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Everything posted by beebs

  1. JUNE 1979 Susan, fresh back in Salem, pays the David Martin Clinic a visit, and the first person she visits is Tom, who is thrilled to see her back in Salem. When he presses Susan as to the reason for her visit, Susan informs Tom that this isn't merely a visit, Susan and Anne are back in Salem permanently. Things with Eric didn't work out, and she feels that, no matter what, she's at home in Salem. Tom is thrilled to have her back, and wonders if Susan will return to working at the David Martin Clinic. Susan wishes to do so, but also feels the clinic is running fine without her, so she's intending to loosen the reigns somewhat, and involve herself in other projects as well. Tom is pleased for her. Donna and Pete ride off on Pete's motorcycle to grab burgers and a soda, and catch up on what's happened since Pete's been away. Pete tells Donna that he's now graduated, and has decided to spend the summer in Salem with his uncle Neil. He hopes to work, save some money, and hopefully head away to college in the fall. Donna is happy to have Pete back in her life, but insists they keep their reunion private, especially from her father and stepmother. Pete is reluctant, not wanting to begin their renewed connection with a lie, but Donna insists that is the way it has to be, as Don would never accept Pete back in her life. Pete goes along with this for a few nights, but resents sneaking around. He also is firm with Donna that they're just friends for now, he wants to take it slow, and he wants to see other girls. Donna doesn't love this idea, but goes along with it, simply happy to have Pete back in her life at all. One of the girls Pete has his eye on is Anne Peters. He spots her one night while out with a friend, and approaches her. After some flirtation, and more than a hint of presuasion on his part, Anne agrees to go out with him, but asks that he keep it a secret, as her mother is, in her words, "ridiculously overprotective". Anne keeps the dates secret from Donna as well, admitting she's just getting to know Donna, and some of the other girls in school consider her a blabbermouth and a troublemaker. Mickey is approached by Kate, sharing the news that her mother has passed away, and that there is some degree of dispute with her relatives over her share of the inheritance. She hopes Mickey can advocate for her. Mickey is pleased to help, and takes on the case. They meet at his office to discuss the matter, and Kate reveals to Mickey that she, in fact, has little interest in the money in her mother's estate for herself, she plans to use it as a scholarship for medical students at Salem University. The reason her family objects is entirely based upon greed. They argue Kate has no need for the money herself and is estranged from the family. Additionally, their mother's will was last updated in 1966, and she has been ill for years, too ill to update the will, but her relatives insist Kate would not be included, based on the word of their mother. Mickey thinks it an easy win for Kate, as the relatives can’t speak on behalf of the mother, and Kate assures Mickey that her mother was of sound mind to the end, regardless of her physical health. At home, things are not so serene. When Mickey discusses his day, and the help Linda had given him, and how she's been an excellent fit, as though she'd never been away, Maggie seems distant. When Mickey points it out, Maggie gets defensive, but quickly catches herself, admitting to a hint of lingering insecurity. She wishes Linda would return to working for Anderson, though she knows that's not possible. She laments that Susan's return means that she won’t be as involved with the children at the David Martin Clinic as she had hoped. At the hospital, Susan's return means Maggie knows she’ll be needed less in the clinic, but Susan insists she’d love Maggie to be around to help out as needed, and Neil offers her more work with him, if she's interested. Maggie accepts. The two work closely together, with Maggie working as his de facto secretary, while also volunteering some of her time with Susan at the clinic. Through this, Maggie begins to see Neil's softer side, and is charmed by him, and he is wowed by her quick connection with Pete when he visits Neil at the office. Maggie provides Pete with guidance when he comes by Neil’s office, troubled by his deception in seeing Donna behind Don and Marlena's back (though he doesn't mention Donna or her parents by name). Neil sees the two talk at one point, and it wowed by Maggie’s easy connection with Pete, whom Neil hasn’t had quite as easy a time getting through to. Stephanie makes the trip to Margo's to help her set up the house and paint. There, she and Margo talk about her situation with David, and Margo asks why she feels such animosity toward Trish, wondering if it's a degree of insecurity. Stephanie denies this, saying she actually doesn't mind Trish as a person. In fact, in another life, she's sure they'd be the best of friends. The problem is, beyond David's obvious lingering feelings toward Trish, Stephanie resents how Trish ripped Scotty away from David early in life, when he had the love of both parents. A sore spot for her, she says, as she grew up without a father. Margo understands, but counters that Trish wanted a career, much like Stephanie has. In Trish's world, the only way to have that career is to leave for Hollywood, which David had no interest in doing. As much as she feels that what Trish did was wrong, she understands why she did it. Stephanie agrees with Margo, but doesn't feel like being as magnanimous, under the circumstances. As their bond gets closer, Stephanie visits Margo again, and they discuss Stephanie's injury to her hands. Margo is stunned by how extensive the burns are, and asks how she got them. Stephanie is vague about details, but repeats her story about dropping the hot pan, then picking up the hot pan from the floor so as not to damage the laminate. Margo seems uncertain about the story, since the scabs on the burns look too uniform to her eyes, but she keeps quiet. Stephanie and Margo have an intense discussion over dinner regarding what would happen if her leukemia came back. Margo is hopeful, but says that if it does come back, it will likely be fatal, and could be incredibly painful. Stephanie wonders how long Margo could remain in this state, and Margo tells Stephanie the doctors speculate she could die within days or could linger for months, but that Margo has decided that, if things get too hard, and there's no hope, she'll ask Mike to allow her to pass away on her terms. Stephanie believes that's the best idea, though she hopes it doesn't go that way for her. Margo thanks Stephanie for her optimism, but also tempers it by making it clear that she's very at peace with her fate. Mary is increasingly uncomfortable with Stephanie’s confidence at work, and is still uneasy about Stephanie's story about her burns, and troubled by the convenient timing of her burns: just as the government ID checks were beginning. She recalls how familiar everyone found Stephanie to be when she was hired, and finally decides to ask Bob about Stephanie's hiring. Bob confirmed that Stephanie's documentation is with Linda, in fact, when they had begun the government background checks, Bob wasn't able to locate the files, as he assumed Linda had them when she was off in New York. Mary approaches Linda, asking if she had seen Stephanie's employee file. Linda, still playing the amnesiac, tells Mary that she didn't take the file when she left for New York, and doesn't remember ever having seen it. Mary is stuck, until she has a chat with Margo over lunch one day, and discusses the burns on Stephanie's hands. Margo is struck by how severe the burns on Stephanie's fingertips are, and how fortunate she is that the burns weren't so bad as to require skin grafts. This sparks an idea in Mary's head, and she heads for Tom's office to ask about accessing Stephanie's records. Tom, of course refuses, despite Mary's pleas. Mary voices her frustrations to Chris, who, while believing that something is amiss with Stephanie, encourages Mary to drop her investigation, or, at least, hire a PI. Mary doesn't want to raise any alarm bells prematurely, but desperately wants an answer, and resents Chris' advice, snapping at him after he receives a call from Amanda, asking him when they'll get together that night. Chris and Amanda continue to see each other, with Chris becoming more and more attached to Amanda, though Amanda is still uncertain about how attached she can get before divorcing Greg. Greg, of course, still hopes that Amanda will return with him to Chicago. When Amanda visits Chris at Anderson, Chris feels Amanda is being pulled in two different directions, and tells her to go back to Chicago with Greg for the time being to try to get her house in order. He will be here for her whenever she’s ready, and tells Amanda that he will call her every day until that time. Amanda is grateful to Chris for his patience, and vows to return to him, and Salem, again soon. They kiss for a long moment, long enough for Mary to walk into the room and catch them. Mary makes snarky remarks about their lack of professionalism that Chris brushes off. Chris then asks Mary about her new beau, Steve. Mary is less-than-thrilled by that line of questioning, frustrated by Steve’s extended stay in Paris. She makes the flip remark that she doesn’t need Steve to be hanging from her lips at every moment to keep him. Chris thinks Mary is a bit defensive, which Mary finds insulting, and storms off. Bob is thrilled by the progress Anderson is making with the government contract. They’re nearly ready to commence production, and Bob is looking at expansion of the plant to accommodate secondary assembly lines. He tasks Stephanie with arranging a trip for himself and Chris to head to Washington, in hopes of approving the expanded contract, as well as potentially finding other investors looking to have product lines assembled via Anderson. Chris finds the timing perfect, as he’ll be leaving town just as Amanda heads back to Chicago, so he’s all set to head off. Mary resents that she can’t go along, but Bob pacifies her by giving her more control at the plant while he’s away, essentially evenly dividing Mary’s and Stephanie’s workloads. Bob recognizes Mary’s hurt from when Stephanie was away recovering from her burns, and he thinks this is a much better opportunity for Mary to show her worth. Mary jumps at the chance. Stephanie has been calling to make the arrangements for Chris and Bob’s hotels. After a conversation with Bob about the details of their trip, and which government offices they’ll need to be in relatively close proximity to, Stephanie slips in a call under hushed tones to a friend of hers. While looking over her shoulder and being generally secretive, Stephanie gives the person on the other end some very specific details about the trip, and what Bob and Chris will be looking for in an investor. She smiles broadly as she hangs up the phone. Marlena and Don are mostly happy at home, though both are very busy people. They make a point of spending at least one night together at the weekend alone, and one with Donna. The system seems to work, though tensions arise one weekend night when Jordan calls Marlena to the hospital on one of her date nights with Don for an emergency with a patient. This doesn't bother Don too much the first time, but the second time, when Jordan calls while he and Marlena are in bed making love, does. Marlena is indignant, recalling numerous times when Don has had to be called away during intimate moments. Don attempts to explain those away, but Marlena doesn't buy it, and asks that they discuss it when she comes back from the hospital. While at the hospital, Marlena feels ill, which concerns Jordan. After collecting herself, Marlena goes to see Neil, who runs some tests, while Jordan calls Don. Don is initially openly hostile on the phone, but when Jordan explains the situation, Don races to UH. Upon arriving, Neil informs Don that there's good news, and tells both he and Marlena that they're expecting a baby. The news lifts both Don and Marlena's spirits, softening any hard feelings between them for the time being. Don apologizes for his hostility both to Marlena and toward Jordan. Doug feels he's made the correct decision in not revealing Dougie's paternity to Julie, particularly after yet another negative pregnancy test result, and hearing the news of Marlena's pregnancy. Julie feels a sense of inadequecy in not being able to give Doug a child, and, while she loves Hope, wants to give her a brother. Doug wonders if adoption is the answer, but Julie is dead set against that, particularly after her own experience in having David adopted. She's even more dead set against using Doug as a sperm donor to another woman's egg (which is, of course, how Dougie was conceived), feeling that their baby should be THEIRS. Doug feels that this is giving Julie a complex, and that maybe they should hold on on trying for a baby. Julie refuses, expressing that this is what she really wants. Doug thinks it wise to maybe visit Neil again, and ask what options there are for them. Neil believes they don't have many options, but thinks an avenue to consider is IVF, a new treatment that has worked for a couple in the UK and is beginning trials in the US. Neil believes Doug and Julie could be ideal candidates for this new treatment. Julie is excited by the news, but Doug wants her to really think about it first. Julie agrees. Julie is thrilled when Steve calls Julie, telling her of a huge find he has uncovered at an estate sale in Provence. He encourages Julie to fly over to help him. Doug thinks this is the distraction Julie needs, and thinks she should go, so Julie makes last minute arrangements and heads for Paris. David and Stephanie sneak moments alone while at work at Anderson, but David is strict about not being seen together for the divorce hearing, which will soon begin. Stephanie is trying to be patient, but admits she resents the distance in their relationship. David insists it's only temporary. Stephanie is increasingly unsure. Trish, meanwhile, is feeling increasingly confident about her chances with the case, and says as much to Jeri while visiting her mother. Jeri, feeling that there's still a sense of sadness in Trish, asks her if she still carries a torch for David. Trish admits that, yes, she'd rather reconcile with her husband, but, knowing that's impossible, she has to win custody of her son. Jeri isn't so sure it's as much of a lost cause as Trish would believe, noting that since Jeri's visit to David's apartment, David and Stephanie have probably been keeping their distance. At least, she says, that's what she's heard. Trish doesn't appreciate her mother giving her false hope, but Jeri explains that she doesn't actually want her and David together, not after how cruel he's been in keeping Scotty away from Trish. Trish blames herself for David's behaviour. As Trish performs at Doug's Place one night, Jerry Reinhart shows up, and commends Trish on her performance. Trish is flattered, and they sit together. Jerry admits he came to see what kind of work environment Trish has here and how suitable it would be for Scotty in the eyes of the court. Trish recognizes it's not neccessarily the greatest, but it's a clean, respectable establishment, and she works with people that are like family to her. Jerry agrees. The conversation turns from talking business to more casual conversation, but Jerry, sure to be seen keeping things professional, keeps things brief. Trish, however, is definitely charmed by Jerry.
  2. First off, glad to hear from you. The feedback is super-appreciated! I'm not the HUGEST fan of SORAS, but I figured...well...the ship has sailed with Mike and David already, so I'll likely freeze their ages somewhat for awhile, or at least age up some others to kind of...balance the scales a bit. As a result, yes, Anne and Susan are Anne and Susan Peters. Unfortunately, I wrote this without taking a second to remind myself how they left Salem (if they left Salem at all, in fact), as Daytime Serial Newsletter basically just...kinda...stopped writing about Susan without addressing where she went, and I foolishly didn't double check other sources, so that's my bad. I'll speak more to it in the June post. Absolutely looking to reintroduce Valerie, and possibly Danny as well. Just unsure on when, but it'll come. As for Stephanie and Trish, yeah I basically was running off what Harrower hjad written, so continuing with Stephanie and Trish butting heads thanks to the divorce from David, but I had lapsed a bit on how their relationship was when Brooke "died", so I'm sort of playing it more that Stephanie is mad that Trish would take her son away from a father that loves him, something she never had, and run with that. It's more of an explanation than Harrower ever gave for Stephanie's sudden change in attitude, I imagine. As for Pete and Donna, this was after their initial story with the miscarriage and Donna saying Don had raped her had ended, and Pete had left town to complete school. I believe that was all under Ann Marcus. Glad you enjoyed, and I appreciate the critique, quite genuinely. I need checks and balances to make this work, as I'm far from an expert on this show, much as it fascinates me. So thank you!
  3. Marie and Laura embrace, not having seen each other for awhile, but the happy reunion is short-lived. Marie is concerned to learn that Laura hasn't told anyone in Salem of her visit. Marie insists that Laura tell her family of her whereabouts, but Laura pleads with Marie to keep her secret, if only for a few days. She just needs to be alone. In Salem, Bill heads for the airport, hoping to find out where Laura flew to. When the desk clerk is reticent to share that info, Bill pleads, insisting that he's looking for his wife, and asks if a Laura Horton had booked a last minute flight the day before around 4pm. When that doesn't turn out, Bill wonders if a Laura Spencer had. Again, nothing. The only name booked at the counter that day was a Carrie James that flew on a 4:35pm flight to Montreal. Instantly it clicks for Bill. Carrie for her mother's name, James for her father's name. Laura has gone to see Marie. Bill asks Tom to have his cases covered while he's away, as Alice promises to watch Jennifer. Bill books a flight out to Montreal. Marie and Laura discuss her mental state, and her guilt over Laura not seeing her mother before her death. Marie tells Laura that her guilt is understandable, but that sometimes one is stretched too thin, and can't process traumatic events at first. They can freeze or simply block them out. She also tells Laura that her mother's suicide is not Laura's responsibility. Carrie was mentally ill, and it's easy to look inward to think of what you could've done differently, but, realistically, what could Laura have done differently. Laura knows Marie is right, but wants to take her time to think everything over. Bill arrives at the convent, and Marie greets him. She's happy to see him, but with a twinge of sadness in her eyes, particularly with regard to Laura. Marie tells Bill that Laura needs time to herself, and that her mother's death hit her hard. Marie goes to check on Laura, to see if she'd like to see Bill, but Laura isn't in her room, and no one can find her. A bit of panic ensues as Bill and Marie search for her, but eventually Bill catches up with her at a fountain on the property. Laura is, at first, depressed, and doesn't want to speak to Bill, but Bill speaks in affirmation of her feelings, and reminds her of the great life they've built together in Salem, one her mother can be proud of. Laura expresses that that life has a lot of painful memories attached as well, ones she wishes she could break away from and start anew. Bill understands, and promises that whatever Laura wishes to do, he will follow her. After a long discussion, Bill and Laura decide that, since Laura must travel to Chicago to settle her mother's estate anyway, that maybe she and Bill can take some time there. Perhaps a new start, just Laura, Bill and Jennifer. Bill thinks it's a lovely idea. Marie expresses that she'd love to come with them back to Salem, hoping to make things easier for them both. So the three of them head for the airport, and back to Salem to say their hellos and goodbyes. Tom, in Laura's absence, has hired Dr. Jordan Barr to replace her, after Marlena makes it clear that she's not entirely interested in the position for herself, still somewhat ill at ease after Laura began to chip away at her self-confidence. Marlena meets Dr. Barr, and they hit it off immediately. Marlena's confidence begins to turn around again under Jordan's wing, reminding Marlena of her talents with patients. Jordan's warmth rubs Don the wrong way, but he retains a professional exterior in front of Marlena at the hospital. But at home, Don makes some snide remarks about Marlena's new mentor, reminded of Marlena's history with Dr. Paul Whitman. Marlena senses some tension over breakfast, but initially chalks it up to Don being stressed over his work caseload. Donna begins receiving phone calls from a "friend", but is secretive as to whom the friend is. Don becomes increasingly concerned when Donna becomes withdrawn from the family. Marlena chalks it up to Donna's angst over her babysitting mishaps with Scotty and Jennifer, which allays Don's fears for a bit. One night, after Donna recieves a call from this "friend", Donna asks Don to take her to a friend's place for a slumber party. Don agrees, provided Donna leave a phone number where she can be reached. Donna leaves the number of a young friend, Anne, where she can be reached. Satisfied, Don and Marlena agree to let her head off, and pack an overnight bag for her. Marlena offers to drive her, but Donna says Anne's mom, Susan, will pick them up. Donna says her goodbyes, claiming Susan is downstairs waiting for her. Outside the apartment building, Donna steps outside, and smiles. Waiting for her is Pete. Doug asks Don to file Rebecca's letter regarding Dougie separately from his and Julie's other paperwork, and that he set up a living trust fund for baby Dougie as well. Robert, meanwhile, tries to do Doug a favour, and find out any information he can about the artificial insemination that Doug took part in. I guess, hoping to find out if Doug has a child out there somewhere, since he and Julie are struggling to conceive. Neil insinuates that the insemination didn't work out, hoping Robert will stop prying. David visits, and asks Julie to come to Stephanie's with him tonight, hoping that, if anyone sees him there, at least he's there with Julie, so it doesn't look untoward. Julie is reluctant, but agrees. Doug bites his tongue hard, until David leaves, when he makes it clear that he doesn't like David using Julie in his games against Trish. Trish pays Stephanie a visit, Stephanie is less than thrilled to see Trish, but lets her in anyway. Once inside, Trish tries to fish for information about her relationship with David. Stephanie is honest that she hasn't seen David in days, but will see him the next day as she's well enough to return to work. Trish makes it clear that she won't give up David or her son without a fight, and Stephanie better stay out of her way. Stephanie blows up at Trish at this point, laying into her for taking off out of state with Scotty, not letting David know where she was, and up and leaving for Europe without her son. Stephanie calls Trish a rotten mother, she vows that she will do everything she can to make sure Trish stays out of David's, and Scotty's life. At this point, Trish is so livid that she slaps the hell out of Stephanie, just as Julie and David come through the door. Stephanie immediately plays the victim, and David throws Trish out of the house, telling her he will absolutely make good on his threats to divorce her now. After Trish leaves Stephanie's, Julie gives David and Stephanie some alone time, where Stephanie pressures David to finally bite the bullet and file the divorce decree. David, though enraged, still needs some convincing before he finally is convinced, but he does. The next day, he heads to Mickey's to file the petition. Mickey tries to talk him down, asking what precipitated David's action, and once David explains the situation, Mickey asks if he's doing this out of anger and spite, or does he really feel like things are irrepairable between him and Trish. David considers it, but tells Mickey that he loves Stephanie, and that he can't stand to be apart from her any longer. It's time. Mickey files the paperwork. Trish is devastated when she gets served with the divorce petition, and immediately meets with Jerry Reinhart. They begin to compile a case against David, while Trish stews over whether or not to involve Stephanie in it as David's adulteress. Trish visits Jeri, who convinces her to do just that. Despite Trish's lingering anger over Jeri's vicious visit to David, she knows that it's her best shot of keeping custody of Scotty. Upon telling Jerry, he agrees with Trish. Doug and Julie go to another check-up with Neil, and again get the same news, Julie is not pregnant. Julie is frustrated, but Doug seems okay with the news. His attempts to reassure Julie only frustrated her more, causing her to wonder why Doug isn't more upset by the news. Doug won't say, knowing Julie would like them to have a child of their own. Doug plays it off as trying to lift Julie's spirits, but Julie is too annoyed, and heads out of the hospital without him. At home, Doug apologizes for his attitude at the hospital. Julie also feels regretful for snapping at Doug. They go to bed early, and make up by making love. Amanda puts the brakes on soon after, though. She admits to Chris that she really doesn't want to pursue anything further with him, as she IS still married, and an affair with a married woman could ruin Chris' career. Chris tries to convince Amanda that he doesn't care about anything but the here and now, but Amanda won't budge, and insists she should return to Chicago before things get out of hand. Chris feels once again rejected. The chaos of Laura's departure convinces Amanda to stay in Salem. She turns to Chris for comfort. Once Laura returns to Salem, Bill and Laura hold a goodbye party at the Horton house. Amanda arrives with Chris. During the party, Laura tells Amanda about what transpired in Montreal, and how she and Bill were able to come together. Caught up in the spirit of romance, Amanda is reminded how empty her life in Chicago has been with Greg. She tells Chris she's decided to stay in Salem after all. Chris is ecstatic, but their joy is short-lived when Greg appears at the party. Greg puts on the appearance of being happy for his friends in the Horton family, but when he manages to get Amanda alone, he harps at her to return home to Chicago. Amanda refuses repeatedly, avoiding telling Greg about her and Chris' budding relationship. Greg pushes her repeatedly throughout the evening. At one point, Greg pulls Amanda into the Horton kitchen, and tells her how he's realized how neglectful he's been, and apologizes for it. He promises to Amanda that he will be the kind of husband that Amanda needs, will treat her like a queen, make her feel like the toast of Chicago. Amanda tells Greg that he's way off-base, and that she doesn't need to be put on a pedestal. She needs to feel like a partner in their marriage, and to feel like she's respected by her husband. Greg insists he can do this if Amanda will just leave Salem and rejoin him in Chicago. Amanda counters that Greg still doesn't, and what he's doing now proves it, as he still isn't listening to what she's saying. Amanda leaves at this point, and Chris asks if she wants a ride home. Amanda would like to, but thinks it a bad idea under the circumstances. She asks Doug to drive her back to Doug and Julie's. Mike and Margo move into their new house, financed partially by Laura's gift. Margo sets about organizing a housewarming party for them. Mike wants to have a serious talk with Margo: since her cancer has remained in remission awhile now, he'd like to consider trying for a baby. Margo tries her level best to change the subject, pretending to be so focused on planning the party that she's too preoccupied to answer Mike. Mike, for now, doesn't push the subject. Secretly, Margo is horrified at the very idea of trying to have a baby right now. She visits Trish, and confides in her that the idea of having Mike's baby when she could very well die at any time seems cruel, and even if she does give birth successfully, she's scared Mike would very quickly be raising their baby alone. Trish tells her to be honest, but gentle with Mike. At home, Margo can't bring herself to let Mike down, seeing how his face lights up when he talks about their potential child. She asks Mike to wait, as Anderson's government contract is eating up a lot of her time at work, and she'd just like to get settled in first. Mike's face drops upon hearing this, rightly believing that Margo is deflecting because she's afraid of her cancer coming back. Margo insists that isn't true, and assures Mike that when things settle down, they will try for a baby. Mike backs off, and he and Margo share a lovely evening together. Returning to work at Anderson, Stephanie is welcomed back by Margo, who invites her out to lunch. Stephanie accepts, and the two discuss their respective lives. Stephanie admits to Margo that she's still on a low dosage of medication for the pain in her hands, but insists she'll be able to manage. Stephanie asks how things are with her. Margo discusses buying the new house, but talks about how low-energy she's been, and unmotivated to handle the decoarting. Stephanie offers to help out, hoping to take some of the stress off Margo's back. Margo refuses at first, but Stephanie insists that helping to decorate would offer a nice distraction for her from the heaviness of her own situation with David and Trish. Margo accepts. Mary continues to be wooed by Steve, though Mary is still clearly still hung up on Chris. Steve tries to entice Mary with a trip to Paris, as he's on another antiques hunt for Chez Julie. Mary seems intrigued, but is clearly distacted. When Steve sees this, he tells Mary that, if they are to get closer, Steve wants to be certain that Mary's eyes are only for him. Mary apologizes, and admits that she's still very much in love with Chris. She asks Steve to forgive her, but he's right, it wouldn't be fair to see him until she is well and truly over Chris. Steve heads off to Paris, and checks in occasionally with Julie regarding any finds he encounters for Chez Julie. Maggie, feeling unchallenged by her work life, asks Julie what she would suggest to give her life more meaning. Julie counters that Maggie may simply be looking for a way to distract from missing Janice. Maggie is certain Julie's right, but Julie wonders why Maggie isn't focusing her attentions on Mickey. Maggie tells Julie she appreciates Mickey and loves to spend time with him, but his hectic schedule leaves her alone far too often, and it's beginning to wear her down, her time alone gets her thinking about Janice, and about alcohol. Julie suggests she spend some time volunteering at the hospital, particularly in pediatrics. She suggests maybe helping by connecting with other young children may help Maggie fill the void in her life that Janice left. The next day, when Maggie goes to ask Tom about the idea, he is enthusiastic about it, but worries if Maggie is up to it, what with having lost Janice so recently. Maggie tells Tom that she'd considered it, but that since having children with Mickey is simply not in the cards, she needs to find other ways to connect with children, and to bring joy into their lives, and hers. Tom agrees to it, and arranges for Maggie to assist Neil in the clinic. Linda, still feeling her position in the Anderson home is vulnerable, sets about trying to break down Bob's defenses, and get back into his bed. She plans a lovely evening for herself, Bob, and Melissa. Bob, largely to project a secure, happy home for Melissa, plays along, eventually being drawn into the joy of the evening. Once Melissa is sent up to bed for the night, Linda makes her move. Sensually wrapping her arms around Bob, she thanks him for a lovely evening, and wishes it didn't have to end. Bob, conflicted between his attraction to his wife, and revolted by her previous actions, resists her. He tells Linda he'll take the spare room tonight. Linda is not deterred, however. Knowing she's making progress, she attempts the next night with a much more provocative display, donning a sexy negligée, and lighting candles in the bedroom. Bob, already worn down by the previous night, gives into Linda this time, and they spend the night together. The next day, Bob has regrets, and claims nothing's changed between them, he just needed to get off. He even has a moment of clarity, and accuses Linda of using sex to get her way. Linda lays on the wounded dove routine extra thick, claiming she cannot BELIEVE Bob would make her feel so VIOLATED and be so ABUSIVE towards her, and is convinced Mary's influence is to blame for his coldness, knowing she is still mistrustful of Linda's motives. Linda tries for some financial insurance in case her scheme with Bob doesn't work out, and asks Don for a job as a legal secretary for him and Mickey. Don's all for it, but Mickey points out that their lawfirm handles Anderson's affairs. He isn't so sure, but hires her anyway. Of course, Linda's intent in having the job is to have access to Anderson info to worm her way back into the company. When Mickey tells Maggie about his having hired Linda, Maggie tries to bite her tongue, but cannot. She has deep misgivings about Linda working so closely with Mickey. Mickey counters with his own discomfort with Maggie working so closely with a womanizer like Neil Curtis, but he knows Maggie would stay loyal to him, seeing the men who've been close to her in the past, even during rough times in their marriage. Maggie has never strayed once, and for that, Mickey is grateful, and will do the same in kind. Recognizing his wife's insecurities, Mickey also tries to reassure her that his affections for Linda died many years ago. Maggie accepts Mickey's words, but it's obvious in her face that she isn't 100% certain that Linda won't manipulate things to her favour in some way.
  4. Thanks @AbcNbc247! I'm glad you liked it! I admit, I didn't really have much for Bill and Laura, or Mickey and Maggie at first, but I think I've got a plan formulating, at the very least, for Mickey and Maggie, so that'll prove interesting. I may give Bill and Laura a bit of a rest for now, but we will see how that goes. Re: Mary and the government contract, I'm gonna leave that going, mostly because it feels like an unnecessary beat to play, since they just...immediately went back to an almost-identical storyline involving the government contract for the solar panels, so like...why bother? There are other ways to accomplish the same thing, tbh! This is just the beginning, of course. I'll have a lot more coming. Thanks again for reading and commenting. I hope you continue to enjoy this *bites nails*
  5. I hope you enjoy when you do! And please, feel free to give feedback. I don't claim to be an expert on DAYS history, so if anything rings false or if there's any story direction you'd rather I go in, speak up. I'm just having fun with this one!
  6. So, I decided to bite the bullet and make another DAYS Alternate Timeline blog. After months of writing up recaps of the late 70s and into the (GOD-AWFUL) 1980 Nina Laemmle run, I got so frustrated by the missed opportunities on the show, that I decided to have some fun and build some stories of my own based on what Ann Marcus and Elizabeth Harrower had set up. If any of you have ideas, suggestions, questions, complaints, have at it. Let's have some fun together with this, and run with the story opportunities DAYS missed way back when. NOTE: I will be italicizing segments of the story that actually played out on screen (because I didn't hate EVERYTHING Elizabeth Harrower did). I know it'll be tonally different than the rest of it, but I'm being lazy. ONWARD! APRIL 1979 So, as Stephanie recovers from burning her hands off, David spends time at her apartment caring for her, which leaves Donna alone with Scotty a lot more often, giving Trish far more opportunity to see Scotty. But this all blows up in her face when Alice finally convinces Donna that it's a bad idea to continue keeping secrets from David, and implores her to keep her distance from Trish, she will handle telling David about Trish's visits herself. Before Alice can get a chance, however, Trish tries to pay another visit. Donna won't let her in, and David returns from Stephanie's apartment, needing to grab something from his place before he makes her dinner. He spots Donna trying to keep Trish at bay, and goes off on Trish, vowing to have her evicted from the building for harrassment, and to slap a restraining order against her. Once Trish is dealt with, David tries to find out from Donna what was going on. Donna breaks down and admits that she had been letting Trish visit for some time, also admitting Alice knew, but before Donna can explain that Alice intended to tell David about the visits, David fires Donna, and heads for Alice's in a rage. Alice attempts to explain the situation to David, noting that she only just found out about Trish's visits herself, and was going to visit David this evening to explain the situation to him. David cools off a bit, but still needs time to think. Realizing he's neglected Stephanie, he heads back to her apartment. Stephanie tries to further cool David's nerves, but to no avail, he's too deep in thought. Mary, after hearing the news of Stephanie's "accident" pays her a visit while David is away. Mary isn't particularly comfortable, but feels for Stephanie. Mary, her usual unfiltered self, wonders out loud how Stephanie could've injured her hands. Stephanie is defensive, raising Mary's suspicion. Stephanie quickly backtracks, and apologizes, before quickly feigning exhaustion. Mary shows herself out. Bill continues to fixate on the strange burns on Stephanie's fingers the next day. Mary pays him a visit, and tries to casually bring up the subject. Bill, of course, can't divulge any information to her, but privately, the question nags at him. He takes the question to Tom, and together they discuss the possibility that Stephanie didn't burn her hands the way she claimed to. Julie, now back from her antiquing trip to Scotland, visits David, who fills her in on Trish's latest machinations. Julie is more irritated with Trish than ever. While understanding her need to leave Salem with Scotty years before, she agrees with David that taking Scotty and running away was a terrible thing to do. Still unsure about how she feels about Stephanie, she asks David how he feels about her. David's eyes light up when he speaks of her, saying that it feels like they've known each other for years. Julie makes a decision: to avoid arousing suspicion, Julie will check in on Stephanie instead, which will allow her to keep an eye on Stephanie (not that she's telling David that part, of course). Julie's first visit to Stephanie goes as expected. Stephanie is shocked to see her instead of David. When she asks Julie where David is, Julie tells her plainly that she doesn't think it's a good idea that David be seen to be taking care of Stephanie while they prepare for the court case, so instead, Stephanie is stuck with Julie. Stephanie, while displeased, understands and resigns herself to spending a lot more time with her potential mother-in-law. The first visit is awkward, but Stephanie is thankful to Julie for coming around to help her. Bob is stunned when he pays Stephanie a visit, learning of Julie's decision to help her during her recovery. Bob suggests Stephanie stay with him at the lakehouse instead, but Stephanie won't hear of it, noting that the house is full up as it is with Linda, Mary, and Melissa staying there. Bob relents, but insists on visiting her regularly until she's ready to come back to work. Linda plays Bob like a fiddle once again. She suggests to him that she needs to start over with a new job, and a new home, knowing full well Bob's ego wouldn't allow his wife to be working full time as a typist in a cramped apartment. He also feels for Melissa, and wants to give her a secure, stable home life, so he promises Linda he'll provide for her and Melissa generously and she can stay with him, regardless of whether or not they eventually separate. Linda then asks for a copy of the PI's report on her, then feigns horror at what she "used" to be like. She begs his forgiveness and asks for his help in remembering her "lost" past. Bob feels guilty, but admits he could have forgiven Linda if her affair had been with anyone other than Neil, but doesn't hold what she can't (allegedly) remember against her. Linda then sets about ruining Bob's relationship with Stephanie. She doesn't get it. She doesn't like it. She's gonna END it. She decides to get Mary on-side, convincing her that it is best for Bob if Linda stay at the lakehouse because then Linda can protect Bob from Stephanie. Mary is her usual blunt self, and admits she agrees that Stephanie is not to be trusted, but neither is Linda. Linda is shot down again, this time by Bob, who is lauded with compliments and flirtatious come-ons, and pathetic pleas for forgiveness by Linda. Bob wants to hear none of this, and goes to bed alone. Neil convinces Amanda to go to dinner with him at Doug's Place. After falling for his trickery once again, Amanda is left alone almost immediately, as Neil gets an emergency call from the hospital and has to bail. Chris, who's been drowning his sorrows over Mary having the audacity to have boundaries, offers to step in for Neil. They hit it off and have a lovely evening. Chris and Amanda go out once again to a local dive. Amanda finds the dive bar charming, as well as her company. Amanda later comes down with the flu, and Chris brings her some soup, but is pushed out of the way by Neil, who comes around on a "house call". Chris is falling hard for Amanda, but Amanda, still wounded by the breakdown of her marriage, is still needing some time. She enjoys Chris' company, but doesn't want to rush things. Chris agrees. Julie, now back from her Scottish antiquing trip, hears of Amanda's dates with Chris. She warns Amanda that Chris may be cute, but not worth dating. Julie feels he doesn't have the maturity, nor the refinement that would suit Amanda in a partner. Besides, Amanda is still married. Amanda gets Julie's point, but Chris makes her feel special, unlike Greg. Mary is convinced that Chris will come crawling back soon enough, but when she spies Chris and Amanda at Doug's Place, her insecurities begin to gnaw at her. Steve, still fascinated by Mary, sees Mary's sudden rush of anxiety, and takes full advantage. They make a date, and Mary relaxes enough to even be a little openly flirtatious in front of Chris and Amanda. The next day at Anderson, Chris is put off by what he saw as a desperate display by Mary to get his attention. Mary denies this, and plays it cool to Chris about her connection with Steve. Chris warns Mary to watch out for Steve. "There's something about that guy I don't like." Mary tells Chris to mind his own business. Robert collects Rebecca's safe-deposit box. Inside he discovers a letter addressed to Doug. Robert hands Doug the letter, and Doug reads it. Inside, Rebecca tells Doug that Dougie is, indeed, his son. He decides to keep the news that Dougie is his a secret from Robert, as he doesn't want to take Dougie away from him as well, but also from Julie, due to her insecurities about her inability to conceive. Julie and Doug continue to try for a baby, unsuccessfully. Neil is reticent to run any tests on Julie for it, but recommends she take it easy, as the stress of running Chez Julie can't be helping matters. Julie asks Maggie and Steve to take on more responsibility at the shop, hoping to spend more time with Doug. Steve sees this as an opportunity to involve himself in more seedy nonsense, but Doug makes it clear that his eyes will be on Steve. Julie and Doug get into a row over Trish and David's impending divorce. Julie tries to hold back, but ultimately wishes Doug would fire Trish for her conduct with Scotty. Doug is more sympathetic to Trish, and tries in vain to convince Julie of Trish's position. Julie understands why Trish left town all those years ago, and is sympathetic to a point, but is enraged that she expects to return to Salem and simply pick up where she left off as though nobody's moved on with their lives. Julie feels David has a right to move on with his life, despite her reservations about Stephanie. Doug feels similarly, but instructs Julie to keep her nose out of it. Julie insists it's too late for that, as she's the one helping Stephanie out around the house while she recovers. Doug is livid about this news, and things are tense at home afterwards. Amanda picks up on this tension the next morning at home, and attempts to mediate, but to no avail. Maggie decides not to uproot Janice again, and lets her stay with Joanne and he fiancé in San Francisco. Instead, she buries herself in her work. Mickey, equally distracted by his law practice, barely notices as Maggie becomes less and less engaged in their home life. At home, Laura is stunned by the news that her mother committed suicide, after calling out for her to come visit repeatedly. Laura sinks into a steep depression, and withdraws from everyone, including Bill. Marlena visits her, hoping to open the virtual prison she's built for herself just a crack, but Laura only asks Marlena to take over her caseload, saying she needs time to herself. Bill, worried immensely about Laura, tries to reach out to her, but is pushed away at every turn. He commiserates with Kate, who comforts him in a friendly way, but once Laura spies them in an embrace, Laura hits a new low. She confronts Kate, congratulating her on taking advantage of Laura's suffering for her own gain. Kate insists that isn't the case, but Laura won't hear of it. Laura hands in her resignation to a shocked Tom, before paying Mike and Margo a visit. She writes Mike a cheque for $2000 to help cover the expenses of their new house, and heads to her house. She informs Donna, who is watching Jennifer, that she won't be home for a couple weeks, as she needs to do an emergency consult at Brookville Hospital. Laura insists that Bill knows all about it, and after a heartfelt goodbye to Jennifer, Laura heads off. Once Tom tells Bill about Laura's resignation, he makes a beeline for home, only to find Donna there with Jennifer. Upon Donna filling him in on Laura's alleged consult at Brookville Hospital, he calls there, only to hear, as he suspected, there was none. Bill is now clueless as to where Laura could be. Laura heads to the airport, where she books a last minute flight. At the airport, Laura runs into Julie, who is just coming back from her trip to Scotland with Doug (Doug is getting the car). Laura is awkward and evasive with Julie, but is warm and glad to see her. Julie suspects something is wrong, but Laura insists she's just there to pick up a friend from the airport (deftly hiding her plane tickets out of Julie's sight), apologizing for not giving Julie a ride back into town. Julie tells her it's fine, as Doug's just picking up the car to drive them back, but she buys Laura's story, and leaves. Laura then boards her flight. It's not until Julie arrives home that she realizes that Laura was leaving town. Bill fills her in on not only that, but also on Stephanie's accident. After much probing from Julie, Bill admits he feels that Stephanie is hiding something from everyone, as her injuries were inconsistent with what she claims happened. Julie doesn't know where Laura was flying off to, and can't give Bill much more information, but she notes that Laura didn't have much in the way of luggage with her, which, if she were flying for a long time, she would likely need. Bill doesn't even know where to start looking for Laura, but Kate offers to lend him a hand in his search, for which he is grateful. Marie is called into Mother Superior's office. Concerned, she heads straight over and asks why she's been called. Mother Superior informs her that there is someone here who really needs her help. When Marie inquires who it is, Laura enters the room.
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