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Daytime Emmy Nominations: Discussion


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I knew when Dan and Heather had their breakup scene as Kevin and Kelly the night of the tornado that they had good shots at getting Emmy nominations. Those characters are such an integral part of OLTL's fabric, and Dan and Heather fit in so well with that powerhouse cast. However, TIIC decided to fire Dan and continue to give huge amounts of airtime to washed out Michael Easton, uniform Paul Satterfield, and hammy Trevor St. John.

These two nods are a major [!@#$%^&*] You to Frons, Valentini, and Higs.

Should be interesting on Emmy night, with OLTL being much-nominated, but two of the acting nods not even on the show anymore! I wonder if Dan and Heather will show up, and if they will sit with their former castmates.

I hope that this really, really bothers Frons, Valentini, and Hack.

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That's true. Just look at Greg Rikaart. Name 5 dramatic scenes involving Kevin this year. :rolleyes:

I LOVE Marie, but felt she was strongest in October-December, 2005. Roger Howarth & Jeffrey Meek tag-teamed to suck the life out of her in 2006. Kelley Hensley, on the other hand, more than deserved a nom.

This post speaks VOLUMES about what's wrong with SON lately. It was just a comment, Kenny. No need to jump on a high horse love!

And our point is- other people do. To each their own. As for AP, it's a running ATWT/DAYS joke. Chill the F out.

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No, sorry.

I shared my opinion, and he replies asking "what's your point?" That's rude. If I got rude back, too bad, so sad. I didn't throw the first stone. I was sharing my opinion, plain and simple. There doesn't have to be a point. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood -- that's entirely possible. But it really rubbed me the wrong way. Especially considering his earlier comment to me telling me to 'just move on,' re: Kristian Alfonso. Last time I checked, he wasn't my daddy.

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Your original post Kenny.

His reply to it.

Sorry, but your original post is rude as well. Yeah, you're upset about KA. Yeah, you were upset about Eileen. But you made a rude comment about Marie Wilson, so soapsuds commented back at you. If you can dish it out.....

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You're way off base.

I commented on Marie Wilson. The actress. I didn't get rude with the poster... I just said I don't like the actress. Since when is that considered rude? People may disagree with my opinion, but the way I presented it wasn't rude. I think she sucks... y'all love her. Great. That's fine. I didn't get rude with any poster, personally.

Ron, on the other hand, made a rude comment to me, personally. For the second time in this thread. The first time, I let it slide. The second time, no. I'm not going to sit back and tolerate someone's rudeness towards me, and if anyone expects me to, you're so, so wrong.

It doesn't have anything to do with Kristian Alfonso or Eileen Davidson.

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I'm way off base? AGAIN here's soapsuds response, to your "Marie Wilson Sucks!" comment.....

I ju

Look at him attack you. Wow. Like a rabid dog. I TOTALLY get why you think he was getting rude with you. :rolleyes:

Again, here's YOUR quote...

I consider that comment to be rude. So.....since NOW, I guess. :)

Please. God forbid anyone has an opinion different from YOURS! :rolleyes:

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Wow.... Just wow. When I left for class at 9:15 this morning, there were 4 pages. I'm finally caught up. All I'm going to say is, thank God I went to class today. Had I not, I would probably no longer be an SON member. Some harsh comments that really fired me up.

The nominations sucked. Period. Kristian Alfonso deserved the nomination over Jeanne Cooper. Period. The academy hates DAYS. Period.

And an awesomely huge WTF?! to James Stevenson getting a nomination as Jared over any DAYS actor. If you can honestly sit there and tell me that PSNS has more talented actors on their cast than DAYS does, you really need to lay down the pipe...

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Whoever brought up the Genie Francis/Jeanne Cooper thing gets a high five. Both are talented ladies. Though both should not be there.

And whoever brought up dramatics....HUGE WORD. That's exactly why the nominees bore me in repetitiveness. It's also what Kristian Alfonso did in 2006. Despite a few good scenes here and there, how could anyone deem her best actress of 2006? And then didn't the story take a major stand still and KA had nothing to do but act opposite that bland BH dude. So it's kind of a double standard saying that in regards to Michelle Stafford.

Now, granted dramatics was necessary because KA's character did lose her child, but where was the emotion. Nothing about the story pulled me in. I didn't feel emotionally drained or anything. And that's partially the fault of the writing, which KA failed to rise above IMO.

Personally, I think the only one who truly delivered in there big story in 2006 was Lesli Kay. Subtle and nuanced performances, which went unnoticed. These days the academy wants FLASHY "look at me " performances. That is why I wasn't a fan of some of Rowell's work last year, yet loved her in the past two years prior to '06. That's also why I like actors like Melody Thomas Scott, Colleen Zink Pinter, and Robert Newman, who don't have to go over-the-top to be effective.

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