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AMC: Wednesday

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I did like Zach's surprise for Kendall - the whole baby Zendall thing today was great.

I already forgot that Ryan had that stupid vascetomy - I wish they hadn't reminded me today.

I'm pissed that we didn't get to see Amanda and Zoe have a little reunion with Babe. Yesterday's episode ended with those two running out of Wildwind to go see her....so what happened? They better show us this reunion or that'll be a huge hole.

I'm pumped for the Adam/Krystal fireworks....The Chandler Mansion is going to blow sky high very very soon...

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Bicentennial Ryan

He is going to be living for 200 years and has many more to go so expect some more vomit inducing, purging, sh1t volcanic eruption out of the a$$hole, and oooh gosh just more crap to make you want to rush to the bathroom and lose 30 pounds from puking so much and making a chocolate mountain! In these years you can expect Ryan to morph into SuperRyan and save the world from the demented Dr. Thing, whose knack for turning breasts into monkey shaped condoms is upsetting the horny men who would even wish to do Rosie O'Donnell in a bikini by means of doggy style, herpe style, oogle style, and any style you can think of that raises those eyebrows and causes eye balls to pop out of their suckets (oh wait leave the sucking for TomKat). Yep it is not a good outlook for the next several years so I say purchase a barf bucket on sale for 10 Dynamite Kiddo pennies and as a bonus offer we will throw in a DVD of Ryan Does Dallas in which he turns the city into a bunch of robots chanting for his holiness to come save them from the evil 10 boobed bionic woman whose breast milk comes equipped with melting off the mens' whack whacks! But Super Ryan will come save the day and prove what he has always proven-that there is no other HO to get this low! That is the Super Ryan promise. Do not count on me to get front row seats for this little extravaganza shindig who knows maybe I can go count sheep, count President Bush's lies by 5s, look at the boob shaped hills squirting chocolate syrup

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I guess podBianca is complete. I knew this was coming but its still unbelievable. She treated Maggie more harshly than she treats that lying skank. In the end this end does'nt hurt Babe but I bet alot of people are disgusted with Bianca. I know I am ready for her to leave. I can't believe this is the same person who once stood with her sister and mother to take down Michael and Lena. In my opinion she is just pathetic. If she spent more than one minute with Miranda every other month I might actually have some respect for her but at this point I am not sure she even cares that her daughter exists. Everything in her life right now resolves around Zoe and Babe to the exclusion of all others. Yes I am bitter. At this point I don't think a change in headwriters will even help more former favourite character.

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I'm watching my tape now and I just have to say, "Bianca, how COULD you?!!!"

My love for the lipstick lesbian with a heart of gold is SERIOUSLY about to fade.

I can't believe she pulled that trash about JR leaving Zoe for dead.

Um, yeah, just don't tell Babe how he APOLOGIZED for that incident -- cause that would prove that JR HAS changed.


JR and Babe 4-EVA!

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Oh, ha, I haven't gotten to that part yet! I stayed in e-mail after typing that. Thanks for spoiling me though -- seriously. I'm SO glad to see my girl hasn't lost her soul.

Still, the writer of this episode screwed fans over by that line of Bianca's, something like, "Some redemption, huh?"

Um, that line made NO sense if she planned on telling Babe the whole story -- which is that JR HAS changed, as she apparently did tell Babe, according to you. So the scriptwriter shamelessly wrote that line, knowing full well what would happen later in the show, JUST to make a nice mini cliffhanger.

That's just WRONG.

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