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Ann Coulter calls John Edwards a "faggot"


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Her comment was way off line and stupid.

She should apologize for it, I do not think it is anyones responsiblilty to defend or bemoan her. Let her look like that idiot.

Not to defend Ann, but I have heard people on the left call her way more derogatory names....but again, that is allowed because of who she is. Right?

We all want it ONE way, but not fair to thers. I will never understand that.

But to me, its the same as people calling the President a murderer...thats not cool, but it is allowed. Strange.

And Scotty, did you see Al Gores energy bill???? That is being hypocritical. Because he can afford to waste energy, does that give him the right to tell us we are wrong???

I applaud him for doing what he is doing, but give me a break. He is one of the biggest offenders. (Aside from factories and etc)

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Exactly my point. I am sure you are praising Bill Maher and his comments that we would all be better off if Cheney were killed last week?

These comments are not acceptable.

Coulter, Maher..any of them.

I find it funny that the LEFT thinks that the right has to apologize for anything 'off color" remark that someone makes, but yet those are the same people who are calling for Cheneys death and calling Bush a murder. Very rude, very disturbing. To me...ALL of it is wrong.

But, as my brother, who is fighting in Iraq says...."the Iraqi people may not always be happy with how their country is right now, but they would rather die fighting for their freedom rather that dieing because they disagreed with the dictator or were the wrong religion."

How freaking lucky are we that we can call out President a murder and just act like its nothing out of the ordinary.

Strange indeed.

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1) I don't agree with Maher. Please don't put words in my mouth.

2) I agree the comments are unacceptable, but free speech is funny like that. You can say what you want.

This post didn't even touch on what I wrote. You don't address the reasons my someone might get the impression Bush is a murderer. You don't seem to even take into account someone else's opinion might be worth something. You spent most of that post bringing up what someone else said, and then painted everyone with the same broad brush. Not ALL the left agrees with Maher, just as I'm sure the ALL the right doesn't agree with Coulter.

Nothing is out of the ordinary calling the President a murderer. He is responsible for all those soldiers, and for those who genuinely believe the war is unlawful, unjust and wrong, Bush is not all rainbows and sunshine. No, he has not be declared a murderer in a court of law, but people use the term nonetheless. It's symbolic of his complicity in the deaths of thousands of soliders and even more innocent Iraqi civilians.

If you agree with the war, of course you won't agree. If someone is anti-war, they will have a (gasp!) different viewpoint. (I know, I know, it's a shame, but hey, what can you do?)

Free speech is strange like that.

Strange indeed.

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I find Coulter hilarious and highly entertaining. She's like a stand up comic.

I don't really see the point in making a huge deal out of this. Compared to some of the other stuff she's said, this is small potatoes. Also, we know she's a homophobe, so who cares?

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Heck, I still don't know who she is.

But from the way Scotty told me, she's a vicious woman just seeking out her 15 minutes of fame. And she doesn't care 1) whose toes she steps on ........ and 2) if the fame she receives is bad or good.

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