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Everything posted by Y&Rbiggestfan

  1. AMAZING CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This episode was CLASSIC soap to me. You had everything fall into place and to me the episode kind of wrote itself for that. I like the mystery to this Reginald story. It got me pumped up LOL! Paulina and Jack scenes were what real people discuss. They discuss the issues at hand. Nice move on your part! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD... GET TO THIS DAMN WEDING ALREADY LOL!!! Ceicel... I LOVED the obstacle that she gave Cass and Frankie. This gonna be some HEAVY and IMPACTFUL drama! Excellent job! Keep up the good work!
  2. Alex, OH MY GOSH! Where do I start??? LOL! I have nothing but positive things to say. E.J./Abigail once I saw the photo I was like... he is going to make this the same as TV. But... you changed it. Excellent job on your part! Gabi... whiny Gabi... here we go again LOL. Brady is a mess and needs help. Victor cannot let him plead a case. Brady needs to be taught a lesson and this will surely do the trick! LOVED the Abigail/Jennifer scene. In my mind I was picturing her skin crawlin while talking to Jen about Countess W and EJ. Nicole and Eric. They are really turning into something on your version and I love every moment!!!!!!!! Anne... this story can take 50 directions and the path u r taking us through now is WONDERFUL!!! Excellent job! Keep up the GREAT work!!!
  3. Gosh, Cary. This is why you are my FAVORITE SON blog! Felicia and Mitch confrontation was an amazing, can't miss scene! It was jam packed of raw emotional lines! I could just picture it on TV. Loved this last scene. Reginald has it in for him now. He better watch it! I loved your beginning to the whole K.C. confrontation thing. And I know it is just the beggining. Cannot wait to c what is in for Ceicle/Cass that is gonna be great! Lot of things to look forward too! Cannot wait for more!
  4. Wow! Liam... what is he up too? Who did he call? He is a very supcious character with GREAT set up. Here is my thing... Gabi is the worst! She gets herself in situations she is a mess! I adored those opening scenes woth Thereasa very well crafted. I am overjoyed that Kim can be there for Thereasa but how long and how much can she take? Very well crafted episode!
  5. This episode began slowly but it all went towards this build up to an AMAZING ending! Hats off to you for tricking us into thinking this would be a normal episode. Except for the episode title but I thought it was going to be very different. I also have to say that you do great bonding scenes with friends and family. It really mixes stories together and shows that your characters have heart. Oh Van... you cause trouble like a true Carter girl and I LOVE everty scene she is in! WONDERFUL JOB!
  6. Oh my gosh, the stakes have OFFICIALLY been raised in this whole Reginald storyline and I am freaking LOVING every second! I loved how you captured a moment between Marley and Vicky! Very nice! Nice to see all this history back into the fold of your show while still doing original material. K.C. and Allen... that is going to be good. This buildup with all your stories is gonna be explosive and I cannot wait. Excellent Job!!!
  7. Oh my god... the build up with this Thereasa story has been great! Loving these quicker episodes too! Be sure to put your own spin on the E.J./Abigail story. Nice family scenes really captured the true story of DAYS. Loved how you wrote the flashback in. Wonderful job!
  8. KRYSTAL CARRINGTON!!! LMAO! --- Loved the young adult scenes at House of Kem. No one really knows who they are dealing with once it comes to Daisy. --- LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED seeing Snapper. But what will happen during this will reading of Kay's? --- I LOVE how u have been showcasing Mac's kindness! Very well done! --- KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK! ---
  9. Reginald Love... quite the character. He is not finished yet... I can tell. I absolutely adored the Allen and To i scene. It was real. That is your strength... realness. Ceicle good to see her and Dr. Bob and Casey. It was nice to see these people and these guest come on the show today. Wonderful job! I think out of all the characters you have that Rachel is defintley the one you have down the best. You write her emotions so well!
  10. Gosh that ending was pure soap and extremely beautiful to me. Her turning of the light and walking up the stairs. I just pictured that in my head as I read it. FINALLY the long awaited wedding!!! Your build up through the weeks and weeks has been amazing! That Sharlene and John scene got me teared up because the emotions were real and raw. Loving this Christy storyline... nice way to bring history back into the fold. Felicia and Mitch where are they headed? Their road seems interesting and I am ready to walk! Very good job with the episode! Keep up the great work!
  11. Oh Theresa... what a delightful bitch she is. Alex I gotta hand the family scene to you. You showcased the strengths that families have. I feel like Sonny and Will are really trying to help Gabby but she is blindsided by Nick. I like that Maggie stood her ground. She has done that in awhile... good for her! This whole Titan story has me fired up! LOL! Great job!
  12. I feel sorry that Lauren is not safe. Makes me sad for her. I absolutely loved the last scene Daisy and Mary (Vandalynn) were in. I wanna point out that the beggining of this show was very choppy. Also some characters had lines where they did not speak nor act like themselves. You have gotta be careful with that. I loved that they helped Karl. Everyone has a heart... no matter how cold.
  13. Wow still jammed pack! Seems like your show is gonna get sooo hot this summer that it is going to fog up my screen! Anne seems to be making a lot of enemies besides EJ. I wonder who will finally do something over the top to her. I LOVE this Roman story you have for us! Nice choice in choosing! Glad to see him actually have a story! Love seeing Chole in these past 2 episodes so far. Cannot believe it was Daniel. I cannot tell you how much I love that Marlena still cares for Roman. You showed us their historical connection through caring ways. Gabi/Nick/and whiny Sonny... here we go again! GREAT EPISODE! Keep up the good work Beebs #DAYS!
  14. It will be interesting to see who Levi's father turns out to be. I loved the little girl time that Maxie and LuLu were having. Sebestian... interesting character. Love him already you write him sooo well. Nina what is going to happen next??? Excellent job Cary!
  15. Gosh who is the mystery person??? I wonder! I have one idea though and I think I am right! You had me starting to cry in the last Roxanne/Leslie scene. My heart went out to Roxanne. I think there is a soft side to Karynn that we are not seeing. Loved the Brock/Devon/Mac scenes. Love that u put the opening in their! Excellent job!
  16. I loved the history lesson!!!! It really taught me more between the tv show and your version! Cary you are really setting up stories that I can see going beyond 200 episodes! Amazing work bro!
  17. Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is all I can say for this episode! You cearintly opened my July with a bang! Anne hit by a car (or is she?) Roman's memory going! Chole appearance! Will and Sonny discussing money and marriage! Alex you definitely made this episode worth my time! GOSH I AM STILLLLLLL IN SHOCK BY WHAT YOU PUT!!! TOTALLY READING THIS EPISODE AGAIN! AMAZING WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Oh my gosh Karynn's joke made my day!!! Your scenes were absolutely fabulous in this episode! The scene with Leslie and Roxanne really touched me. It was powerful and I know that is probably just the begnning!!!! Also, your scenes with the Baldwin family were great! It really rehashed everything that was needed to move the story along! Phyllis and Daniel were great! You really showed us their relationship! Excellent!!!
  19. Very interesting episode! --- I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Karynn! She is one of your best written characters! Her motive and mission are made clear But I also love how Brock continues to stand up for the estate. --- The scene for Leslie, Spencer, and Roxanne was not only good writing it was pure YR It had everything correct! --- I loved the who Scotty and Fenmore scenes! Your way of this whole bullying gay story is real It really shines a light on true society --- You doing a quick showcase of the friendships Lauren has made through the decades she has been on the show were absolutely wonderful! It goes to show that everyone has a friend somewhere. --- Who could the black coat person be??? Interesting new story! --- FINALLY!!!! The fashion story has begun! Thanks for the shout out! --- KEEP UP THE AMAZING WORK ON YOUR VERSION OF #Y&R!!!
  20. Sounds great! Cannot wait to see how the others characters come into the fold of you soap!
  21. Wow... what wonderful scenes you wrote for Anne and E.J. Interesting with the plane ticket It is Anne and I do not think she is done yet. --- Your dialogue that you wrote for JJ and Abby was absolutely wonderful. I enjoyed it a lot. I could really see the brother and sister dynamic. --- I am LOVING these romantic scenes with Eric and Nicole. You really are capturing the beauty if their relationship! --- What was up with Roman? It seemed like he forgot everything about the mission at hand! I have never seen Roman ever forget a case... something is up Makes me wonder what Marlena is going to walk into??? ---- WONDERDFUL EPISODE... KEEP UP THE AMAZING WORK WITH #DAYS!!!
  22. I am confused LOL because I thought that Starr had just returned to your version of "One Life to Live,." so is she only staying momentarily? Also do not make this OLTL make it your own "General Hospital" that we will know and love.
  23. I like the fastness of this new soap... but is it too fast? I think Mona Layla and Josie will be your top interesting characters! Wonderful set up Josh!
  24. So are they exiting your version of OLTL then? Also I do not want your GH to turn into OLTL.
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