic couple they were.

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Loved Leo and Greenlee, loved her battles with Erica...I always thought she had the potential of being this generations Erica Kane, loved her with Jake Martin(and Leo as well). Loved Greenlee after Leo and Vanessa went over the falls....I thought Rebecca was ROBBED of an Emmy that year for those scenes.

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I loved Rebecca's portrayal because she did remind me of Erica a lot and I thought RB had great comedic timing. I also loved her vulnerability with Roger and Mary and her great chemistry with her new family (the Kane/Montgomery's). I hope this new actress has chemistry with them too.

I liked her with Leo and Jake Martin, but I didn't care for Juan Pablo, Ryan, or Carlos. I always felt that the man she had the most chemistry with was David Hayward and I was disappointed that AMC never tried that out.

My favorite Greenlee moment was with Erica. Greenlee was in the hospital and Jack asked Erica to stay there and help her if she needed anything. Greenlee was throwing tissues at Erica and then had to go to the bathroom. There were no nurses around (We actually saw Erica go out into the hall and yell, "CODE BLUE" :lol: ) and when noone came, she had to escort Greens to the bathroom and help her go and they vowed NEVER to tell anyone what happened :lol: . :lol: I loved RB/Susan together.

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Greenlee was at her best when she was in love with Leo and rivalrous (is that a word?) with Erica and Kendall. I started watching in 2001, so my best memories of her come from around that time up until she married Ryan.

I *loved* the two catfights she had with Kendall. The one at the bridal show was GREAT. I think there was one where they go into a big argument at the Boutique as well. And of course they fought at Fusion and Palmer had to break it up.

If you're a big fan of Greens and Leo, you have to see the 2003 Christmas episode. She spends most of it at the boathouse "talking" to him, complete with a flashback!

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There is no doubt in my mind---the Leo/Greenlee/Jake triangle was AWESOME!!! Greenlee was NEVER better then when she was involved with Jake and Leo. I couldn't get enough of her in those days. That triangle was the best one AMC has ever had IMHO!! :)

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