Members KaneFan Posted March 22, 2007 Members Share Posted March 22, 2007 Let's see....Kendall, Babe, and Bianca own shares. ACS gave control of Cambias Industries to Zach so he also holds some power and say in what happens with the company. Working there are Kendall, Bianca, Di, and now Zoe. Babe is on sick leave (snerk), and Josh is on standby when the girls need help (meaning Babe needs stalking or a kiddie pool needs water). Danielle didn't return from Hawaii. Still pissed about that. Annie just waltzes in looking for a job because she's great at marketing. Glad we saw how great she was in the 2 seconds she spent working at Cambias. She spent most of her time hanging out with Ryan anywhere but the office. Bullshit. It's bullshit because Annie could still have her job at Cambias if she wanted it. Just because Ryan quits doesn't mean Annie's job no longer exist. Fusion needs to die because it's just a contrivance point. It gets Zoe around Bianca to act like a schoolgirl. It puts Kendall and Annie in the same place to !@#$%^&*] at each other about Ryan and other useless crap. It also puts everyone around Babe because she'll need propping 24 times a day. The only person who belongs at Fusion is Kendall, and she should just give it up because the real heart of that place died when Mia moved, Greenlee left, Simone passed away, Dani left for Hawaii, and the whore walked in with her payback meal ticket. And then there was one. Just burn it down Kendall. The combined wealth of Zach and Kendall is a buttload of casinos, Cambias Industries, Enchantment stock, Fusion stock, and the ConFusion bar partnership. You don't need Fusion sweetie. I'd rather be home with Spike or decorating the nursery. Fusion is crap now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R Sinclair Posted March 22, 2007 Members Share Posted March 22, 2007 Well, who knows? Maybe Kay Alden is indeed coming in, and she's trying to restructure the corporations and businesses since she came from Y&R and that show had a lot of business and corporate intrigue (which is what I enjoyed about Rayfield and Cascio, their attempt at doing a corporate espionage storyline with Enchantment, Fusion and Cambias). McTavish was never good at showing people at work. She just made her pets CEOs and doctors and corporate moguls at the drop of a hat, so that way, they wouldn't HAVE to work and would be able to spend more time and money doing things like being cross country vigilantes and hanging out at BJ's or the park or the beach in the middle of the day. I mean, really. Oh yeah. Boo frickin' hoo for Stuart. He's spent the past three years propping the Carey Whores so I was soooo not in the mood (and clearly neither was Adam) to hear him lecture Adam about how mean it was to have them arrested. Honestly. After all the pain and drama those two porker sluts have caused his family, Stuart still finds excuses for their behavior? Their behavior is excusable, but Adam and JR's reactions to that behavior isn't? I was with Adam. Stuart needed to be, in the words of Agenda L. Beall, "shut down." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Adam Posted March 22, 2007 Members Share Posted March 22, 2007 Well, it was such a good day. To see those two Carey's cuffed and dragged out of the mansion was pure joy. Even though it won't last long. Oh well. Adam ripping into Stuart was like the old days. Adam always used to put down Stuart and their scenes today are what won David Canary all those emmy's. I love that Stuart is back in the picture lately. Adam Chandler, god love him! The rest of the episode was blah. Annie though going to get a job at Fusion is funny. LOL All the former staff just got killed but it seems to be the "it" place to work Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R Sinclair Posted March 22, 2007 Members Share Posted March 22, 2007 At least we know they have openings. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Q Steph Posted March 22, 2007 Members Share Posted March 22, 2007 What makes everyone so sure that Kendall will hire that wallpaper, Annie? It's time for Kendall to use her stoke and shove bianca out the door if she wants to cry her "I'm a lesbian, I understand" tears. She's such a b*tch and Kendall was right in her assessment. JR is sooooooooooooooooo annoying. I may start a petition to have the character reacast because Jacob is so ill casted for the role. He is too one note. Tad is too self righteous for me. Take a tall glass of STFU and spike it with some humbleness. I was so glad to see Babe/Krystal in cuffs. That's where their kind belongs. I'm still on Team Adam. Siblings fight and hurl insults at each other. Adam felt bad, but this is generally how family relates to each other. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members PAsoapfan Posted March 22, 2007 Members Share Posted March 22, 2007 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ANDREA LOATHES REILLY Posted March 22, 2007 Members Share Posted March 22, 2007 I'm on Team Adam and Team Erica! And I will be on the team of anyone who is NOT singing the praises of the BABY STEALING HOs! If not for Erica, and now Adam, AMC would hold no interest for me because all the other characters do nothing but chant for the pig sluts the entire hour. As for Adam and Stuart... Can't feel sorry for anyone who wants to whitewash the actions of that whore, Krystal. Adam is supposed to say, "no biggie"??? Don't think so! Here you have a man who finds out that not only did his wife cheat, but the child he thought was his belongs to another man. How is Adam supposed to handle that? The last thing he needs is for everyone to treat the adulterous slut as if she were a victim of Adam. I was really excited about AMC for the last few days, but that may be gone after viewing the goings on at the police station. Whether or not the 2 pigs remain in jail should not be up to Erica. Erica seeing them together on a certain night does not prove/disprove that they were going to scam the insurance company. Yes, we know the Carey Sluts didn't do it this time (I refuse to use the word "innocent" with those 2), but if we are going by evidence, circumstantial or not, the company still needs to follow through because there is a pretty good case. And when the reporter delivered the news, just look at how fast the heads turn on the other side of the room. The 3 should have whiplash! Zoe just got the job, and now she is off to go see about Pig Whore ii??? No wonder Fusion is in the dumps! Adam and Erica are not the bad guys here, and I will root for them forever. There better not ever come a time when Erica is on the Babe is Love train. I will not take that lightly! Adam has seen the light, and he better not backslide! ADIOS MCHACKISH! ANDREA Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ANDREA LOATHES REILLY Posted March 22, 2007 Members Share Posted March 22, 2007 I, too, would love to see that dumping site die!... Only a talentless hack would have everyone in town own and work at the same little shop... BURN FUSION...BURN!!!! ANDREA Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R Sinclair Posted March 22, 2007 Members Share Posted March 22, 2007 Especially when family lets whores infiltrate and steam roll over family. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members dragonflies Posted March 22, 2007 Members Share Posted March 22, 2007 Yeah the last thing Adam wanted to hear at that moment was how much the hobag loved him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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