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The State of Y&R

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To get this back on track (as Y&R used to say)...

But the thing about this story is that it's had a series of starts and stops. I swear to God last summer I thought it was over. Everyone acted like it was over. Brad killed the bad guys and everyone involved moved on. Then suddenly, literally out of the blue, Brad started worrying about other people coming after them. This was so out of nowhere I thought they had forgotten what they'd written. It is being terribly handled like nothing I've seen before. Brad is constantly angry, Victoria is being shown as his just his wife, nothing more when we know she is so much more. The very basis for the story is proposterous. What, Nana Kaplan was categorizing at 13? They're being chased by MmaybeNazis in 2007? Brad's lived comfortably as part of Genoa City society, marrying wealthy women exclusively and not one single soul ever looked in the society section of their paper saw his latest engagement/wedding announcement and said "Hey, that's George Kaplan, I knew/went to school/had sex with him!"? The essence of the story is patently absurd.

That might be true, she has the capability for that however she is being shoved down our throats. She's had maybe 5 days off since she joined the show. No new character should be on that much. That's simply bad soap.

I also love the new character Cane, the Amber/Cane stuff, and I adore Maggie Sullivan and her romance with Paul.

Hating Gloria doesn't make Judith a bad actress, my hatred of Gloria is entirely based on the remorseless, amoral character.

This story should be an A-Story yet, at best, it's being treated like a B-Story while Amber's "romance" with Cane and Colleen's infatuation with Korbel is on every freakin' day. Kay revealed that she GAVE JILL'S SON AWAY (not yelling at you, that's just for effect) and they are lucky if they're on two days a week. Whereas Colleen and Korbel have been having literally the same conversation for 3 months.

I feel as though Y&R shouldn't be praised just because everything else is crap. That's insulting to me as a viewer. "Oh, well, at least you're better than that crap! Let me praise you up and down!" It's like praising an average episode simply because it isn't horse dung.

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Hogan, I've stood up in defense of you before... and now you're making the same mistake you made again.

Last time, your excuse was depression or medication or something. I'm telling you now to calm down, or you're going to end up banned. I like you, and I don't want to see that happen. So please... take a chill pill.

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I don't really have the energy to state why I think the show is turning into rotting garbage, but here it goes.

LML is so half azzed its ridiculous. Not only are her stories never thought through, but she completely ignores history to write in crap. Ashley Abbott moving away to HONG FRICKEN KONG because Jack is Mean? WHAT THE FUGG????? Jack wanting his sister to leave? Ashley not agreeing with Jack taking away what is rightfully theirs? Are you kidding me?

Phyllis the loon boon is now Y&R's premeire wife and mother? Are you kidding me, ARE YOU KIDDING ME??

The only way you can get her to play crazy because Latham has completely stepford wifed her is to steal the perenial performance of another great villian? You have to turn Phyllis into Sheila??? Latham needs her entire azz kicked just for that alone. This is paternity switching Phyllis. This is set a building on fire with a person in it Phyllis, this is hem Diane in a headlock Phyllis but now all of a sudden butter doesn't melt in her mouth??? You have to steal Kimberlin's thunder to incorporate it for Michelle Stafford? Not only is this insulting to Kimberlin, but Michelle doesn't need it, she can play certifable without anyone's help.

We're supposed to believe that Brad Carlton, an executive of two Major corporations, hadn't been found out in 20 years about being a long lost supposed killer? These relequary people haven't figured that out?

Victor wins everything, he can have epileptic seizure but he still knows everything Jack is doing?

Kevin the moron is a computer whiz who can hack into email but NOONE discovers it,, noone discovers the bull he and Michael were up to with Jack? Gloria the idiot hasn't been found out yet tainting cream?'

She turns Katherine into a dumb biitch who is somehow Mystically able to tell what Jack is doing but so dumb she doesn't know that what Michael and

And She Killed John to prop Gloria. I will never forgive the biitch for that.

She plays favorites, ignores history, rewrites things, starts crap out, doesn't finish it. I'm now finding different things to do with my time at what used to be the best hour in soap time, 11 central.

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