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Everything posted by Y&Rbiggestfan

  1. WONDERFUL EPISODE! Amanda and Allen scenes set up a good opener. They were very real romance. Loved the K.C. & Joy scenes. Then the Burell family drama topped off K.C.'s episode. Etta Mae and Toni made a great team for talking to K.C. I am still in love with Joy hiding her secrets. This is going to be a huge climax! Finally, Allen and Iris scenes were great. Iris has something coming, I can see it brewing. Eversince she got Spaulding roots... she has been unstoppable. Good job!
  2. Wow! I am sooo glad u posted this, when u did. I was missing ANOTHER WORLD a lot!!! So let's go ahead and break things down.... Jack/Vicky: The Jack and Vicky scenes were very nice and much needed. It kinda calm things down for the two of them. They both can relate because of what is going on with Carly and Jake. It is nice to see two stories and two characters kinda connect on the canvas. Paulina/Carl/Rachel: These were nice scenes as well. I love when vets are there to give another vet advice. Paulina seeks guidance once in awhile, and I love that quality about her. From seeking, she knows the things she has done wrong, and she can fix them. Michele/Jake/Vicky: I like how Jake in a way confronted Michele about the livingroom. It was not too harsh and it was not to lightly glossed over. He took great action in going about this. I like how mis-guided Vicky currently is on her relations with Jake. It makes for some wonderful storyline. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!
  3. Wow what an episode! Great story discussion and build up all the way through. So, let's begin! Stacey/Cass/Frankie was a good idea to have this show. Love is in the air. But, Stacey needs to realize that Jake has to deal with his own stuff. Love probably is not in the cards for him at the moment. Lindsay/Gregory have become really nteresting now. It is going to be interesting to see how they connect with their parents. To tell you the truth they are both in some pretty awkward situations at the moment. Christy is starting to worry me LOL. She is planning a dangerous period of time for the residents of Bay City. What's even scarier is that Grant is going right along with all of this. Is it possible Grant wants revenge more than Christy? Interesting. Finally, Jack/Paulina/Carly was extremely interesting exchange. I adored how you wrote Carly. You not only stuck true to an age old love story, but you also stuck true to Carly's guns!!! I am totally caught up in Paulina and Jack. Cary... you are setting up a good finish to the 2014 soap opera blogging year. Keep up the good work!!!
  4. Al I have to tell you this was probably the best constructed episode yet. I saw each characters agenda clearly. You hit the main things to focous on. First E.J. and Abigail. I loved your details to those scenes. Those scene were the icing on this episode 54 cake. Billie/Daniel will be interesting to see if you unravel them more. Anything without Jen and Dan together is great LOL! I liked bow you set up the walk with John. Very DAYS! You used history with Marlena and Roman and you are using history with John. You are taking us to this new story with Roman that TV Days writers would never even think of! Finally, Kimberly and Kayla! I do not think that could have gotten any better! Kayla really took Kim's feelings into play. Very nice moment! Keep up the great work!!!
  5. Gosh where do I begin! Cary each week I give you praise for your amazing outlook on Another World. And this week is not any different. I keep imagining your blog on TV. You bring it to life every week. These family scenes have really captured classic soap opera. You are really letting us know the happiness that Jake and Vicky are feeling by having their daughter back in their lives. On the flip side, you are letting us see the struggle it is going to take. Michele has so much to know that it will be a struggle for her as the year comes to a close. I wonder how she will react to Lindsay and how Lindsay will react to her. I wonder if Bridget will go a little crazy because of the direction her life is going in. I loved the scene between Michael and Donna. It captured the reason why they have stayed with one another through decades and decades. Finally, Christy's last line. I was like oh no what is she going to do? You are making this stry extremely interesting and very much worth my while. To sum this up I would say keep up the good work. You have just begun to find that balance between family, friendships, and relationships. Hold onto that, it will serve for that classic soap formula. Keep up the great work!!!
  6. What an amazing episode! You combined so much stuff and seperated stories very well! In my eyes, this episode was extremely succesful in episode construction. All the parts that cam into play were great! You had the drama with Michele... that is going to be a hell of a thing to see how everyone copes with this. Cass and Frankie are becoming great characters on this version. I loved the first scene. It was a great way to open the show and build up to the cliffhanger. Build up is needed on a show like Another World and you do that well! Next, I wanted to say how much I love how you wrote the reaction to Donna and Michael discovering everything about Michele. Usually, with a story such as this you expect a character like Donna tp have the wrong idea, and have it be boring etc. BUT, you made it interesting. I felt like I could really get the emotion you were trying to capture. Next, I wonder when Charlie is going to discover Kirk's secrets about Scotty. That will be might interesting. I am also interested to see how ML and you act that out on both shows. These wedding parts so far, have made me wonder where your relationships are headed. That will be quiet interesting considering how many people still have feelings for one another. Lastly, I LOVED Christy's entrance. I could just see that playing on TV. I could see everyone reacting. That scene was very on point and a shocker was needed to hint the episode title, and you delivered!!! Wonderful job! And keep up the great work, you do week after week!
  7. I enjoyed this episode very much!!! I feel this is a great way to build up current and new stories. I love how you reintroduced John... very DAYS like LOL. I LOVED the Abby scenes in this episode. We see her continue to hide the affair secret with EJ but she is also letting EJ know that she is no longer going to be stomped on. I think the Billie/Kim scene was needed badly and I am glad you put in there. And that beginning of the first scene with them where you came off that slap was brilliant!!! Wonderful job and keep up the great work! I did TRULY LOVE THIS EPISODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. The scene with Kim really pulled on my heart strings. We saw how much Kim really cares about... BUT now it is time for Billie to show Kim who the boss is. I loved the scene with Caroline, Nicole, and Eric I can see that actually happening on TV. OH Daniel... NICE GOING! He ruins everything. Anne and EJ so much movement you have taken there and I LOVE IT!!!! Sami... that affair is like right under your nose... sniff it out LOL. And Liam & Jen so much character devolopment. Keep up the good work!
  9. YES!!!!!!!! The truth is finally out! This is going to impact lives greatly in Bay City and I cannot wait for it!!!! You combined sooo much in this episode. I love Sharlene's drunken rant at Tops. It makes me wonder what is in store for her next!? Cary you did a wonderful job with this episode and I cannot wait for the next one. Keep up the great work!!!
  10. Wow! Okay, I LOVED this episode! Abigail... you have offcialy ruined your life. You just had to give into your temptaition. Now look where it has gotten you. I loved how you played the woman aspect in this episode. Soaps has always been about women. Gabi... GOD what is it gonna take for you to realize this is HIGHLY dangerous!!!! But I am glad she realizes Nick needs to go!!! Great episode!
  11. LOVED THIS EPISODE!!!!!!!! You had the drama with Hillary and Roxanne The comedy relief with Sister Patterson And the mystery with James Great job ML!!!
  12. That was an amazing show! The build up through those scenes was absolutely amazing!!! All the old flashbacks, the things she saw between Cory/Bridget. And then she breaks stuff! I LOVED IT!!! I really felt the emotion with Paulina/Grant. It was played very well! Through out this wedding, you have managed to showcase family and romance extremely well! I love all these bonding scenes. I felt like I am really seeing a real set up for a wedding. Keep up the good work!!!
  13. I love how Nick is thinking that Gabi loves him. It makes the set up even more interesting to me. Tyler and Maggie are going to be a great story!!! Good choice! I love how you are giving Sami a back bone again. She is remembering a terrible noment in her life, while keeping her strength. I liked the romance and story movement that was showcased for Will and Sonny. Keep up the good work!
  14. A wonderful episode! Marking it up their as one of my favorites! I love how the wedding mixed into Michele at the reception. Finally, Charlie and Kirk are married but wait until she finds out about Scotty!!! I feel like this episode gave hope for other couples and that was very well thought out! Great job!
  15. Wow! E.J. now knows that Abby is pregnant!!! Great cliffhanger. Gabi... I kind of like her character and kind of don't. She can play a dangerous game and then have a heart of gold, to cover it all up. The scene between E.J. and Sami was totally needed. It really captured the storyline you have them in now. And the fact that Kim and Marlena were there for her. Anne is slowing losing it. Every episode she is in, is her slowling un-raveling. I am loving it! She cannot let E.J. win another game! I liked the Jennifer/Laura scene. It captured a bonding mother and daughter relationship. But... I wonder why Laura thought of Daniel. I kept thinking about that to myself. She should know that Jack was and will always be her daughters true love. I love how you have made Kate interesting again! With what you have her involved in, you can take her into millions of different directions. I am not only interested to see where she goes but the Titan plot as well. GOOD EPISODE!!! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!
  16. ML, u r back and better than ever!!! Glad to see the show back!!!! James/Mary/Sheila that will be a hell of a set up. Karynn totally deserved to be knocked off her gurney. Daisy/Roxanne is a good pairing to have. But Rox will only get hurt in the end. Scene between Scotty and Lauren was touching and family oriented soap. Nice job!
  17. Loved your little comedy lines in this episode (the family;DiMera meaness) That scene where Hope told Victor and Maggie about Brady and Theresa and the accident, I felt like I was watching DAYS on TV. I SEE your set up for Nick now. All this backstabbing and Titan TV vote stuff... it is gonna conclude in a HUGE way... I can feel it. Abigail... cannot catch a break! Hope the baby is okay. Eventhough she is pregnant by EJ... it is still a baby. That little dream sequence you had was AWESOME and well written. Anne... calm down girl! This whole E.J. thing is getting to her. She is slowly losing her cool. Great show! Keep up the good work!
  18. LOVED THIS EPISODE!!! It flowed together extremely well. Your hospital scenes were very soapy... and I loved it. Abigail is going down a dark path. I feel like this is the real Abigail too. A slut. Sheryl, Jordan, and Nick are going to be taken down... it is only a matter of time. Anne's scene has me creeped out LOL. This whole E.J. thing has gotten her into a mess so big. Keep up the good work!
  19. Gosh, Cary I think you might make me cry on every Charlie/Kirkland wedding episode. Christy and Grand... they are by far your two main mysterious character. Loved the history mention of Donna/Michael. When you Michele found out she could not read... that was so freaking sad. I felt bad for a fictional character. That stuff is real. Loved all these romantic scenes. These family/romantic scenes are really setting the tone for these wedding episodes. Overall, great job. Keep up the good work!
  20. Gosh, I think I teared up at every scene (except scenes with Christy LOL) Scott/Kirkland fans of your show have been waiting a long time for that scene. All these family scenes are getting to me. Every true soap fan knows that at the heart of soaps is a family. EXCELLENT JOB!!! Cannot wait to see more!
  21. Great episode! Loved the scene with Daniel at the end. The scene with Jordan and Rafe was nice and relaxing up until they found Theresa LOL. Tyler and Maggie... something to be explored. And really Gabi? You wanna have dinner with Nick (puke). Love that your using Sheryl and giving her depth. Abby pregnant! Oh no!!! All in all, I think this episode had a rocky start. But it got much better as it went on.
  22. FINALLY THE BIG DAY!!! LOVED the family scenes in this episode! It pulled everything together that AW fans wanted to see. The car scene with Mitch, Felicia, John, and Sharlene was hilarious and totally worth reading! The way you described the last Michele scene in this episode was touching! And the way we all knew Bridget had that feeling... that just really touched my heart. WONDERFUL start to the wedding!
  23. OH MY GOD! I KNEW SOMETHING WAS GOING TO HAPPEN TO THEM IN THAT CAR BUT I DID NOT EXPECT ANY OF THAT!!!!!!!!!! Wow, your cliffhangers were AMAZING! Anne and E.J. were hilarious to me. I LOVE Anne's dark humor. I love the emotional scene you wrote for Sami. Her lines were captivating. Liam, quite the mystery. Why did he hand Gabi pills? Why is he doing stuff for E.J.? A lot of burning questions and a whole let of cliff hangers. HATS OFF TO YOU ON THIS ONE AL!!!
  24. WOW!!! HECK OF AN EPISODE!!! Brady, so whiny, but such a great character! THERESA IS IN FOR IT LOL!!! Victor... I feel is really looking out for Brady and Brady is just blinded. So, lots of Kristen mentions in this episode. Are we getting her back... soon! LOVE Anne! She is definitely your comic relief. She said E.J. was bluffing but you do not mess with a DiMera. GREAT WORK!!!
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