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ATWT Thursday....Scott Bryce returns as Craig

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Loved loved Craig and Lucinda,Lily and Lucinda,Lily and Faith,Faith and Holden . Some great scenes.

I loved this:Lily tells Lucinda "You loved me,you chose me......"

How sad when she told Lily she could never be a part of that part of her life again,meaning the business.

I even like Paul and Meg making a plan to get the company back from Craig.

I wish they would bring one of the former Brad's back. Brad and Katie was the only low point in a good episode today.

Poor Henry has a girl pawing all over him and he is getting cold feet and then he gets arrested!

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Elizabeth Hubbard is tearing it UP today!

Damn, Lucinda just told Lily that she will never be part of her business ever again. Can you blame her, though? None of this would have happened if Lily wasn't trying to be Ms. Businesswoman.

This whole Brand and Katie, "Oakdale Now!," do your chores thing is ridiculous and just needs to go. Pronto.

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I'm so happy to have the real Craig back. When Craid said "20 years ago" I could flash back in my mind 20 years and see these two together. That kind of stuff means nothing with new faces for so many of the old characters.

Loved the show except the Brad stuff. Austin Peck is just all wrong for Brad. So many other characters could have filled up the airtime wasted on Brad. I like Katie is this supporting role with Henry and that could have kept her busy for a while before they brought on someone new.

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I KNOW!!!!! I wanted a flashback! Lucinda with the box was the PERFECT opportunity!

Lily, shut your pie-hole. I'm so glad Lucinda is being an absolute bitch towards her. Holdense forgave her stuff and swept it under the rug. She needs more repercussions.

Meg and Paul: Shut Up! There's no logical reason for Paul to be going after Craig. He hasn't done anything to him in quite some time. Paul obviously still has the hard on for him.

How long has Brad been wearing that shirt?! Jesus.

And I just laugh and laugh and laugh when the Oakdale Now promo comes on. That àpron is downright humiliating.

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Two seconds on screen, pounding the arm rests of his chair in victory, and THE Craig is back in Oakdale! SB's Craig is full of passion and charisma, where Meek had none. SB's Craig is emotionally involved in his story, while HB's Craig was detached and somehow "above it all", no matter how hard they tried to make me believe otherwise. The connection between SB and LH was electric.

The rest of the day was pretty good. Again, the bad part was Katie, Brad and their "not flirting" flirty dialogue. JHC, Katie is feelin' up his man-boobies, slappin' his ass while Brad manages to be semi-shirtless again. (Uh, no tailor would do that, the jacket has to fit over a shirt, duh!) Even Brad's scenes with Jack sucked, as Brad taunted Jack about Carly, and Jack just took it. And as long as someone mentioned it, that promo for the contest does suck. Not because of the apron, but because Peck can't even bother to act excited to be a part of such a lame promotion. Not that I blame him, but he is an actor, and ATWT was kind enough to keep his ass out of the unemployment line, for God knows what reason.

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Yah, Gwen singing and whining what fun, sounds boring to me

Here's how it will go: Gwen to Will: I'am sorry, Will to Gwen: It's ok, next scene Gwen sings, next scene: Gwen to Will: I'm sorry, Will to Gwen: it's ok, next scene: More of the same, next show more of the same, sorry but hearing characters do and say the same thing for months is not interesting in the least bit.

Turn Gwen into the young woman she used to be and I might enjoy her again, but I can't stand whiny Gwen.

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I don't think Holden necessarily swept it under the rug. He did make it clear to her that it would be a while before he could truly believe anything she said.

ITA! The look on Lucinda's face...you could tell that she felt as if she was being betrayed by a true friend. Poor thing. And the scene with the box full of photographs...I just wanted to take her in my arms and say "Be the bitch you can be and get back your company! Get back WORLDWIDE!!"

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