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DAYS: Friday February 9

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EJ was awesome today!! I loved how he saved the Mythic presentation.

The story with Claire getting sick has a lot of potential. Even though the doctor said its likely to be sea-sickness, it looks like it could turn out to be worse.

Steve did really well today, as usual. It was nice when the doctor told him to relax and think of something nice, and he looked over at Kayla.

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"Think of something pleasurable" -- Steve leered at Kayla and smiled and she giggled and blushed. So cute.

Can't talk about the whole show yet because it's not on for about an hour, but Steve was amazing today as usual.

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I started watching half way through, so I will have to watch the beginning later.

Steve's memories of being torture: was it just me or did it sound as if EJ was singing when he said "You're one of us now" over and over.

Billie thinking the baby isn't Lucas's :rolleyes: what a way to support your brothers girlfriend. (even though we know there is a possibility)

Shawn and Belle looking at the stars, alright, I have never been on a cruise ship, but aren't the windows small? And no Shawn you do not look like a Lowyd (I don't know how it's spelt)

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What da hell Steve, you really did a good job of breaking out of the psych hospital. How they keep any patients in is beyond me.

Who does Kate think she is telling Billie to not get involved with EJ. He was good enough for her. I loved Billie telling her that she does not take orders from her mother.

I loved Billies line about everyone in her family being so incestuous. (damn spelling)

EJ nice job putting a spin on the video. Good Lawd, what a crock of sh!t.

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There's only about 15 minuts left of the show. I'm enjoying today. :)

Kudos to EJ for being smart enough to save the presentation. That's a smart boy there. Stefano raised him well. ;) LMAO at Kate walking in on EJ and Billie's flirting. This has the 90s written all over again. Old school fans can remember that Kate was jealous of Billie (before she knew she was her daughter) and Victor's budding friendship. Kate thought there was more to it, but Billie never had real feelings for Victor. That may not be the case this time with EJ. I can see Billie falling for the DiMera Brit. And Kate doesn't want Billie getting invovled with EJ? That's cause you want him for yourself, Kate!

Billie: This isn't Lucas' child, is it?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm enjoying Sami and Billie's growing friendship. They never were friends in the past, but you could always tell that Billie didn't hate Sami as much as Kate did, but she was no fan of hers either. Unlike Kate, Billie understands that Lucas loves Sami and wants her brother to be happy so she'll try to get along with Sami.

I liked Steve's scenes as usual. Kayla continues to bore me. Nothing new in that story.

I'm loving SHELLE. Part of me doesn't want them back together, but Brandon Beemer and Martha Madison have undeniable chemistry and do belong together! AHH, the agony!

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Anti-rejection meds is only one oversight. Getting on a cruise liner from Toronto rotflmbo and one day out, they are in international waters oh hohohoho catching my sides here on their way to Australia. This is beyond over and above bizarre. The best thing though is the cruise liner at least gives the illusion of a wholesome place for a change and Shawn and Belle don't look as seedy.

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PLEASURABLE!!! That's it. I couldn't think of the exact word.

After thinking more and more about it, I must agree - the only reason Kate doesn't want Billie getting together with EJ is so she can coninue having her needs fulfilled. I highly doubt it has all that much to do with Kate knowing EJ is a bad boy.

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This show continues to be RIDICULOUSLY BETTER than just a short time ago, when JER was the moronic head writer. It's unbelieveable how much of a difference the show is when it's written well. I'm so excited for Days and its future, even if NBC decides to get out of the Soap business...I have renewed confidence that the Sands will continue through the hourglass for many years to come.

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Good episode.

I am glad we are seeing Billie interact with others. I hope they keep putting Billie in scenes with Sami. Love them. Pinson looks great and seems to love working with James Scott. Loved the EJ/Kate stuff. The way EJ saved that press conference was brilliant. Kate telling Billie to stay away from EJ was good. The way they were talking I was reminded of when they both went after Nicholas Alamain. Great scenes with this story.

This is the best Shawn and Belle have been for weeks. I liked their scenes because we saw the slow progression towards their reunion on display. I liked the twist of Claire getting sick. Has potential, especially with her medical history.

Steve and Kayla were good. SN rocked and I loved how he went "Ohhh" when the lights went down and the way he looked at Kayla and she laughed when the doctor asked him to focus on something pleasurable. SN rocked today and I have loved MBE this week. Those scenes of EJ/Steve were good and I have a feeling alot of that was recent because there is no way Hogan would have EJ there unless it was. Now then the question would be what happened before and after what Steve remembered? I am loving this story. I just love how easy it was for Steve to escape :lol: Crafty as always.

Good ending to the week. Nothing special but I do look forward to Monday and next week.

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