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ATWT Thursday....Scott Bryce returns as Craig

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I hate it when an actor or actress is written to be so "sexy" and that's the main "point" of their character and I don't find them sexy at all. Brad is written as a frat boy now and he's supposed to 40+ years old. It was a terrible character to cast Austin Peck as if the show HAD to hire this guy.

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I know I'm a little late but....


I was pratically glued to those scenes between Lucinda and Craig. Sooooo much history. Everything interested me except Brad/Katie/Jack. Gawd I cannot wait for Maura West to return.

I cannot wait to see scenes involving SB/Craig with other characters. Like Carly, Meg, and Margo.

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First I was to say a BIG HELLO to everyone on this forum. My name is Josh and my absolute favorite soap opera on television has to be As The World Turns. I've been reading the posts on this forum for awhile now so I understand that a lot of you hate the show right now but I happen to like most of whats going on. Although I do admit this whole new, "Poor me" version of Gwen is getting annoying. Still love Maddie, Casey, Luke, and that DIVA they call Jade! Lily needs to stop crying and get her ish together. I'm loving Lucinda right now and can't wait for her to light a fire under Craig. Henry and Vienna are surprisingly a good match....although I swear I thought Henry was gay for so long. I'm gay and not attracted to him but still...

As for Tuesdays episode it was PERFECT. My thoughts on Craig are so mixed. I started watching when Hunt Block was in the role and I thought he was the perfect actor for a villain. He could be downright evil. But he was passionate. He was a comedian. You could TELL and FEEL the love he had for his childiren (especially Lucy who will always be Peyton List in my mind). And last but not least he and Rosanna belong together but the writers destroyed any possiblity of that which saddened me. Then he left and I dealt with it. Then in comes Meek. I hated him at first with all my heart. He looked sketchy, way too old, and just downright evil/mean/nasty. However I thought he had made the role his own by the end of Febrary even though I hate the character of Craig. He was also able to make me smile (just in his scenes with Meg).

Now we have Scott Bryce and I think hes going to be awesome. I don't know much about him and I'll admit that if Hunt Block comes back I'll be the happiest guy on the planet but I think the show will definitely get even better with SB on the cast. Looking forward to Paul and Meg (Peg... :) ) taking him down and I'm loving this new dark and twisty side to Meg. ROCK ON girl. She looked FIERCE yesterday with RH.

Now on to Carly & Jack. PLEASE don't hate me but I'm a Simon & Carly fan forever. I just think those two made so much more sense that Carjack ever will. I understand the fanbase surrounding Carjack and I agree that they have great chemistry on screen but in my mind Jack doesn't truly love Carly. Keep in mind that this is coming from someone who watched as Jack lost his memory and Carly was devastated by the loss. I wanted them together back then and truly thought they belonged together but no more. True love is when you can accept a persons faults and good qualities. Jack was always punishing Carly for hers and making her feel bad. Granted what she did was wrong (stealing the jewels) but in the grand scheme of things and when compared to the world of Daytime all she deserved was a slap on the wrist. However Simon knew who Carly was and she him. And their chemistry was on fire IMO. So I say let that b*tch Katie have Jack. Jack wants a goodie two shoes and shes as "good" as they come so I say let them get together. But I do think Brad + Katie = More chemistry. So I'm torn on that triangle. Regardless of who Katie ends up with though I still want my "Sily"!

Anyways I look forward to talking with everyone and getting to know you all!

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HI! Always nice to have another ATWT fan onboard.

I'll try not to hate you (LOL) ...but SiC sucked. Carly not expecting Simon to be anything other than a user of women and thief isn't quite the same as "knowing who" each other where. Simon was never honest with Carly, until she dragged it out of him. (And she still doesn't know about Simon trashing the model apartment, which bugs the bejesus out of me.) And just a note, historically, "Sily" was the name of Simon/Lily fans.

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Thats to everyone who said hi. Kinda wished I could change my name to "Caron" in support of Simon and Carly but oh well. What does Kack stand for?

I think Simon was honest with her PJ. He truly did want to make a better life for himself and her. They started a business together and if it weren't for some unfortunate events they would still be here. He ALWAYS supported Carly and knew that she was capable of making a name for herself away from Jack. Jack didn't think Carly could move on without him but she did and I'm glad. He doesn't deserve someone so full of life to be honest. Carly is a free spirit and she and Simon are two of a kind. Plus if it weren't for Katie they'd still be free and happy. Yes Simon is a liar but hes a good guy in my book. I think they were a perfect couple.

BTW is it official that Carly and Jack are going to reunite or is that just some hope you have? I'll try to enjoy it if it happens but I know it won't approach the same intensity of cuteness that Caron had together. Jack and Carly is sorta approaching Todd and Blair on OLTL...two people who should not be together and keep hurting each other when they are. That might be a little extreme but thats where they're headed.

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