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Daytime Emmy Nominations: Discussion


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I'm not quite sure whether I think Stafford deserved hers this year but I do love the girl. I certainly feel Trent Dawson, Stephanie Gatschet, Tom Pelphrey, Bryton McClure, Jenn Landon, and ESPECIALLY Crystal Chappell deserved their nominations as well.

Not too sure about politics. Seems to me ABC had the tapes in the supporting categories, but couldn't bring it in lead. Hmmm......Minshew, Eakes, Grahn, Wright, DePaiva, Williamson, Knight, Kaye, Burton, St.John, and Easton............with the exceptions of Grahn, DePaiva, and Knight, that ain't the strongest list folks!

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QUOTE(Chris B @ Mar 14 2007, 11:33 AM)
I think had the show finished Luke's story when Martha Byrne returned for maternity leave that she would've gotten a lead actress nod.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh NO. This was MAURA's year. No way could Byrne have matched the performances given by West, Alfonso, Stafford, DePaiva, Flannery, or Grahn this year. She couldn't compete, even if they had finished that Van/Paolo story.

WORD! ME TOO! This morning, all I kept thinking was PLEASE let Maura & Michael BOTH get nommed.......and they did. This is as good for me as when A & Marcy used to be nominated together, which says A LOT!

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It doesn't matter who had a better "year". It only matters who submitted the best ONE episode that was judged by the pre-nom panel. So you could be on a handful of shows or on every day and it doesn't matter.

I don't see why people think it was ok for Genie Francis to be nominated but think Jeanne Cooper didn't deserve it because she wasn't on much? That's a major double standard.

Some actors need to pick better tapes perhaps.

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First, the system is so flawed in that you can barely be on all year and still be nominated for lead actress simply because you had one good episode. That needs to be fixed, because it's a huge problem.

Meanwhile, I don't think it has anything to do with tapes. People are going to vote for their own networks, plain and simple. Good tape or bad tape, if you like your peers, you're going to vote for them regardless of whether or not they happened to pick a good or bad tape.

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Excellent news! These noms just freed up my evening.

Kristian got robbed. Period. To act that well from a story that was written and F'ed up by JER, and she gets nothing in return. Plus PR also did some of the best acting he EVER did, and nothing as well.

Sounds like the work of TGVN.

I love Y&R, but other than PB, I didn't think MS or JC deserved anything this year. JC complained about her lack of story and screen time, and she gets a nom?!

Whose cock do you have to suck to get a nom on this show?! No WONDER their ratings are in the toilet.

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I think Renee Jones (LEXIE) Days should have gotten an emmy!!!!!

I'm rooting for ATWT this year at the Emmy's. I hope Alexandro Chando (MADDIE) wins for younger actress. Jennifer won last year. Too bad Marie Wilson(MEG) and Kelly Hensley(Emilly) werent nominated

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I actually feel that Reckell was the one who was robbed moreso than Alfonso. He was AMAZING at the graveyard this past year. Alfonso was good, but there was nothing particularly distinctive about her performance. Ever since her return in 1994, I've felt that she's held back. She did give more this year, but she wasn't as raw as she should have been IMO. Not when you think about those scenes being handed to a Maura West or a Michelle Stafford or a Martha Byrne or a Kassie DePaiva.

Stafford had some good stuff here & there, but for my money, I'd have liked to have seen Rowell & Case have landed the Pre-noms & noms for Y&R. Oh well.



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Kristian's acting when Lexie told her Zack was brain dead shuld have gotten her the nom, IMO. Peter should have been right there with her.

MS didn't do one thing this year, IMO, to warrant a nom. She spent it slobbering over Nick, and smiling until her face almost cracked. And I love her to death.

I just want to know where the Academy gottheir weed so I can get some. Must be some good [&#33;@#&#036;%^&amp;*].

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