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AMC: Monday

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I thought the Lily stuff was funny. She wanted to backmail Barbara, but her honesty got the best of her. It was great when she told Barbara exactly how she felt.

I didn't care for the birthday stuff with Miranda and Little Adam.

The Bianca/Zoe kiss was interesting.

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About the Wildwind scenes:

How old are Del, Julia, and Di supposed to be? Del was around in the '90s - supposedly in his late 20s. I guess he's been de-aged. I don't want this taken the wrong way, but Julia seems too old for these types of scenes. I guess she's like the den mother of the group, but this college dorm dialog seems so below her. Her pairing with Jamie was weird at first because I remember when Julia was originally on the show, with Jamie being 5 or 6! I’m used to them now; I even started to enjoy them together, but I still long for Noah to return from the dead.

Turning Wildwind into a dorm was a silly idea. Having Jonathan live there is ridiculous and disgusting. What they should have done is taken the characters in their late teens/early 20s - like Dani and Amanda - and have them living at Myrtle's.

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Isn't funny to think that in 1996, Julia was happily married to Noah, and Jamie was a little boy drowing in a river being saved by Janet!

Jules is definetly the oldest in the group. I think Di is supposed to be Jules' age, but Kelli is not even as old as Jacob Young! I think Di, Jules, and Annie are around the same age, thus their girlfriend moments.

Del definetly found the fountain of youth. He and Amanda must be the youngest in the group. Aidan and Jonny are somewhere in the middle.

In terms of the Cooney kids in general, I know it has to be Lanie, Will, then Dix in order of age. Del is younger than all three. I think Di is older than Del. I wish did take place at the Fargate Boarding house instead of Wildwind. Wildwind did always have a lot of young'ns running around, but at least they were all related.

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