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AMC McTavish's Swansong - April 30

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I'm pleased they have apparently employed people not from the current AMC dialogue corps, who make everyone sound, young or old, male or female, like they are !@#$%^&*]y little sneering queens straight out of Valley of the Dolls. Complete with ad nauseum pop culture references. There's such a thing as too much snark.

Is Eden Riegel really out? I had no idea. I guess l'affaire Zarf offended and disgusted her even more than it did me.

My only complaint is I wish these people would take over OL instead.

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That's Amanda L. Beall's doing -- the woman some poor misguided souls believe is AMC's savior. The woman is absolutely obnoxious with all of her pop culture, snarky, sneering queen, slut, b!tch, tramp, whore, skank, psycho creep, catch phrase dialog. Like I said, I'm glad this joke of a writer didn't get promoted to a co-head position, because she's horrible.

March 29, 2006

Babe brings Amanda to work for Fusion. Simone, having just lost Ethan after Janet caused the explosion at the Mardi Gras Ball, flips out. Kendall throws Babe and Amanda out, screeching:


Just go. Go, go, ok? Go to the hospital, go to hell, go anywhere. Just get the hell away from us now, both of you.
Who's your surprise guest tomorrow, Osama?

March 29- BDW: Victor Miller; SW: Amanda L. Beall; D: Casey Childs -- Need I say more? :rolleyes:

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That kind of approach is fine in small doses depending on the character but you can't do it constantly and with every single character, the way they seem to now. They all act like drag queens on a rampage, and at this point Kendall doesn't need to get any more drag queen.

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R Sinclair, can you knock it off with the condescending tone to EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. OF. YOUR. POSTS. Really, there's a beautiful thing called DIFFERENCE IN OPINION. It seems whenever someone begins typing "Amand..." you're right there with the shotgun before the poster can even hit the 'submit' button. "And misguided little souls?" It's called difference in opinion, for christ's sake. It's the point where it's excessive and obnoxious. And hell, I know I'm not a moderator, so I'm probably out-of-bounds (wouldn't be the first time), but it's an observation I felt like posting.

For the record, I LOVED Amanda L. Beall's dialogue (although I would rank Karen Lewis above her). I HATE that she's not writing dialogue regularly anymore. The few times she has written the scripts in the last several months - namely the 9/11, V-Day shows, and one of 'em before Christmas (and she all wrote the breakdowns for them, as well), I felt she captured the true heart and soul of AMC. Nothing resembling something McTavish churned out. But that's just my opinion!

You love Joanna Cohen's dialogue. I think it's average and a little trite, at best.

But that's the beauty of diversity!

But I'm not going to call you a "misguided little soul" for loving JC, and then continue berating you for it in such a vile way.

Can we all just accept differences in opinion and move on? Because it seems whenever someone expresses different tastes than yours, you don't post a simple disagreement (which everyone is welcome to), you freaking POUNCE in the most aggressive, hostile way you can think of!

Edited - cause I can't spell.

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Poloma, I have never addressed any of my posts towards you. Why do you feel the need to continue to air your personal opinions about my conversations with others in the public forum? As for condescending, your "attack" when I didn't even do anything but praise Joanna Cohen is the epitome of "condescending." I was praising the dialog and the actors -- not a condescending tone in sight, yet that didn't sit well with you, either. So, I'm not going to "knock it off" because you're impossible to please, and it's not my job to please you.

No, you're just going to mock me and call me obsessed and tell me that you're afraid that I'll have to be carted off to a padded room if Joanna Cohen left the staff.

Anyway, Poloma, like I said in reply to that post -- if you have a personal problem with me, please use the PM feature instead of starting arguments in a public forum based on posts that, really, had nothing to do with you in the first place.

Have a pleasant day, and I still think Amanda L. Beall and her little self-impressed, snarky, catch-phrased soaked dialog sucks ass.

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Damn. I hope the post wasn't edited because it was false information. Probably SON asked her to take it down until an official announcement was made.

Amanda L. Beall I think gets the show. Those stand alone episodes such as 9/11 and Valentines Day that she wrote.... they were great episodes and represented exactly what AMC is. So that's why I was hoping she'd be one of the ones promoted. Never the less I am glad she is still on the staff.

Addie Walsh and Stephen Demorest have experiance.... and Addie has a long history with AMC. They were the right people for the job and to be paired up with Kay Alden.... I think we are in for a great ride in Pine Valley.

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No! Never play along. Speak from your heart. I respect that about you. You don;t hold anything back. I may like Amanda but you obviously do not and and I commend you for always speaking your opinion.

We do agree about Joanna Cohen though. I jumped on that train a while back. I lo0ve her dialog.

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