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Days: Mondays show...

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Sorry, Pest Spray, but I have to agree with the camp that suggests Drake asked for the time off -- or didn't. Let me explain.

We need to understand that what happened to his family is HUGE. It was a shock, it was devastating, and it awakened him to the occupational hazards of his job as a soap opera star, with God knows how many truly crazy fans out there.

I know it's bad luck to say things like this, since it sends it out in the universe, but I'm just going to:

I think Drake QUIT the show, and that's why they're scrambling to get it together backstage because the lack of John would be pretty jarring to fans. So they figure, well, if we don't show him AT ALL, it's better than a recast. They probably think the fans wouldn't realize it as easily.

As you said yourself, the fan club members don't know a thing. THey're all pissed off. But they probably couldn't fathom that things finally reached the breaking point.

So that's my vote. Yes, it's shocking, but I'll stick to it. Drake Hogestyn, unfortunately, no longer is a star of "Days of Our Lives." He wishes the cast luck and harbors no ill will to the show, but he must part ways from this profession in the interest of his family.

That's all my theory, nothing that can be proved, at this juncture, or to my knowledge. But I think that's the most likely explanation.

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We've been told that Drake would be on screen by the end of January, February and March LOL. Is he taping? If he is taping, we may have him back by the middle of April. Something has gone wrong with the original plan though. It's been mentioned time and again. There were rumors about rumbles in the cast. Hummm. Makes you wonder.

I though Chelsea looked smashing today. She seems to have two people she listens to, Sami and Nick. I'm a bit worried though. We know that Nick has a thing for weird off-the-wall girls and Willow is one and we know he has a sympathetic, need-to-help nature. Right now I could see Nick marrying Willow and wanting to shelter her, especially knowing the little baby is Shawn's, too. How tragic for Chelsea would that be. But, the music of doom played while Willow was looking over her baby treasures and I wondered if she will actually give birth to a live baby (in the show of course).

Who saw the coming of the accident at the end of the show? I wonder how this plays out.

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A man carrying a bible believed that Drake was possessed by Satan from the "Possession" storyline, and when EJ shot John on the show, it appeared that John was dead at the end of the episode. The crazed fan stalked out Drake's house and saw him (GASP) still alive and realized there could be no way he's still alive since EJ shot him... so he must still be possessed by Satan. So, the man attacked Drake and his family in their backyard. He was trying to 'cast the demon' out of Drake, and it took both Drake and his son to overpower the man and tie him to the deck or something.

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I think they're doing it this way on purpose. They're trying to 'follow a trend' and whatnot.

I liked the messy style today -- THAT was sexy hot! The color? Hell no. It looks like Kate went swimming and the chlorine soaked into the bottom half of her hair. I'm not diggin' it at all.

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I could see Drake asking for a little time off to be with his family and take himself out of the public eye for a while, but he certainly didn't quit. If that were the case, we wouldn't have seen him in the "warm bath of love" dream sequences with Marlena, because Drake would've already been long gone by then.

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Nick wasn't off for a week. Just last week Sami was asking him for help with amnio results... In fact he was on Monday, Tuesday AND Wednesday last week. He is SOOO all over the place.

And whatever may have happened to Drake does not give them an excuse for Marlena. "Underlying tension" is a non-reaction to me. His kidney was stolen, what 2 weeks ago?! That's not a reaction. DAYS missed the beat there. Marlena should have been reacting when it happened. Whatever the deal is with Drake, it has been almost 3 months and I know a lot of fans (non-internet) who really think Drake left the show and John is gone. Maybe DAYS should have done a kidnapping or a faux murder instead of this cheesy coma (though they probably would have missed the beats with those too), it would have been more interesting. This coma is kind of a silent way of telling people he is still on the show when he physically isn't.

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Deidre did not take time off. Because whenever DEIDRE HALL asks for time off, you see it reported in the mags. But seriously, neither of them chose this. If she need time off to deal with the divorce, she would do what she offered to do in 1998, she would take some time off, say so and then return. Neither of them asked for this time off. If they don't work, they don't have an income. They BOTH have families to care for, and they both love their jobs.

Of course it was huge JSF, it was horrible. But if he either quit or took a long time off, SOMEONE would know. They're just been backburnered for the umpteenth time and no one knows why except Corday and/or possibly Sheffer.

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Word of the day: perspective. Both of them are millionaires. Drake has a house in Malibu. Ya' know how much real estate goes for in Malibu?! I think a trailer will set you back half a million. Deidre just divorced a corporate executive who was once president of Columbia Pictures and vice president of NBC! Her kids are set for life.

I don't think trying to muster up economic sympathy for millionaires is going to be very effective with people. I'm certainly not shedding any tears, and I'm sure very few (if any) on this board have ever seen that kind of money.

Stick with the artistic angle if you want anyone to listen to your rallying. "Dey is po'" won't cut it.

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