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The Both and the Beautiful: week of March 19

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QUOTE(Chris B @ Mar 20 2007, 07:14 PM)
I'm so devastated! I just wrote a long reply and it didn't save. :(

LOVE LOVE LOVED seeing Traci Abbott on B&B. I *never* expected that and Brad Bell gets major props for that! You don't see any B&B crossovers on Y&R and we have Sheila and Amber shoved down our throats. Hardly any mentions either which is ridiculous. I hope Traci means we have a good chance of seeing Jack and some of the other Abbotts stopping by.

What, Traci was on B&B and they don't promote the hell out of it!? WTF, CBS!? WTF, CBS!? WTF, CBS!? It's like they don't want to give the superior written Bell soap any exposure so that people keep watching the crap know as Y&R.

I'm all for an Abbott reunion on B&B, they could be mixed with Jackie and NIck and we would have a strong Forrester counterpart...

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I've been on and off with B&B my entire college career, which started in 2002. I can't help BUT to like this show, even if I do give it up for awhile.

Just started taping yesterday and the one thing I can't get over is how much better the lighting and cameras seem to be on sister show Y&R. Not to say that Eileen Davidson isn't beautiful(because she is), but the lighting makes her looks harsh. And I would gladly give Eileen to DAYS fans who want her back as Kristen. All she's really doing is saying, "Yeah, I wanna work here. No, I don't know anything about Rick(closeup on suspicious look on her face)."

I hope that all of this is slow buildup instead of "Holy crap, we have Eileen...let's keep her idle until we find a story for her." Because that is simply a waste of her time and talents.

I liked the Traci Abbott crossover as well. It was quick, easy way to establish her Y&R history and make Ashley seem like she wasn't in another universe.

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As a longtime fan, I've given up totally on this show. I'm sick of repetitive stories, incest, and the ever changing triangles. There's not one couple worth rooting for, and even if you do become invested in a couple, Bell will inevitably screw them up. Bell is the worst head writer in soaps. As long as he has no respect for his audiences, I refuse to watch.

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We get your point. Everyone has the right to be frustrated. So good for you that you quit.

However, this thread is about this week's B&B and the Australian remote and your personal disgruntledness by Brad Bell.

@Bellcurce: I don't see anything wrong with the lighting and ED harshness. She hasn't been that stunning in a long time and even in this suckilicious story Ashley is so much more interesting and complex then she has been the last 2 years on Y&R.

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You blind, boy?! Eileen Davidson is gorgeous! With or without harsh lighting. :lol:

And regarding negative opinions about B&B -- sheilaforever, you *know* I am not Brad Bell's biggest fan by any stretch. I take your point -- will leave my b!tching about his suckilicious writing (your word! not mine :lol: ) for another time, another thread. ;)

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After viewing the entire week I wasn't as impressed. Nothing happened there was no cliffhanger, how boring! For the 20th anniversary week they should've used more of the cast.

Am I wrong in thinking they should've ditched Australia and done Brooke and Ridge's big Rodeo Drive wedding? That way they could utilize the entire cast, drum up tons of publicity in the US and it would make for more exciting episodes (and higher ratings).

It would be the perfect way to blow up the Brooke/Ridge/Phoebe/Rick storyline as well as having Ann/Eric/Stephanie heat up. You can have Bette White for the extra press and fabulousness plus find a way to begin a fued with Felicia and Ashley.

It just seems like such a waste spending your 20th on only two couples, one of which has barely been on the show for a year.

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QUOTE(Chris B @ Mar 24 2007, 03:18 PM)
After viewing the entire week I wasn't as impressed.

I haven't seen the episodes in their entirety yet but so far I was positively. The difference probably is that I've been pissed ever since the announcement who goes to Aussieland and expected absolutely nothing. Now the actual shows are very well done on a directing level and one certain spoiler along about what's going to happen next week in Sydney has won me over. Did we have better location shoots in the past? Of course, but this venture seemed more like a promo tour in Australia anyway with a little shooting at the end of the day. So the results are okay.

BTW, I just started catching up with a full month worth of episodes. There were two things so far I really did enjoy. February 27 with the Ann-Stephanie showdown. This was evil and so twisted like on an HBO-show like "Six Feet Under" minus cursing. Can't believe Betty White was seen since then - luckily she's back on Tuesday. :)

The tanker incident with Taylor and Nick in the cool water was filmed fabulously. Considering a daytime programme and tight budgets, this seemed to be B&B's answer to the GH sweeps stunts for next year's Emmy race in the directing department. Loved it!

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Yes Tracy was on and had some brilliant interaction with Ashley. Highlight of the week despite some great Australian scenery.

Otherwise it was the same dull Brooke & Ridge nonsense that the show never tires of forcing down our throats together with the increasingly annoying Rick & his little baby sister junk. I know the girl can sing but I'd be happy never to see her again. I'd be happier if they move Rick off to someone else more age-appropriate like Ashley. Their interaction has been far more interesting.

I did like some of the Jackie/Donna & Jackie/Stephanie stuff.

In addition I'd like Donna to actually get her own story and stop obsessing with Brooke & Ridge. Good lord she's an adult (as is Stephanie, Jackie, and everybody else who is beyond weird with this annoying obsession shared by so many other adults who need to get their own lives.)

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QUOTE(Chris B @ Mar 25 2007, 11:40 PM)
What I don't get is why Stephanie is so obsessed with Ridge and not her other kids?

THis has been adressed a lot since 2004. And it always made GREAT stories and moments to die for. Remember last year when TAylor called her on this incestuous vibe and earned a royal slap? BUm!!!

I'm sick and tired of RIck & Phoebe - especially since they are SO frontburner. WTF!? Kyle Lowder is much more tolerable without his dragqueen disguise. The short hair is working wonders and I must admit he is really is much better than on DAYS. Still, I'd take back JUstin Torkildsen in a heart beat...

Let's hope that we get to see much more of Staph/Eric/Pam & family pretty soon...

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