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ALL: Jeff Zucker, "PSNS Cancellation is the Beginning of the End" of Network Soap Operas

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Well, on one hand, he didn't say anything we all don't say every Thursday in the ratings threads. But on the other hand, this is just silly. Passions isn't even a real soap opera. And Zucker obviously isn't at the top of his game like he used to be, considering NBC is the #4 Network once the annual ratings come in, and two years ago, it was #1!

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I love how NBC and Zucker are the only ones admitting defeat and saying it's the end without even trying like ABC and CBS qare. Those two networks seem committed to trying to find ways to keep soaps around. ABC may have it's issues but I can given them that. He finally has Days going in the right direction and he is already writing them off.

Zucker and NBC can go to hell. Seriously, his statement regarding Days was bad enough now he has to go and say all this [!@#$%^&*]? What an ass!! :angry: .

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I am FUMING right now!!!!! I can't believe this!!!!! And the others who said NBC is not commited to their soaps like CBS and ABC are are right. Theyv'e cancelled four in the past two decades, and they are going to cancel Days in 2009. :angry::angry::angry:

Like Phoenix said, ABC may have it's problems but they are commited to their soaps. You can see this by Frons' bosses bringing in Kay Alden and Jack Smith (who do have their problems as well, but are WAY better than the people ABC has got now).

CBS is obviously commited to their soaps, even though ATWT is in bad shape and partially GL you can see it. NBC never has been, and sadly this does not suprise me.

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Zucker has no CLUE what he's talking about. PASSIONS could have been fixed, if the network had just stepped in and forced some changes. DOOL is in the process of rebounding after years of problems with the writing staff, and it should never have been allowed to get as bad as it did. NBC could have a very successful daytime IF they wanted to, but for some reason they want to get out of the genre altogether. They are alienating a lot of loyal viewers, especially with Zucker opening his mouth and showing how much of an idiot he is, and with the position NBC is in right now they should be thinking about preserving viewers instead of making them angry. Despite what Zucker seems to think, four hours of Today, Heroes, and Deal or No Deal is not going to save his network.

I hope Sony/Corday has some kind of a plan to save DOOL. It's getting harder and harder to keep my positive thinking!

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Well duh. If NBC has gone from 1 to no.4 hell FOX is even beating then you should fire the man that let it happen. Jeff Suck Ass. How dare he say passions is te beigning of the end for soaps, who he think he is?. Corday, Look for networks now. My BET is that by the time 2009 get here, GL will be hovering around a 2.0 or 1.9 or so, and CBS will cacel it to add DAYS to their network. I am glad to see P&G and ABCD behind there soaps.

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