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ALL: Jeff Zucker, "PSNS Cancellation is the Beginning of the End" of Network Soap Operas

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How is WOLFIE's L&O franchise doing? Once upon a time it was MUST SEE TV for me, all three of them, now I only make a point of watching SVU (Love Mariska & Chris)

And I wouldn't trust P&G as far as I could throw them. They'll get their commercial time no matter what is airing. MADD COW (Mary Alice Dwyer Dobbin) said AW was healthy and going nowhere (in SOW,I believe) a scant two weeks before it's cancellation was announced. Everyone blamed the fat broad (let's kill the messenger!) but it was all PTB at P&G and NBC. NBC made it easy for P&G and P&G made it easy for the network ---- granted CBS is much more supportive but no P&G exec is going to be as stupid as Jeff Zucker and show all their cards.

A - HOLE deserves to be fired for sabotaging his own network but he is only telling us a brutal truth.

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I think the quotes from P&G and Frons are "spin." I hope they have plans to continue their shows, and they may. But even if they don't, they don't want viewers turning off the TV because they feel there's no point in investing their time and, yes, hearts in these characters and storylines that aren't going to go very far. If 2009, for example, is the year all soaps will cease to exist, you don't start telling loyal fans in 2007!!!

Re: EricaKane's comment about DVDs and royalties . . . For a lot of the older stuff, there was no mention of DVDs in the contracts because no one had ever heard of them. From articles I've read about shows like "Dallas," there are no royalties for the old stuff, and there are no problems with permissions unless they are showing something less than the whole product. Personally, I'm ready for "Days of our Lives: The Complete First Year, Vol. 1 of 12." :-)

Stupid Reilly. Stupid Zucker. After the 27 years I've spent getting to know characters like Alice Horton, Maggie Horton, Roman Brady, Abe Carver, Bo Brady, Hope Brady, and Marlena Evans, I defy you to cancel this series!!!

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Okay, I get it.. but just saying "low ratings" doesn't tell us the whole story... as you know. I'm going to ask that crazy shrew grandmother of mine if she knows anything, like if they put only wrestling or hockey on five nights a week like "who wants to be a millionaire" on ABC (and what was their daytime schedule!)

And thanks Kenny - for the link

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