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Hold on.....Did Jack Smith go to OLTL??

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I keep seeing around on other boards that Jack Smith is at OLTL, now, and Kay Alden is at AMC. I haven't heard it officially, but I can see it being true. Jack Smith was probably being used at GH to consult on the Hostage story, which they thought would get them the Emmy Nom. GH didnt get it and OLTL did, so they send him over there. Anyone else hear this?

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OT but surely GH's sweeps hostage story would not be eligible for Daytime Emmy consideration until next year? 2005's The Virus SL and Laura's Return most likely were submitted for Emmy consideration this year.

I don't know about whether Jack Smith is at OLTL or not -- all I've been hearing are rumours saying that he has been sorting out some of Higley's sub-par material as a consultant. There was also a rumor that Barton Amus (or whatever his name!) who was earmarked for AMC head-writing was being placed on another ABC show.

I only hope Jack Smith is at OLTL because I liked him as a writer on Y&R. He was also very aware about balance and rotating characters and getting the right mix of vets and young 'uns on screen. OLTL seems to be getting better in some respects with regards to this -- witness last week's mix of LLantano ski lodge, Biki, Nora, Bo, Nash shouting at Jessica, the hold-ups at Foxy Roxy's and the Palace, etc. That's a wide cross-section of the cast being utilized. JS liked those kind of umbrella/intersecting SLs when he was on Y&R.

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One week Kay Alden is at OLTL, the enxt she is at AMC and so forth. I don't think anyone really knows where she is. SOW did report Kay Alden apparently will be very active at AMC during the regime change.... I hope when its all said and done she is AMC's next headwriter.

Jack Smith... I still assume he is at GH. But who knows. Like I said, I don't think anyone really does.

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The Hostage Crisis could have been a last-ditch effort to draw FYC publicity to the show for Emmy 2007, but there's no way that could be submitted for an Emmy. And if that's the reason why Jack Smith isn't at GH, then that's a pretty stupid reason, IMO.

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The Hostage story is not eligible for the awards this year. The reason that GH did not get nominated this year was because of the episode they submitted. They submitted the episode of Luke & Laura's wedding as reported on this site somewhere else.

They cannot submit anything that occurred after January 1, 2007 for the current Emmy awards - they will be submitted for the 2008 awards.

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I'm beginning to think nothing much has really come of the Alden/Smith consulting positions. I mean, they've had them for a while now, yet ABC isn't fully utilizing their talents. I have serious doubts they ever will.

Two writing cast-offs from the #1 soap, yet ABC doesn't want to expand their positions? Really stupid to me and I wouldn't be surprised if it's announced that both Smith and Alden have parted ways with ABC soon.

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GH did in fact submit the Luke and Laura wedding!!

No matter what each show will have to submit at least two more episodes and I believe if they want they can submit the same one plus another for the actual Emmy or they can pick two new ones.

B&B will be able to submit four episodes.

Kay Alden is a good fit for AMC and Jack Smith would be good at OLTL or GH, either or!

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