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Another New OLTL Audition Script for Sarah

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Showfax has put out an audition script for the role of Sarah Roberts. Credit to Raven for putting this on SOC..

Hey guys,

We had heard several months back that they were thinking of casting for the role of Sarah Roberts (Tina and Cord's daughter). Well ABC has just released a new audition script for the role so they are now officially recasting this part.

The scene opens at Rodi's where a beautiful and hip, but not hard looking Sarah is about to put money in the jukebox. She is unaware of Rex who is sitting there munching on a plate of fries lost in thought. She goes to the bar where her burger waits and recognizes Rex right away.

Sarah asks Rex if he can toss her the ketchup. He slides the ketchup over to Sarah without looking up. She thanks him and continues to talk to him while he continues to semi ignore her. He then makes a remark about how much he enjoys peace and quiet.

Sarah then says that she is sorry for the mistake. That she was so sure he was Rex Balsam but those words would never come out of Rex Balsam's mouth so it must not be him. Rex looks up stunned and says "Flash is that you"? She says yeah but I now go by Sarah. She tells him that her "Flash" days are over.

Sarah and Rex go back and forth bantering about life and how she is now unemployed and no longer on the road to rock stardom. She tells Rex that she was so sorry to hear about Jen. Rex asks Sarah what happened to her record deal. Sarah's eyes fill with tears as she tells Rex that the freak who nearly strangled her to death took her voice forever. That she can no longer sing like she used to.

She tells him that sadly all that is gone. That she is now just Sarah and if people can't accept this, she will go somewhere else. Rex tells her that he can accept this and is more then happy to see her home. She thanks him and the scene ends.

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It's interesting about this, because they have had this script up at Showfax.com for awhile now....however, just the other day they they released a "beefed up" version of the script....

which likely means the role has gotten bigger.

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Yess. I thought this would be a good idea, bring back Sarah back, have her stop being called "Flash", which was stupid as hell. I also like the idea of pairing her with Rex. My picks for the part are both former DAYS stars ----- Heather Lindell (ex-Jan Spears) and Alexis Thorpe (ex-Cassie Brady). I think I'd go with Alexis because of her reddish hair. She looks like she could be Tina (as in Andrea Evans)'s daughter. I agree that this is setting up for the return of Tina and Andrea Evans after PASSIONS is gone. This would be an absolutely great thing for ONE LIFE. I hope too that Cord (since John Loprieno's left the acting world, maybe re-cast with Tom Eplin or A Martinez) and CJ aren't too long in following them. I also wish ONE LIFE would correct their mistake of firing Dan Gauther(Kevin) and Heather Tom(Kelly) and work out a deal to get both back on the show, especially Gauthier, the best Kevin ever IMHO. If Tom doesn't want back, which I don't think she does, then get Gina Tognoni back as Kelly. These back, along with bringing back IMHO characters like Cassie (preferably played by Laura Koffman), Larry Wolek(Michael Storm), Will Rapppaport(preferably same actor Jason-Shane Scott), Joey and Dan Wolek, could get ONE LIFE back to its former glory.

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