Members Scotty Posted February 26, 2007 Members Share Posted February 26, 2007 Welcome to the One Life to Live Discussion Thread for the week of February 26h, 2007. We have a lot of exciting stuff coming up this week, so just set back and enjoy. Hope you enjoy your visit and are prepared to discuss the interworkings of Llanview, PA and OLTL. If so, then you're in the right place. So, let's begin our discussion of the good, bad, and ugly that is Llanview, Pennsylvania & One Life to Live... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Scotty Posted February 26, 2007 Author Members Share Posted February 26, 2007 Well so far so good.... I am enjoying the Marcie/Michael, Starr/Cole and Dorian/Lindsay stuff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members SlezaksOLTL Posted February 26, 2007 Members Share Posted February 26, 2007 I think Lindsay should go team up with Viki, Viki and Lindsay bonded I liked them together. Dorian is pathetic, very childish. Clint not seeing this makes him look pretty stupid. This Cole/Starr stuff is way too soon, they are way too young for this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Matt Posted February 26, 2007 Members Share Posted February 26, 2007 OLTL was on in the gym while I was doing cardio today. Let me get this correct --- the entire building is burning down, Nash & Jessica are trapped (knowning the building is burning), and they paused to get half naked and make out?! Suuuuuuuure. That's what I'd do under threat of burning to death. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Jess Posted February 26, 2007 Members Share Posted February 26, 2007 Jess and Nash are my favorite couple. They have such great chemistry. Now let me add my voice to the chorus: That was just pure stupid. Oh yeah, I'm terrified, we're trapped, we're dying, let's have sex. Give me a break. That has to go down as an OLTL classic. I liked Dorian and Lindsay and I hope Lindsay doesn't let Dorian get away with that. I also enjoyed Marcie and Michael. I think I like Antonio and Thalia. I think Cole and Starr are a sweet couple, but it is much too early for sex. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members okgal Posted February 26, 2007 Members Share Posted February 26, 2007 I enjoyed the Lindsay/Dorian scenes - and wasn't that classical Dorian to tell Paige about how Lindsay wanted to break Bo/Paige up so Lindsay could have Bo to herself? Liked the M&M scenes today too Cole/Starr - it was interesting but I really didn't think that their "moment" on the floor would have led to sex but I guess maybe that's what they thought (or at least Cole did). Enjoyed the Bo/John scenes too You would think Jess/Nash would be more concerned about survival instead of ripping each other's clothes off during a fire, but hey, different strokes for different folks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members anita30 Posted February 27, 2007 Members Share Posted February 27, 2007 Ok loved Dorian and Lindsey. They are such a riot. I just they give Lindsey more to do. Jash UGH cant get into them and they are making me feel sorry for Antonio and I dont like that at all. Was they doing a chemistry test with Talia and Antonio interesting indeed. Starr and Cole are ok. I can tolerate Cole when with Starr but something is missing with them. Todd and Vangie always cute for me but once again I know when that hack DH is writing cause she always continues to drop the ball like no tomarrow. Where is my second kiss and semi nekkid Todd. I have to say that was a stupid reason for Cristian to break up with Vangie. Fight for you woman if that is what she is too you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members tina m Posted February 27, 2007 Members Share Posted February 27, 2007 Starr and Cole were cute, I'm glad they decided to wait. Jessica and Nash! Wow! Seriously though, not the time for that haha. God, Van has the WORST LUCK! I really love her and Cris together too!! Dorian being a total !@#$%^&*], haha. I love seeing more Lindsay though!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members 2shane8 Posted February 27, 2007 Members Share Posted February 27, 2007 OL continues to impress! Warning: Long Post! Now, I realize that everyone has said this already, but WTF?! to Jessica and Nash. I was laughing so hard at the end, and I do NOT think that was the desired effect! They are my favorite couple on this show (or soon to be couple, LOL), and up to that point everything was super. Jessica finally admitted that she has feelings, and that every time they kiss it's not Nash's fault. Nash took off his shirt, which is always fine with me. And when they both said that they loved each other, I was so happy! But then to start having sex while the place is burning down ... just ... LOL. The funny thing is that Jessica and Nash are allowing me to realize that I like Antonio and find him to be sexy. It's an example, frankly, how how TPTB can ruin a character by pimping a couple no one cares about. Anotonio and Jessica were never right for one another in my opinion, but now I am starting to feel bad for him, and I also thought HE looked hot in that tee shirt while talking to Talia, who by the way is an example of how you DO integrate a new character. I like her already, and that's because she was not thrust into the spotlight along the lines of Spencer, Paige, and Nash (I have to admit they put him on too much at first, even though I never minded and would sleep with Forbes March in a heartbeat). The one character under Higley's reign who didn't get shoved into our faces from the get-go was Hugh, and now he's gone! So better luck to Talia. Marcie is so pretty, and I'm glad that they showed her without shirt sleeves for once. Starr and Cole: I agree that they don't need to be going into a sex story with these two, and I sure don't want to see it, but I will say two things in their defense: 1) it DOES happen at this age in real life, and 2) Starr said no, which is wonderful! Kristen Alderson is doing a fine job as always. I love Blair (she wasn't even on today, this is a just my usual pimping, since everybody on here except me, Jess, and HeatherHCB is annoyed with her!) Todd and Evangeline proved interesting today, as did On Fire With Jealousy David Fumero. Can I mention how hot I find David Fumero? Also: Renee Elise Goldsberry is a good actress, and I don't see how people can hate her as they do on some boards. This triangle is riveting, although something tells me it's not going to be much of a triangle. Cristian seems "done" with her, and I don't know if they built Cris and Van up enough as a couple (they started dating when I was on my break last year) to make it worth devoting airtime to Cris fighting for her. I will say that these jealous rants over the past week have been the best work I've seen from David Fumero in ages! Now if you have read this far, I have saved the best for last! Dorian, Lindsay, and Paige! OMG: this is so the sort of thing I want to see! I am so glad that Lindsay told Dorian that she and Viki bonded, and didn't it annoy everybody that Dorian was so callous about their dead daughters, when you know she is always worried sick about her girls?! That having been said, did anyone else notice how positively MISCHIEVOUS Robin Strasser looked today? Lol, she looked like she was having the best time, and I loved her smirks even though Dorian was annoying as hell. Dorian and Linds are the first people who have made me like Paige, and I never thought I would write those words, but I just did! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members oltlwatcher Posted February 27, 2007 Members Share Posted February 27, 2007 I liked the Michael and Marcie scenes today. and I can't wait to see what will happen tomorrow, Poor Marcie in those previews looks like a scared little kid. I was so glad to see Michael and Marcie getting more to do on the show I also liked the Starr and Cole scenes , they had more adult dialogue than Dorian and Lindsay, I like that I have no idea who the arsonist is. It is refreshing not to know something immediately I have really liked the who dunnit of Spencer, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Scotty Posted February 27, 2007 Author Members Share Posted February 27, 2007 Great post Shane! You made sooo many good points. I agree with what you said about Marcie. I think Kathy Brier is very beautiful and sexy. And Starr and Cole are NOT that sex. I thought the sex talk was appropriate. I'm not exactly sure on Starr and Cole's ages....but Kristen is almost 16 and Brandon is a few years older. And, as Shane pointed out, teens are having sex earlier and earlier these days. So they are reaching the age when the hormones are starting to kick in. I'm glad they had this talk today. And their scenes were so cute. The Lindsay/Dorian stuff was classic today. Robin Strasser is the queen of smirks. I agree, it looked like she was having fun. I have heard people talking about how Dorian has become this old shrew and everything, and leaves me thinking "Ummm...hello?!? Dorian's always been like that!" That's just who she is. But I love her little looks and snide remarks and comments. And kudos to Lindsay for not taking any crap from Dorian today. It's great to see Catherine Hickland more these days. And BethAnn Bonner was smokin' today! She looked hot in that dress! The Evangeline/Todd/Cristian stuff was ok...... The John/Bo scenes were tolerable...thanks to Bo. Michael needs to take a chill pill and simmer down. He's making himself look more and more guilty all the time. I don't mind Paige. I like her. And the Jessica/Nash stuff just leaves me shaking my head. It's like "Oh no the building is on fire and we're locked in the store room. No one can hear our cries for help. Whatever shall we do? Oh, I know...I have an idea. Let's get naked and have sex before we are bar-b-que!" Poor Antonio....normally I don't care much for him. But after what Jessica and Nash are doing, he is the good guy. I actually feel sorry for him in a sense. And that's saying a lot for me to type that! And just how many times in the last two episodes has he ran around asking people if they've seen Jessica? I can recall at least about 3 or 4. Wonder who the arsonist's next target is? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Dr. Jay S.W. Posted February 27, 2007 Members Share Posted February 27, 2007 Hey Scotty, Brandon Buddy is 21 years old. Who woulda believed it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Scotty Posted February 27, 2007 Author Members Share Posted February 27, 2007 I saw at Wikipedia.....says he is believed to be around 21. You know he doesn't look that old. He looks like about 16 or 17. Kristen Alderson won't be 16 until that is a pretty good difference in their ages. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members BetweenHeaven&Hell Posted February 27, 2007 Members Share Posted February 27, 2007 The ending of today's episode made me hope Nash and Jess or Tess or whoever she wants to be today die. Jessica panics, saying they're going to die...then takes off her shirt and has sex while the smoke comes in and after giving a speech about not wanting to hurt Antonio. UGH! Stupid people. Let them burn. Cole and Starr are being portrayed very realistically - so they should be talking about sex. What high school couple doesn't talk about it? If they weren't discussing it, there would be a problem. Teens have sex and they always have and always will. Todd and Blair are so f-ing annoying. They're so screwed up that they go around screwing up things for everyone else. Todd has wrecked Cristian and Evangeline's relationship, and Evangeline is to blame as well. She's such a moron. Cristian and Antonio need to go on a little killing spree: kill Evangeline, Nash and Jessica escape death and return to Llanview years later after Antonio's found a new wife (Talia maybe), Todd is shot and nearly dies for the twentieth time, so Blair decides she'll give their marriage a go again. Somehow make Dorian have to be in a wheelchair too so she's weaker - I get sick of her being on her high horse all the time. Lindsay is making mad for even talking to Dorian, she should know better. Paige...shouldn't she still be mourning Hugh...she can go crawl back under her rock. Everyone annoyed me today except Antonio/Talia/Michael/Marcie/Starr/Cole/Bo. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Jess Posted February 27, 2007 Members Share Posted February 27, 2007 I don't trust the show. I have to believe that what they are doing with Jessica and Nash is totally intentional and they are trying to make them as undesirable as possible so that once again Antonio and Jessica will be crammed down our throat. No one is so stupid that they can believe what is happening now on this show. Jessica and Nash are my favorite couple and they were the favorite couple of many many many soap fans. No way, Frons is going to let that happen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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