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Everything posted by Y&Rbiggestfan

  1. Oh my gosh poor Michael! And Lauren I am glad you fought with Daisy but now Daisy got the reaction she wanted. I gotta say I am loving what you give to Leslie in each episode. You have me care deeply for your characters which TV Y&R has not done in quite awhile. Roxanne... that should get interesting! LOVING the Daniel/Gina scene. Those were extremely well written on your part! Excellent job!
  2. Gosh where is this Carter plot headed??? Makes me nervous!!! The way you wrote the Nikki scene was powerful in every aspect! ML you are now creating want you want too I feel like. You are putting a new revamping spin while throwing in old stuff for the longtime fans. Wonderful job! Please keep it up!
  3. I feel like I am really starting to understand your show more and more and where you come from. Anyways, Daisy is just getting too out of control. With a 3rd Carter member on the loose in Genoa City... anything can happen! I feel kind of sorry for almost all of your characters. Anyways great show!
  4. This Enernext story gets better and better! It is by far your best work I have seen. I loved the Hope and Aiden stuff! You really showcase them in the best way by giving their scenes meaning. Also I like the deeper connection you give with Theresa. I think Anne and EJ should be afraid of each other. They are both power players who grab what they want.
  5. Beebs this episode was HOT HOT HOT! I loved the use of history mention with Kellam Chandler. Also I am sooooo happy for Laura's return. I hope you end up having her stay! Your show really speaks several volumes. Especially in this episode! Wonderful job!
  6. Oh my gosh Cary!!!! This episode was jammed packed! You covered everything a "Back to Another World" fan needed. This episode was freaking amazing! Anyways let's begin... I cannot believe Reginald has KC... I knew she was in trouble from the beggining. I have a feeling that a lot of Bay City faves are headed down a troubling path with this boss aka Reginald. The Sharlene scenes were filled with some of your best work! You should be proud of yourself with your 170th episode! It was some of the best work I have seen from you! Keep it up!
  7. Very nice episode! Looks like "Sydney" and Tracy are going to butt heads. Seems like Sydney will become the new Tracy. I think Levi will end up stealing the necklace. Just by your description it looks like that will happen. I wonder who Joey is too and could he be coming to Port Charles? Loving the romance and charm you are turning on with your couples. Very nice!
  8. This whole entire Nina plot is going to end up rocking Port Charles! I hope Duke ends up killing Obrecht. She is starting to be annoying in terms of she knows everything we do not. But hey that can make good story! I love your spin on things. You put a nice revamping ring to GH!
  9. It was nice to see that kiss between Frankie and Cass happen. I loved the Charlie and Kirkland moment during the first scene. I feel like Jack is gonna dig himself a deep hole. To hear the truth from John will be quite interesting.
  10. Interesting characters it seems. Cannot wait to see more bavk story though. Very nice set ups.
  11. Oh my gosh! Abigail now works at Countess W!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of your biggest shocks yet. Liam is just plain creepy now. Nice to see Marlena and is there a Laura return in the works? Loved the Billie and Teresa dinner. It was very real to me. This was an AMAZING episode and all of the long term things you have to work on is great!
  12. Oh god Patrick needs serious help. I just get a vibe that he is going to hurt someone. And then Obrecht watched Duke and Anna outside Kelly's. She probably wanted them to go ahead and scrambel over this. Nice to hear to Q's that have not been mentioned in awhile. Levi seems like he is going to turn out to maybe dangerous. He is sending weird vibes. Plus you had classic Tracy/Monica. What more could you ask for? Another home run episode!
  13. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sheryl and Jordan are caught!!!!!! This episode really qued my intrest on your stories. You get better and better. I gotta say that I almost cried between the Sami and EJ scene. Because it was classic soap opera pulling at you heart strings. And then the comedy lines with Victor was absolutely hilarious and golden! Wonderful work!
  14. Christy is just going to be more trouble for Bay City! I like how in this episode you gave us drama along with a little recap of some of your stories. Cory should be so confused with all the people who are filling his mind. K.C. is gonna be in trouble it seems and that is never good. It was also nice to see Amanda and Paulina team up against Iris again. It causes some comedy. And plus what is in that envolope??? Your dialouge was also really good and catchy in this episode especially between Reginald and Rachel. Another good episode!!! Cannot wait for more!
  15. Oh my gosh!!!!!!!! ML you better keep writing like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The classic Y&R!!!!!!! BBell Jr. The show is totally not boring. Anyways I was laughing so hard at Daisy's remarks I almost cried. Plus Daniel is on to something now. What a freaking wonderful show. Loved how Jack still comforts Nikki. Awesome seeing a Doris appearence. And this Victoria and JT story is coming to a boil soon. I can just feel it.
  16. Yes!!!!!!! Finally other characters are shown!!!!! Absolutely loved this episode. There needs to be more of them like this one ML. You showecased Victoria's strength through tough situations. You showed how affected Nikki can truly get by Katherine's death. The Nick and Noah scene was good to see it was refreshing. I enjoyed this episode. Please give us more like this!!! Give us The Young and the Restless to read (you did in this episode)! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!
  17. Hood episode. I like how you are putting your own sping on this that makes a great show. Patrick needs to get it under control and quickly. It seems like his life is going down hill quickly. Morgan seems like he still wants KiKi. I like the short and small show down between Dr. O and Anna. Goo show!!!
  18. Cary I am just shocked by your shows lately. I mean the stories are just climaxing like crazy and I know there is more. And Reginald is now the head of the Lumina Foundation. That is just abosolutely shocking. I did enjoy the catchy dialouge through out this episode it shows our strength. I wonder what the fate of Lisa will be makes me nervous. The scenes you give Bridget and Cory to me are refreshing. Overall good work!!!
  19. I feel sorry that Sami does not really know the truth. Loved the Billie and Theresa scene. It brought a calmness to all the drama. Everyone can tell right away that something big might happen soon. I just felt it throughout this whole episode!
  20. The whole show has been turning on this Victor thing lately and I am enjoying that. This show was pure Victor. You did get a little graphic for a split second though. Anyways good show.
  21. I love how you write these characters. You show us how everyone is affected by a main topic in their lives and right now that is Nick. Nick better watch it. He might have something on Nicole but nobody crosses her and gets away with.
  22. Nice flashbacks and use of the shows history that the tv version and your version have accomplished. I cannot believe that Marissa is Michele that is just wow! This episode to me seemed like a good one in terms of you were setting more up for this story. Very nice job!
  23. I am over joyed you brought Connie back! This was a well thought out show with a good plan. You even adressed Duke and Anna's "dead" child. But once again Dr. Obrecht knows something that was not adressed to the audience LOL. Overall great show!
  24. ML this episode was classic Y&R. The passion, the secrets, the dialouge, the darkness, everything about it was golden! I felt like I was looking at Y&R for the first time! This episode spoke to me in ways other have not!
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