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AMC #12 - Emma's B-DAY PT.1/Asher Returns
Y&Rbiggestfan posted a blog entry in All My Children (AMC)
ALL MY CHILDREN - EPISODE 12 WRITTEN BY: CASEY HUTCHISON CREATED BY: AGNES NIXON TIME OF DAY: MORNING RYAN AND GREENLEE'S: Ryan, Greenlee, and Emma are eating breakfast. RYAN: How do you like your birthday breakfast? EMMA: I love it daddy! GREENLEE: Do you want more syrup? EMMA: Yes please, Greenlee. Greenlee pours more syrup on Emma's pancakes. EMMA: Thank you. GREENLEE: Of course. Hey Ryan. RYAN: Yes? GREENLEE: Can I talk to you about something? RYAN: Sure. They stand up, and go somewhere private in the apartment. RYAN: What is this about. GREENLEE: The baby. ------------------------------------------------------- ANNIE'S HOTEL ROOM: Annie is looking at baby pictures of Emma. ANNIE: I miss you. Happy birthday my little girl. --------------------------------------------------------- DAVID'S PENTHOUSE: David is reading the morning news paper. The doorbell rings. DAVID: Be right there! He gets up to answer it. DAVID: Well..., Well..., Well. Can I help you with something? ADAM: I am going to give you the best news you will receive all year. ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ CONFUSION: Colby pays for her to-go coffee. As she turns around, she bumps into someone. COLBY: Hey watch it! MAN: Oh, I am s... COLBY: It's you. ----------------------------------------------------------- KRYSTAL'S DINER: Jackson is also reading the morning news paper. Someone walks up to him. ERICA: We need to speak. JACKSON: There's not a lot to talk about. After what you said. ERICA: We are going to talk anyways. JACKSON: You kissed another man, because I wouldn't take you back. Erica sits. ERICA: I admitted that to you. JACKSON: You still don't get it. Do you? ERICA: What do you mean? JACKSON: You do this every single time. ----------------------------------------------------------- RYAN AND GREENLEE'S: Ryan hugs Greenlee. RYAN: Are you okay? Is the baby okay? GREENLEE: We are perfectly fine. RYAN: Then, what is it. GREENLEE: Ryan, we found out that Annie is here. She is out of the hospital. It is Emma's birthday. She knows that, of course. I just think that she might come here. Don't you? RYAN: It is a possiblity. Annie wouldn't risk coming here though. Anyways, on the other hand, what does this have to do with our baby? You can tell me anything. GREENLEE: I know that. (Sighs) Ryan..., if she comes here, I think bad things will happen where this baby is concerned. I mean, she is crazy. I wouldn't put it past her. RYAN: If it makes you feel better, I will watch for her. GREENLEE: Okay. RYAN: Now, let's finish our breakfast, so we can get the decorations hung. -------------------------------------------------- KRYSTAL'S DINER: Jackson puts his paper, in his briefcase. ERICA: What do you mean by I do this every time? JACKSON: You bounce from man to man. ERICA: That is not true. JACKSON: (Laughs) ERICA: What? JACKSON: Never mind. You know what I mean. ERICA: Jackson, you don't get it. I was honest with you! I still love you. JACKSON: I'm not sure that is possible. ERICA: Will we ever be the same? JACKSON: I don't think so. Jackson stands. JACKSON: Goodbye Erica. Erica stands. ERICA: Jackson! You can't just walk away from me! Everyone is stunned. THEN... ERICA STARTS FLASHING BACK: ERICA: Not again. Erica is short of breath, then she faints. Jackson rushes to her. JACKSON: Erica! Erica, are you alright? Wake Up! Someone call 9-1-1! ---------------------------------------------------------- FADE OUT: --------------------------------------------------------- ON THE NEXT ALL MY CHILDREN: Colby: We need to talk. Adam: Money! People: Happy Birthday Emma! ----------------------------------------------------- -
Karynn Kracks (C)! #161
Y&Rbiggestfan commented on aMLCproduction's blog entry in The Young and the Restless
LOVED THIS EPISODE! THIS IS THE Y&R I'VE BEEN WAITING ON!!!!!!! Karynn/Nate: I kind of feel bad for Karynn. She is a good woman. I know she is. She will get through this whole thing. Abby/Devon/Roxanne: These were some good scenes. I LOVED Abby's nickname! That was hilarious. Avery/Phillip: I hope he is okay!!!! I am soooo worried. Avery will save him LOL. Nikki: Poor Nikki. That limo driver looked like the one from Dynasty that Fallon had the affair with LOL! Anyways, I do feel bad for Nikki. Heaven help her!!! Keep up the GREAT work on: -
Union Creek #6: Luke is admired/Elijah investigates
Y&Rbiggestfan commented on Days22's blog entry in Union Creek
Your show seems to get better as it goes on. I am sooooo worried for some of you characters. They seem to get themselves into some bad situations. I wonder if Elijah is going to make trouble in the town. He looks like he will not be the person who just wants to sit back and watch. Dani is still standing some ground. I like that though. It stays true to her. Keep up the great work!!! -
Y&Rbiggestfan commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
This was a GREAT episode! Mitch/Felicia: It is great to see them running smoothly. Can't wait for them to really take off!!! Cass/Frankie: At least Frankie is kind of taking a stance for some stuff. I absolutely loved how you wrote in this episode. Paulina/Grant: Still can't believe Grant showed up. Paulina was strong. You go girl!!! -
Y&Rbiggestfan commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
Interesting. Good start and great way to bring in the ATWT stuff Can't wait for it all to unfold again -
ALL MY CHILDREN - EPISODE 11 WRITTEN BY: CASEY HUTCHISON CREATED BY: AGNES NIXON TIME OF DAY: NIGHT THE CHANDLER MANSION: Brooke walks into the mansion. BROOKE: Adam! Adam! Come here please! Adam comes down the stairs. ADAM: What is wrong my dear? BROOKE: We need to have a serious talk. -------------------------------------------------- CONFUSION: Liza is eating dinner and drinking wine. She is also going over some paper work. LIZA: (Sighs) As she drinks some wine, it slips out of her hand. It spills on the papers. LIZA: Dammit! A man comes up to her. He hands her a napkin. CALEB: Will this help? LIZA: What the hell do you want? -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- KENDALL AND ZACK'S: Kendall and Zack are sitting on the couch. They are kissing. KENDALL: I am happy that our nanny took the boys. ZACK: I am happy she did too. KENDALL: I bet you are. They continue to kiss. ZACK: What's wrong? KENDALL: (Sighs) I just keep thinking about that phone call. ZACK: Kendall..., everything will be fine. KENDALL: Zack, I have lived in this town for over twenty years. Nothing is ever fine. ----------------------------------------------- ERICA'S PENTHOUSE: Erica is pouring some wine. ERICA: Any moment Erica. The doorbell is rung. ERICA: Here he is! Erica goes to answer the door. JACKSON: Erica, why did you call me over here? ERICA: I need to tell you what I did. ------------------------------------------------ CONFUSION: Liza stands and wipes off her dress. LIZA: I don't need anything from you. So, just back off. CALEB: I can see that you do need some help. You have wine everywhere. LIZA: I will take care of it. CALEB: And, I'll help you. LIZA: NO!... (Sighs) No you will not. You will not help me. You want to know why? Because, you made the choice to help some one else. You made the choice to help Erica. CALEB: Come on Liza. LIZA: What? What? Low blow? Is that what you think? CALEB: Liza... LIZA: You haven't apologized. You haven't said one damn word. CALEB: I am sorry that I kissed Erica. LIZA: Go to hell. Liza walks off. --------------------------------------------- KENDALL AND ZACK'S: Kendall brings in two cups of coffee. She hands one to Zack. KENDALL: I just don't think everything will run smoothly. ZACK: Kendall do you have the evidence? KENDALL: You know I do. ZACK: (Sighs) KENDALL: Just look at my past with Erica. To this day, some things aren't fine. ZACK: I know a lot has happened with you two. KENDALL: But, this time is different. Erica never stalked me. This is a stalker. This is some one coming after me. I know it was just one phone call. But, these things always turn into something more than that. You know they do. But, I will be prepared. I will be prepared for anything that is thrown my way. ----------------------------------------------------------- THE CHANDLER MANSION: Brooke crosses her arms. ADAM: What do we need to talk about, that is serious? BROOKE: Liza, Dixie, all of that. All of that needs to be discussed. Be honest with me Adam. Are you going to do something that is going to be frowned upon? FLASHBACK TO EPISODE 2: ADAM: I am going to fund Orpheus. FLASHBACK TO EPISODE 10: DIXIE: My son thinks that David is plotting against him. Are you helping him? (END OF FLASHBACKS) ADAM: You know, I am not the only one who has done bad stuff, that is frowned upon. BROOKE: What are you talking about. ADAM: You cheated on me nineteen years ago. Or did that slip your mind? BROOKE: It is not about me right now. Once again, are YOU doing something that will be frowned upon? Be honest Adam. If you are not honest, I will leave you. ADAM: Brooke, I am not doing anything that will be frowned upon. BROOKE: Okay. Okay. (Sighs) Good. Now, come here. Brooke hugs Adam. He is thinking about what he has just done. ---END OF EPISODE 11---
ANOTHER WORLD 196 Carl makes another secret move
Y&Rbiggestfan commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
Hmmmm interesting episode. Jack/Paulina: I LOVE where this is going. I love them together. It gives them a whole new start in life. The Cory Family: I love that you mentioned the stalker. Very few things get mentioned like that. And if they do, then it is a quick one. But, you explained the stalker and Frankie and Fax. I really enjoyed that. It was nice to hear that all over again. Great Job! Christy/Grant: I wonder what Grant found exactly. Christy... she is a type of bitch that is special LOL. LOVE HOW U WRITE HER!!!!!!! AS ALWAYS KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK ON: -
Just Paradise #5: Emily and Eliza set their sights..
Y&Rbiggestfan commented on Days22's blog entry in Just Paradise
This is improving now! Emily is written very well in this version. We get to see more of her true colors than we did. I am also loving how you write Barbara. She still has that whole I-will-get-what-I-want thing going on. Oh JJ, look what you are up to now LOL. Maybe he can't leave those Salem roots after all. I wonder who is ahead of Steve. Are we going to work an even bigger story into an already huge one??? Interesting! Loving it! Keep up the good work!!! -
Just Paradise #4: Barbara Ryan Hath Arrived
Y&Rbiggestfan commented on Days22's blog entry in Just Paradise
You were a little rocky in this one. In terms of having a lot happening. But that was me when i first started and that did not stop it from becoming a great episode. Anyways... Katsu is a very strange man and i don't think he likes to play nice with people. It will be interesting to see where he goes from there. Hello Barbara! Gosh I LOVE ME SOME BARABARA! She was always my fave on ATWT! I love how you are trying to give Jesse more to do. I thought on the TV version of AMC he was shoved to the backburner alot. I am loving this Steve/Kayla/Bo story. I wish DAYS was doing this. It is VERY classic and vontage DAYS. -
Just Paradise #3: The Ryan Family Future
Y&Rbiggestfan commented on Days22's blog entry in Just Paradise
Really happy to be reading again -
Just Paradise #3: The Ryan Family Future
Y&Rbiggestfan commented on Days22's blog entry in Just Paradise
I enjoyed this episode very much! I see some great stories being set up. JJ needs someone new! He needs a likable story for us all to enjoy. I see that coming up!!! You are writing that classic Paul that we all know and love from ATWT. I wonder if he is biting off more than he can chew. I also enjoyed the opener of this show. You seem to have a great eye to when it comes down to these characters! Keep up the great work! -
AMC #10 - Adam Chandler's Criminal History
Y&Rbiggestfan posted a blog entry in All My Children (AMC)
All My Children - Episode #10 Created By: Agnes Nixon Written By: Casey Hutchison AIR DATE: May 7th, 2015 INT. JESSIE'S OFFICE - AFTERNOON Kendall, Zack, and Jessie walk in. Jessie: So, what did you guys need to talk to me about? Kendall: Well, I got a little mysterious phone call today. Jessie: From who? Zack: We do not know. Jessie: Oh. Do you have the phone? Kendall: Yeah. Kendall hands Jessie her phone. Jessie: What exactly did you hear, that you made you drive here? Kendall: Static, like from a TV. Jessie: Oh. Listen, I will call in the experts, and they'll see what is up. Kendall: Thanks Jessie. Jessie: No problem. Jessie exits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INT. PRIVATE HOSPITAL ROOM - AFTERNOON Krystal touches J.R. 2.0's face. Krystal: How is this possible? David: Krystal, his name is Kevin. I hired him to conduct an experiment. It worked. Krystal: I see that. Why is he here? Why did you do this? David: Krystal, don't you get it by now? Krystal: What? David: He is going to help you kill J.R. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INT. CHANDLER MANSION - AFTERNOON Dixie and Adam enter. Adam: I am happy to see you here Dixie. Dixie: I'm not sure you will be, after what I have to say. Adam: What's going on? Dixie: My son thinks David is plotting against him. Are you helping him? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INT. JESSIE'S OFFICE - AFTERNOON Jessie enters. Kendall: Jessie. Hi. Jessie: Hi guys. Zack: What'd you find? Jessie: This might shock you. Kendall crosses her arms. Kendall: What does that mean? Jessie: It means that the time stamp you suggested isn't real. Zack: What exactly does that mean? Jessie: I am saying that, A, you lied to me. Or B, you got something bigger on your hands. And I have known the both of you for years and years. Almost longer than a decade. Therefore, I am going to go with B. Zack: Wise choice. Kendall: What does this mean? Jessie sits down in his chair. Jessie: It means you go home, and you wait for something else. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INT. CHANDLER MANSION - AFTERNOON Dixie and Adam sit on the couch. Adam: Why would you assume that I would help David? Dixie: (Sighs) You've done worst. Adam: Like what? Dixie: Remember when you hit Tad with that fire poker. You've hired a thug to shoot Palmer. You faked your own death to test Erica. You rigged a pregnancy test to show that Jeremy was the father of Natalie's baby. Oh, and this is one of my favorites..., you told An-Li that she had to marry Brian Bodine in order to get her green card, just to keep Brian away from Hayley. Do you see what you have done to people Adam? Now do you understand why I am just a little skeptical. Oh! Adam: What now? Dixie: I almost forgot that you threatened to frame Pete Cortlandt for rape if Pete didn't keep quiet about Colby being involved in a car accident. That is another one of those little things you have done, that you seem to get out of. Adam stands. Adam: Listen, Dixie... Dixie stands. Dixie: No, you listen Adam. If you are going to hurt my son..., you better watch out. Because, when you hurt him, something goes off in me. Something that will make me want to hurt you. So, watch out. Watch out for me. Dixie grabs her handbag and exits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INT. PRIVATE HOSPITAL ROOM - AFTERNOON Krystal is holding a suitcase. Krystal: I have no problem with driving him to his hotel room. David: Thank you Krystal. Now, behave. Kevin: I will. Thanks for this opurtunity. David: Of course. Krystal: Kevin, go wait in the car please. Kevin: Sure. Kevin exits. Krystal: David, I have to say something before I leave. David: What is that? Krystal crosses her arms. Krystal: If... for one second, I feel double-crossed by you; I will blow you out of the water. Understood? David: Completely. Krystal: Wonderful. David: Welcome to the Krystal/David partnership. They shake hands. Krystal: Seya later David. David: Bye. Krystal exits. David: Watch out Pine Valley. It's gonna get crazy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JOIN US AGAIN FOR: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
ANOTHER WORLD 195 Grant surprises Kirkland
Y&Rbiggestfan commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
What a great episode!!!!!!! Lindsay/Stacey/Gregory: I am loving this storyline! It is really good drama, and very true to what Another World would do if they were still on TV. I feel so sorry for Lindsay though. Jake/Paulina: I feel like Paulina's life is going to take a GIANT leap forward in the next couple of episodes. She has some loving that needs to be decided. I wondered if that is why Jack called her to the station. Gregory: I ADORED how you worked the religious freedom act thing in. It was a very smart move, and was classic soap. You brought talks about social issues back into the fold. Can't wait to see what Gregory says! As Always..... KEEP UP THE AMAZING WORK ON: -
ANOTHER WORLD 194 Jake confides in an old friend
Y&Rbiggestfan commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
I did love this episode, as always! You have set up a lot of good future things. Bridget/Michele: This is getting good! I love this whole new twin rivalry going on! Because, I think it is a easy way for history to come up again and start some new history! Paulina/Jake: I think Donna was right with all she said to Vicky. Vicky needs to get her man back before it is too late. Keep up the good work!!! -
ANOTHER WORLD 193 Carl reaches out
Y&Rbiggestfan commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
I enjoyed this episode when I read it last night! It had a lot of really good family moments. I cannot believe that Lindsey has to get a hysterectomy. But, I am glad she did not have any cancer. I hate that Carl is dying, but it needs to happen, and it is going to be soooooooooooooooooooooo sad. Keep them coming! Can't wait for the big 200th episode! -
AMC #9 - Kendall Gets A Mystery Phone Call
Y&Rbiggestfan posted a blog entry in All My Children (AMC)
EPISODE #9 Created By: Agnes Nixon Written By: Casey Hutchison TAPE DATE: Feb. 9, 2015 AIR DATE: April 21, 2015 INT. KRYSTAL'S DINER - MORNING J.R. and Dixie are having breakfast. Dixie: Honey, is everything okay? I see that you haven't touched your food. J.R.: I am fine. Dixie: Really? J.R.: (Sighs) Dixie: You can tell me anything. What is it? What is going on. Come on, open up to me. What is it? J.R.: David Hayward. THE CAMERA PANS OVER TO LIZA. Liza is drinking coffee, and is on the phone. She has a notebook and pen. She also has glasses on. Liza: Listen, you get her to take that plea deal. I don't know Lorna. Just find a way. Listen, I have to go. I have another client to call. By the way, this client just happens to listen to me. Alright, good luck. By-bye. Liza hangs up, and begins to dial the other number, when Brooke comes up to her. Brooke: What were you thinking? Liza is caught off guard. --- INT. KENDALL AND ZACH'S HOME - MORNING Kendall and Zach enter. Kendall: (Sighs) Zach: What? Kendall: I just wish we didn't have to come home. Zach: Oh Well, we have to. Kendall: I know. Zach: But, hey that flee market lasted longer than it should. They sit on the couch. Kendall: (Sighs) You know you loved it. They kiss, and Kendall's phone rings. Kendall: Hello? Hello? Hello? Kendall hangs up. Zach: Who was that? Kendall: I don't know. INT. DAVID'S PENTHOUSE - MORNING Krystal enters. David shuts the door behind her. Krystal: Hello David. David: Hi Krystal. Krystal: How are you today? David: I am excited. You said you made a choice. Krystal walks past David to the other side of the room. Krystal: (Sighs) I have. David: Excellent! Krystal: Of course you are happy. So, what's the answer. Will you kill J.R., in order for me to bring Babe back? --- INT. KRYSTAL'S DINER - MORNING J.R. puts salt on his eggs. Dixie: This is about David. He starts eating them. Dixie: J.R. what is going on with David? And, be honest with me. J.R.: I don't want you to worry. Dixie: I!... I am. J.R. gets closer to his mom at the table. J.R.: Why? Dixie: Because, it is freaking David Hayward. J.R.: I am lost. I thought you liked the man, because he brought you back from the great beyond. I mean if I died, and David brought me back from the dead, well one I would be super freaked. Two, I would be grateful. So, why aren't you? Dixie: Our family knows how David works all to well. So tell me, what is going on? J.R.: (Sighs) I think David is plotting against me. --- INT. DAVID'S PENTHOUSE - MORNING Krystal crosses her arms. Krystal: Remember when you said that you were had conditions. David: Yes. Krystal: Well, I have conditions now as well. David: Oh really. Krystal: (Laughs) I do. David: What is it? Krystal: David I know that you are hiding someone. You are hiding someone in this house. Do you want to know how I know that? Because, I was spying on you. I know that you have someone here. So, here's how it is going to work. You are going to show me this person, and I am going to then tell you my decision. And, don't try to get out of this, because you won't. So, let's go, shall we? David: Aren't you just so smart? Krystal: I am. David: You know what? That is a fair trade. i show you who I have, and J.R.'s life ends. Krystal: Sure. David: Alright! They shake hands. David: Let's go. --- EXT. KRYSTAL'S DINER - MORNING Liza and Brooke step out on the porch of the diner. Brooke: I thought you were on my side. Liza: I am. Brooke: Oh really? Because, as I know it, you went to my husband. Liza: Oh my gosh! I wasn't actually going to go along with this. Brooke: For your sake I hope not. Brooke checks her watch. Liza: What is that supposed to mean? Brooke: (Sighs) Figure it out. I have to leave for a business meeting. Brooke walks away. Liza: Brooke! --- INT. BASEMENT - MORNING Krystal and David walk into the hospital room. David: There you go. The mystery patient is sitting in a wheel chair. He is facing out the window. David: Hey! We have a visitor. Man: Who is it? David: Just turn around. The mystery patient turns around. Man: Oh, hi. Krystal: Oh my god! Oh my! Oh! Man: What? Krystal: How is this possible. The man is... -
Wow! What a good episode! This show is already getting addictive for me, and it is only wk.2!!! I LOVE how you capture each character. You really know your strength in the ones you pick. Please keep this up. It is really well written. And, I cannot wait to see where your stories go! Pat yourself on the back!
Sheila has what Cane needs? #160
Y&Rbiggestfan commented on aMLCproduction's blog entry in The Young and the Restless
OMG! Cane/Phillip: Cane went all Orange Is The New Black on Phillip's ass, LOL!!! He is just doing some pretty crazy stuff! Abby/Devon: The Colonade Room... (sighs) all I good think about was the cat fights and Victor/Nikki's 2002 wedding LOL. But, hey that is Y&R! Sheila/Mary/James/Dru/Sharon: This is just one HUGE POWERHOUSE Y&R STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dru cracks me up so much. And, even Sharon is whiny on your version LOL. James is just sooo crazy. I wonder if he will do anything to Mary. And, Sheila... is she really gonna go down FOREVER??? -
Epi. 9: A confession and a death
Y&Rbiggestfan commented on JM Fanfiction's blog entry in One Life To Live 2.5
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was just one shock after another LOL. Todd/Blair: I can't believe that happened. That was the biggest shock of all. But, I have a feeling Todd isn't dead. He always has a plan. Maybe, this is another one. Can't wait to see!!! PJ: I wonder who he texted. I also wonder if he has anything to do with the shooting. Because, why did he only get shot in the arm, but the shooter aimed at Todd perfectly, to "kill" him. Mathew/Nora/Bo: I guess this comes as quite a shock for them. i wonder what Nora and Bo truly think. And, what does Mathew have to say. Can't wait for #10. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!! -
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Noah/Mathew: I do like this whole gay storyline thing. And, you seem to be making them front burner characters which is good. Kind of reminds me of Sonny and Will on DAYS. Kevin/Clint: You know, Kevin says that he can trust Karen. But, she went through a lot her first time in Llainview. So, I will go with Clint more on this one. Karen/Aubrey: I loved that scene! It was really written well! More like those please! PJ/Starr: I am interested to see where these two go. And what Blair and Todd think of this new boy will be the icing on top of the cake. SO HAPPY KELLY IS BACK!!! Also, like DAYS22 said, I do love myself a good shooting cliffhanger!
EPISODE #8 Created By: Agnes Nixon Written By: Casey Hutchison TAPE DATE: February 2nd, 2015 AIR DATE: April 14th, 2015 INT. TAD AND DIXIE'S HOME - NIGHT Dixie hugs Tad. She wipes tears off of her face. Dixie: I had absolutely no idea that Opal had a brain tumor. How come you didn't tell me about this? Were you that worried? Tad: I was. Dixie: Oh Tad..., I know that everything is going to be just fine. Opal has come out of things that are way more complicated. Tad: Yes she has. Dixie: So, just know that she will make it out of this. Tad: Yeah, sure. INT. CALEB AND LIZA'S HOME - NIGHT Erica and Caleb come off of their kiss. Erica: Wow. Caleb: Wow. Erica: That was some kiss. Caleb: Yes it was. Erica: (Laughs) Want to do it again? Caleb: I wouldn't mind that. They kiss again. Liza enters. Liza: What the hell? Erica and Caleb turn around in shock. Liza is horrified. Caleb: Liza... it doesn't mean a thing. Liza slaps Erica. Liza: You bitch! How could you!? INT. PINE VALLEY POLICE STATION - NIGHT Brot is still shocked by the test. Brot: You are pregnant. Natalia: Yes..., I am pregnant. Brot: When were you going to tell me about this? Natalia: I was actually going to tell you tonight. Brot: Oh really? Natalia: When you got home. Brot: (Sighs) Natalia: Brot, what's wrong? Brot: Oh..., nothing. Natalia: Really? Because, something tells me that you do not want this baby. So, am I right? Is that true? INT. TAD AND DIXIE'S HOME - NIGHT Dixie is sitting on the couch. She is drinking wine. Tad is not in the room. Then she has a flashback about her and Tad: Tad: I will love you until the end of time. Dixie: (Sighs) They kiss. The flashback ends. Dixie: I hope you stay true to those words. You can tell me anything Tad. But, after all of these years, how do I get you to open up? INT. PINE VALLEY POLICE STATION - NIGHT Brot and Natalia walk into an office. Natalia: You can tell me the truth now. What is it? Brot: It is not what you are thinking. Natalia: Then what the hell is it! Brot: (Sighs) N... Natalia: If you... Brot: Nat... Natalia: All I do... Brot: Natalia! Natalia: What?! Brot: I am happy to be having this baby with you. And I cannot wait to see how this baby will change our lives. Natalia: Do you mean it? Brot: Of course I do baby. Brot takes Natalia passionately. They kiss. INT. CALEB AND LIZA'S HOME - NIGHT Liza slams the door behind her. Liza: I was at the police station all day trying to get a woman a bail hearing. And then I come home to this! To this! Erica: Liza. Liza: Don't you Liza me Erica! I mean my god! Haven't you stole enough women's men over the years! But wait, but wait... there is one more man you want. And he just happens to be my boyfriend. What is wrong with you? Caleb: Liza you shouldn't blame Erica. Liza: I am not blaming Erica. Well, not just Erica. Because, of course I blame you as well. Because, you hold 50% of the blame. Caleb: (Sighs) Erica I think you should go. Erica: I think that's a good idea. Erica grabs her handbag. Liza: Don't let the door hit you on the way out! Caleb: Liza, you need to stop. Liza: I need to stop? I just walked in on you kissing Erica. Your old lover I might add! Caleb: That was a cheap shot. Liza: Oh trust me..., it was not. Caleb: (Sighs) I am going to bed. We can talk about this in the morning. Liza: Don't you walk away from me! Caleb walks away and shuts the door. Liza throws a vase. THIS EPISODE STARRED: Cady McClain AS Dixie Martin Michael E. Knight AS Tad Martin Shannon Kane AS Natalia Fowler Monroe J.R. Martinez AS Brot Monroe Susan Lucci AS Erica Kane Michael Nouri as Caleb Cortland AND: Jamie Luner AS Liza Colby
ANOTHER WORLD 192 Family bonds and family problems
Y&Rbiggestfan commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
OMG!!!! I LOVE WHEN U MOVE THIS FAST!!!!!! Marley and Allen were wonderful scenes!!! You had those set up wonderfully. But, what is going to go on with Joy.That I cannot wait to see. Good job on that mystery. I hope Lindsay doesn't have cancer. If she does, it will make for some good drama! I loved Stacey in this episode. It was wonderful to also see everyone connect. I hope that this Michele Bridget thing goes on and on and on. I am absolutely loving it! You did good Cary! Can't wait for #193!!! -
DAYS #60: The Board Meeting (Part 1) - Guess Who?
Y&Rbiggestfan commented on beebs's blog entry in Days of our Lives: The Alternate Timeline
The pics were just WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!! Hope/Nick: I LOVE THOSE SCENES! I could totally see Hope doing all of this. But, I wonder if she was going to get caught. But, Hope better be aware of what Gabby is doing soon. WIll/Sonny: I love how you stay true to them! You def have them down pat as a couple. Very nice work on your part! THE BOARD MEETING: This is gonna be soooo good! You are taking the business prospect of DAYS and upping it a little. Very good work!!!!! LOVE IT! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! -
I absolutely LOVED IT!!! This was a really good start. You have characters down pat, really well! I LOVED that u brought Britt into the whole mix. Cannot wait to see what you have in store for her and Billy. Operation find Bo Brady. This could get really good, really fast! Cannot wait for #2! Good idea for a show BTW.
Epi. 7: Gala Disaster part 1
Y&Rbiggestfan commented on JM Fanfiction's blog entry in One Life To Live 2.5
PLEASE COME BACK!!! I miss this version of OLTL! Want it to continue!