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GL: Lizzie fakes baby blues & drugs Jonathan to try and rape him

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To papraphrase, Lizzie decides to fake post partum depression in order to get Jonathan to stay at her side. She rents a video to take tips. At the baby shower, she drugs Jonathan in order to have sex, but he passes out. Tammy catches a passed out Jonathan and lizzie. Lizzie makes it seem as though they have been intimate.

The skank has really done it this time. Why does this show insist on mocking every illness known to man? I'll reserve judgement until I see the fallout but I'm so damn tired of Jonathan being made a !@#$%^&*] of by Lizzie. Where's your set, JB? Lost in Lizzie's purse?!

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I didn't mind the Tammy/Jonathan/Lizzie story before when they were playing the Tammy & Lizzie/Melanie & Scarlett parallel but I've had enough of this [!@#$%^&*]. I am soo not interested in seeing a drug and attempted rape story play out. Especially not with a shallow character like Lizzie Spaulding. When Jonathan gave Lizzie the drugs to get Joey in bed, that was in support of the bigger story which was about an angry young man who had suffered through years of parental abuse and wanted to get back at the mother who gave him up (and who he held primarily responsible for all those traumatic years) by sleeping with his innocent cousin.

But this current story is about a deluded chick who simply wants to get her husband (who, BTW, never once claimed that he loved her and who she saw cheat on her with the woman she managed to take him away from) in the sack. Effing ridiculous! :angry: They've turned Lizzie into a one-note hyperactive psycho, they've emasculated Jonathan to the point where he's boring. Geez...the only person I really enjoy in this story is Tammy is because she's finally thrown away the goody-goody act with Lizzie.

I still can't believe that they are giving Pelphrey & Gatschet this [!@#$%^&*] to work with before they leave. What a way to send off GL's most popular couple. :rolleyes:

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Jonathan didn't know Lizzie was involved with Joey and Tammy when he gave her the drugs. It wasn't until later when Lizzie and Jonathan were faking a relationship that Jonathan realized that Lizzie's rival for Joey was Tammy.

Lizzie has been deluded since Crystal Hunt arrived. Lizzie, in her last two incarnations, has become needy and clingy. Jonathan has gotten his just desserts. He keeps everyone at arms length and does whatever he wants. Now he has to deal with Lizzie in all her psychotic glory. For me, Jonathan became boring because they refuse to show him grow. Jonathan changes, but it's never a process. At least that's the way it was when I was still watching. No one has grown in this story, everyone is back to where they've started. I like how it brings the couple full circle. In the beginning of the Jonathan drama, it was Tammy vs. Lizzie and that's the way it should go out.

A lot of other actors have been given loads of crap as exit stories. Why should Jonathan and Tammy be any different? Just be happy they didn't get the Michelle and Danny treatment. Nancy St. Alban was sent on an EXTENDED maternity leave, brought back with a who's the daddy story. St. Alban and Stewart were fired, and there storyline turned into a baby swap that ended with all FOUR actors involved in the story leaving.

I feel bad for "Guiding Light" fans who continue to hold out hope for happy endings for the characters and are constantly let down. I know there are probably some who think that "Guiding Light" is awesome and always awesome, and hey different stroke for different folks, but I sympathize with "Guiding Light" fans who feel let down.

I guess it should be some consolation that they aren't recasting, well at least immediately.

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Overall, though, the way TPTB wrote the drug bit of that story was to help get to the bigger story which was Jonathan's revenge on Reva, wasn't it?

Well, if you're referring to the kind of family man Jonathan has become, I completely agree. Many have said about how Jonathan has matured making him a father but I think it was a horrible mistake to make him a father so soon. He's been matured into boredom. He went from not giving a crap about what other people wanted to obeying their every order. :rolleyes:

I actually thought the fallout of the baby swap was really well done. But like you said, most of these actors were fired so it should come as no surprise why they would be given bad exit stories. Pelphrey & Gatschet left on their own free will and I get the impression that TPTB love them..why else have they gotten so much airtime over the years? So yeah, it does surprise me why they would be given such crap for almost an entire year. Compared to 2005, 2006 was full of contrived plots and bad character writing.

I'm not naive, though...I've seen TPTB and fan favourites get horrible storylines or a trip to no-storyland before leaving and I've [!@#$%^&*]ed about those poor sendoffs. Right now, my frustration is towards Pelphrey & Gatschet's.

Haha..I'm not sure if you're referring to me but I'm not necessarily looking for a happy ending here. If I get a dark and depressing ending and it's well-written, I'll take it. Tammy & Jonathan were never painted as being a truly normal, healthy relationship so I am half-expecting a sad ending but I do want something dramatic and compelling as well.

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I'm not clear on what you mean by this. Jonathan giving Lizzie the drugs was a crucial plot point because it lead to Joey's exit which was a big part of the Jonathan's revenge, but Jonathan didn't come to town to seduce Tammy. You're correct that Jonathan came to get back at Reva, as well as Sandy. Circumstances just allowed Tammy to be the perfect pawn for Jonathan to use to execute the plot.

Jonathan came to town as JB and sold drugs to make his way. Lizzie set out to drug Joey. First, she asked Tony Santos for drugs and turned her down. JB oversaw the situation and sold her the drugs. Lizzie later offered him money to be her boyfriend. In the meantime, JB was sending threatening emails to Sandy. The story was initially centered on Sandy, and I don't think that Reva and Jonathan met until early October. When 'dating' Lizzie, Jonathan learned that it Tammy had hooked up with Jonathan on the rebound from Joey and after being turned down by Tony Santos. Tammy took Jonathan to the hospital after Sandy's accident and we had the first Reva and Jonathan encounter. I never got the impression that Jonathan cooked up the Tammy plot

So yeah, the drugging lead to Jonathan's revenge, but when it happened it wasn't intentional. Jonathan's involvement with Lizzie was separate from his revenge plot, but the two threads were written so that they'd intersect and lead to the drama.

I'm actually referring to the whole 'I want to be good for Tammy stuff' around the summer of 2005. Kriezman hasn't been good at showing growth. There is change, but as Jerry ver Dorn said, daytime is about evolution not revolution. That's my problem with the current vision of "Guiding Light" there isn't evolution. I suspect that the Jonathan becomes a daddy and straightlaced thing is similar

To be honest, I saw very little of the story, but I just didn't see any emotional fallout if everyone was out. Cassie didn't seem very broken up over Hope other than being protective of Tammy in the immediate aftermath.

The problem with Jonathan and Tammy is the triangle with Sandy was too contrived. Sandy was never a contender in the story and they had to make him a psycho to end it. Now, they've added Lizzie as the third party psycho and are playing on the psychosis rather than the history of the characters. A Lizzie, Tammy, and Jonathan triangle could have been dark, twisted, and laden with past injustices being brought to light that would have been must see tv. Instead, they played the easiest route by making Lizzie a psycho keeping Jonathan and Tammy apart.

Honestly, that's why I like the potential of Lizzie drugging Jonathan. The story could be ugly and very in character.

No, I wasn't referring to you. lol. I just know there are "Guiding Light" cheerleaders who hate negative posts, and I was just trying to cover my bases. Happy endings was probably the wrong phrase. Satsifying endings?

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Are you sure? I always got the impression that Jonathan had been planning to use Tammy to get back at Reva from the start. He knew she was a virgin and he also jumped at the opportunity to tell Tammy that Joey & Lizzie had slept together. Wasn't the first Reva/Jonathan encounter at Cassie's house where Tammy introduced Reva to JB. That was before Sandy's accident. I think making it so that what Jonathan did to Tammy was not intentional would really take away from the complexity of the story. I always believed that Jonathan purposely chose to hurt Tammy because she was close to Reva, she was innocent, and up until Tammy admitted her childhood wasn't a fairytale, he envied the idea that she grew up in a home that he wished he had. Most of all, he knew using her and in the way that he did would disgust everyone...and it did.

I think it'll be fair to say there were many ambiguities in this story and that's partly what made it so compelling. I think TPTB already knew from the start how Jonathan was going to have his revenge on Reva and how it would happen.

I thought it was well done. All those months leading up to that summer...despite Tammy being very cold and snarky at first (and for good reason), she consistently gave Jonathan the time of day. She also questioned his attitude problems a lot and called him on his b.s. I loved their dynamic back then (I still love them now but the way they read each other back then without the notion that they would eventually be paired romantically for real was something else). The difference between Jonathan wanting to be good then and wanting to be good now is that he often got volatile back then. He was still in character despite the new desire and attempts to change. Now, he just seems to be living in some kind of trance doing everything rather mechanically. I suppose it makes sense when I think about it but it seems more of a Tammy thing to do rather than a Jonathan thing to do.

See, I think Cassie did show that she was broken over Hope by transferring all those feelings to Tammy. She put so much effort into the Tammy/Sandy wedding because she felt it would make up for her losing Hope. There was one scene where she kept telling Tammy how good and perfect she was and how she was her 'hope' (no joke, she actually said this). It was so obvious that Tammy was overwhelmed by what Cassie was saying and that Cassie's praise of her was excessive.

But Lizzie didn't become psycho up until recently. All those months, I believed the show was having multiple personality disorder in terms of which couple they wanted us to root for. They wrote Lizzie as a lonely person who just wanted to love her. At first, they had her semi-struggling over having feelings for a really good friend's boyfriend and then that got shot to hell. Right before Jonathan & Tammy's breakup when Lizzie was at the hospital, it almost seemed like she finally got a clue that Jonathan would never love her the way he loved Tammy and I actually felt really bad for her but then they had Jammy break up and Lizzie suddenly became psychotic in her love for Jonathan. A few months ago, she was willing to let him go knowing that he would never really love her but now, even after seeing that he will always love Tammy, she still wants him. :blink:

And I think I just explained why I don't think it's in character unless you're buying this month-old reincarnation of Lizzie Spaulding. Wasn't the whole point of this storyline to make Lizzie grow up? Wasn't that the point of pairing her with Coop in the first place?? Two years ago, this drugging storyline would have worked but now now. Unless...we excuse her backtracking in character by saying that she never changed...she was only trying to. And now...I think I've just confused myself. :lol:

The story is going to be ugly...but not in any sort of compelling way. It sounds like it's going to be extremely campy. But we'll see.

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I never meant to question Jonathan's intentions. They were cruel and he purposedly chose Tammy, but I was saying that Tammy kind of fell into his lap rather than coming to town to purpose bed Tammy. But I was wrong. I looked over my videos today and realized that I was remembering wrong. Jonathan all ready seemed to have known who Tammy was from the start, which I had forgotten.

The first time with Reva thing I may also be wrong on. I do remember though that the first impressive scene Tom Pelphrey gave was with Reva at the hospital during the Sandy's hospitalization.

The story was well written and they knew where they were going with it until about December/Janaury when things fell apart.

The problem I had with the Jonathan/Tammy dynamic at that point was I knew where it was leading and I didn't like it. Sort of like Cassie and Josh. You could tell what TPTB were doing before than went full force and it wasn't a good story.

We stand on different sides of the Jonathan/Tammy fence. I never thought Jonathan and Tammy should have happened. Jonathan ruined Tammy, which was a great story. The problem I had was that the logical next step in the story was Tammy rebuilds her life to where it use to be since Jonathan had ruined it. The insta-Jonathan love was too plot driven to work. If Tammy's healing had played out the way her destruction with Jonathan did than a Jonathan/Tammy story could have worked, but it couldn't because it simply was too plot point driven to be stable.

I didn't see that, but thanks. Sorry, but I couldn't stand the wedding stuff it was too ridiculous and the fallout was lacking. Sandy shouldn't have lied to Tammy, but Jonathan shouldn't have sent the police to the wedding.

Honestly, that sounds like really bad writing. I'm kind of glad I didn't see the Jonathan/Tammy/Lizzie triangle. Watching those episodes from September 2004 again reminded me of what is wrong with the current storyline. Too much went down between Tammy and Lizzie for them to be friends without some meaningful reconcilation scenes. Lizzie and Coop were thrown together and never had a story. Kriezman came reverted Lizzie from manipulative schemer to vengeful lunatic when she ran down Sandy and then paired her with Coop. The Coopers are the 'good' family so Lizzie was suddenly good, but that was boring. Lizzie has never been good. Her relationship with Coop detriorated because of the money, which led to the fiasco that was Quinn. Then Lizzie pulls a "Joey is a stalker" to keep Coop. Then Lizzie was pregnant and went on the scaffolding endangering the baby. Lizzie doesn't grow up. A baby storyline should have done that but I don't think TPTB want a nice Lizzie. They don't know what to do with nice Lizzie.

Lizzie has a self destructive streak that I outlined above. Lizzie is going to lose and I think she is just reverting back to her old patterns to hold out hope of clinging to some semblance of a life.

Campy? Well Marcy Ryland is involved so of course it will be. I think it would be tragic if the drugging leads to the death of Tammy some how. Then it would be ugly because it brings it back to the beginning of this mess.

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