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AMC: Wednesday

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Can someone tell me who Aidan's second message was for? There was Leora and then one other but I couldn't see the name....I'm guessing Erin?

I think that was the best part, everyone that got included. For once TPTB weren't being pricks. They included Edmund while we know he got the Cady/Dixie "Edmund who?" treatment when he left. They didn't try to avoid mentions of Dixie. They even remembered Julia has parents!

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It was Erin.

And I think that was all Amanda Beall's doing. She always is respectful of history and remembering the past. We got Grandma Kate, Hector Santos, Jenny and Noah! Those are impressive...let alone the Edmund, Harold, Trevor, Leora ones.

I have no complaints at ALL - but I was sorta hoping Ryan was around that scene too so he could have made Gillian a Valentine. That would have been the cherry on top - but I understand the Ryan/Annie thing had to be done.

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Does anyone remember if the ratings for the 9/11 episode jumped at all? I don't think they did if I remember correctly :(

I really really hope AMC gets good numbers for today and they get a clue. Since it wasn't really hyped at all it probably won't happen though.

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Jenny is Tad's sister, and Opal's daughter. She was part of a powerhouse supercouple back in those days (Greg and Jenny) - but was surprisingly and sadly killed on a jetski accident. It was shocking and every mother cried for weeks after that. Opal just mentioned her the other day.

Noah was Julia's first husband - they were a hugely popular interracial couple in the 90's. They had to go into the Witness Protection Program and unfortunately we found out Noah was killed when Julia was brought back in 2005.

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Ah yes they did forget someone...Gillian. But I didn't even think of it until you mentioned it, which is odd since she crossed my mind several times when Ryan was showing Annie around the estate.

I thought it was funny when Ryan mentioned the stables had been re-built (post shovel to the head and fire). The set is exactly the same lol.

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I hope so too!

I remember being disappointed in the 9/11 ratings - I think it only jumped maybe .1 or .2 at the most. I remember people saying that it was bc it wasn't hyped and no one knew about it.

But when they replayed the 9/11 episode on Thanksgiving (I think that was the day) - they got at least .5 - .6 higher ratings than the other soaps playing an episode that day. The #1 rated soap episode that day.

Oh and Amanda Beall did the entire 9/11 episode herself too ;)

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Did anyone who let the balloons go, know Gillian? Cause it makes sense if they didn't. I mean, I don't see AMC leaving Gillian off, and remembering Harold the Dog, unless the people who were there, didn't really know her. If Ryan was there and they didn't, I'd be a little pissed, to say the least.LOL

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