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Everything posted by Y&Rbiggestfan

  1. For weeks now rumors have been swirling around everyone's favorite soap opera, ALL MY CHILDREN. It has now been confirmed by head writer/executive producer Casey Hutchison, that PINE VALLEY is getting an update on their teen scene. The aged children include: Adam Gregory as Spike Lavery Molly Burnett as Kathy Martin Freddie Smith as Ian Slater Kimberly Matula as Emma Lavery Drew Garrett as A.J. Chandler On Saturday, Casey commented this: "We are extremely excited and delighted to welcome these talented and young actors, and actresses. The work they have started to shoot is unbelivable. I cannot wait for you are all to see." The aged version of the children are set to make their debuts in December.
  2. ALL MY CHILDREN - EPISODE 29 CREATED BY: Agnes Nixon WRITTEN BY: Casey Hutchison TIME OF DAY: Night INT. PINE VALLEY HOSPITAL Opal and Tad rush in. Tad is holding Opal. TAD: Help! Someone help! Joe rushes with a bunch of nurses, as they lift Opal onto a gurney, and carry her off. Liza and Caleb enter, as Erica begins to narrate. ERICA: Life can change in an instant for the residents of Pine Valley. It can be good one minute, and bad the next. Liza is carted off on a gurney, as a surgical team huddles around her. Caleb is very worried, as the camera zooms in to reveal that blood is all over his hands. Erica continues narrating. ERICA: This night is unlike any other. The residents of Pine Valley are going to receive quite a shock. But, the real question is this. Who will not survive? (DRAMATIC AND SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC) OPENING CREDITS. EXT. BIANCA AND MARISSA’S HOME Sirens are wailing, cars are continuously honking. The home is completely demolished and leveled. Bianca slowly awakens. She is coughing uncontrollably. BIANCA: (Wheezing) Help! Help! Help! Bianca slowly stands up. She is wobbling, as she begins to look for her wife. She finds Marissa, after searching for a little bit. There are pieces of wood on her. Bianca tries to lift a huge a piece. BIANCA: Ah! (SAD MUSIC) Bianca can’t seem to get it off. BIANCA: Marissa! Come on! You have to fight! You have to fight! (Sobbing) I love you, honey. I love you. Just come on. Wake up. We can get this off of you together. Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! --- INT. MOTEL LOBBY Zach, Jesse, and Ryan enter the hotel lobby very fast. They go up to a thin, sleazy guy. JESSE: Pine Valley PD. GUY: Whoa Dude! What the hell? ZACH: We need the keys to room 166. (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC) RYAN: Now! GUY: Fine. You got it. Here is the master key. It opens all the rooms here at the motel. Ryan snatches it. RYAN: Let’s go get this bitch. JESSE: Ryan, slow down. You just can’t do this that quickly. We are dealing with a psycho. RYAN: I am done playing Annie’s games. This ends here. It ends tonight. I am done trying to beat around this bush. ZACH: I’m inclined to agree with Ryan. JESSE: Of course you are. Fine. Let’s go. --- INT. SECRET ROOM Annie enters the secret room. Three people are tied up. ANNIE: Hey Ladies! The women are revealed to be Greenlee, Natalia, and Amanda. (MYSTERIOUS MUSIC) ANNIE: So, guess what? I checked. You all are healthy enough to give birth to your babies. Sure Amanda. Your baby will be a tad premature, but at least I get to choose. So, do I was Greenlee’s baby. Natalia’s baby. Or, Amanda’s?--- INT. ERICA’S PENTHOUSE Erica and Jackson are fast asleep on the couch. Then, Erica’s phone rings. It doesn’t stop. Jackson gets up, and looks over it at it. Erica slowly wakes. ERICA: Who is it? JACKSON: Angie. ERICA: Angie? JACKSON: Would you like me to take it? ERICA: Yeah. Jackson answers. JACKSON: Hello. ANGIE: (OVER THE PHONE) Jackson? Why are you answering Erica’s phone? Is everything alright? JACKSON: Everything is fine. Erica is just going through something right now. What’s up? ANGIE: You need to bring Erica to the hospital. JACKSON: What’s wrong? ANGIE: Bianca and Marissa were caught in an explosion. --- 5 MINUTE COMMERCIAL BREAK --- INT. PINE VALLEY HOSPITAL (SAD MUSIC THROUGHOUT) Caleb is in the waiting room. Asher runs up to him. They hug tightly. As they come off the hug: ASHER: I just got your text, dad. How is Liza? CALEB: The doctor told me that she just went into surgery. They said that the bullet is by her lungs. If they can’t get it out, then the lungs will be punctured, and Liza won’t survive. ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE HOSPITAL: Tad is holding Dixie. DIXIE: How are you holding up? TAD: I’m not worried about me. I don’t want you to be worried about me, either. My mother is fighting for her life. DIXIE: What happened? TAD: I came over to check up on her. I went to make some tea. When I came back into the living room, she fainted. Joe told me that they are going to try and remove the tumor. ON ANOTHER SIDE OF THE HOSPITAL: Erica and Jackson enter. They race up to Angie. ERICA: Where the hell is my daughter? How is she? How is Marissa? How are they? Are they in surgery? ANGIE: Erica, slow down. Bianca is fine. They have her hooked to a breathing tube, so they can evacuate the smoke. Marissa is having surgery on her spine. She was severely hurt by falling debris from the house. ERICA: (Crying) Oh my god! Oh my god! Who would have done this to my baby!? Who!? Who?! --- INT. ANNIE’S MOTEL ROOM Jesse, Ryan, and Zach bust through the door. They check every part of the room. ZACH: Clear! RYAN: Clear! JESSE: Guys! Ryan and Zach rush into the bathroom, where Jesse is located. They look down at the bathtub, and see what Jesse’s sees. (DRAMATIC MUSIC) ZACH: Oh my god. They see Kendall, who is slowly awaking. KENDALL: Help me. --- INT. SECRET ROOM The women try making as much sound as possible. ANNIE: There is no reason in making any sound. No one is going to hear you. I have you now. And soon, I will have one of your babies. So, let’s begin. I think I am going to take Greenlee’s. Come on surgeon. Let’s go. The surgeon is revealed to be... JOSHUA MADDEN!!! (DRAMATIC MUSIC) --- INT. PINE VALLEY HOSPITAL As slow, sad, music plays, we see Erica, Caleb, and Tad meeting with individual doctors. JOE: (TALKING TO TAD AND DIXIE) Opal’s tumor has been removed. She flatlined in surgery, but she recovered. She has a long life ahead of her. We hope that she recovers very smoothly. FRANKIE: (TALKING TO CALEB) We were able to get the bullet removed, without puncturing Liza’s lungs. However, that does not mean that she does not have a long recovery ahead of her. It was some bullet that hit her. ANGIE: (TALKING TO ERICA) I am so sorry. Marissa did not make it through tonight. The damage was just too severe. We tried everything we could, but she had injuries past her spine. Everything freezes very slowly. ERICA (NARRATION): There is always one person who doesn’t survive in these disasters the get Pine Valley. But, with every death comes a return. Question is. Who will return to Pine Valley next? --- CLOSING. THIS HAS BEEN: CREATED BYagnes nixon WRITTEN BY casey hutchison DIRECTED BY steven williford STARRING David Canary as Adam & Stuart Chandler Debbie Morgas as Dr. Angela Baxter Hubbard Julia Barr as Brooke English Michael Nouri as Caleb Cortlandt Lindsay Hartley as Dr. Cara Castillo Natalie Hall as Colby Chandler Vincent Irizarry as Dr. David Hayward Cady McClain as Dixie Cooney Martin Susan Lucci as Erica Kane Rebecca Buding as Greenlee Smythe Lavery Jacob Young as J.R. Chandler & Kevin Walt Willey as Jackson Montgomery Alicia Minshew as Kendall Hart Slater Darnell Williams as Jesse Hubbard Bobbie Eakes as Krystal Carey Camila Banus as Lily Montgomery Jamie Luner as Liza Colby Cameron Mathison as Ryan Lavery Michael E Knight as Tad Martin Thorsten Kaye as Zach Slater Tate Berney as A.J. Chandler Chrishell Stause as Amanda Dillon Martin Trent Garrett as Asher Pike Eden Riegel as Bianca Montgomery J.R. Martinez as Brot Monroe Ricky Paull Goldin as Dr. Jake Martin Cornelius Smith, Jr as Dr. Frankie Hubbard Jordi Vilasuso as Dr. Griffin Castillo Ray MacDonald as Dr. Joe Martin Stephanie Gatschet as Madison North Daniel Cosgrove as Scott Chandler Shannon Kane as Natalia Jill Larson as Opal Cortlandt Melissa Claire Egan as Annie Lavery Kimberly Matula as Emma Lavery Freddie Smith as Ian Slater Jessica Luca as Kathy Martin Adam Gregory as Spike Lavery Mark La Mura as Mark Dalton Jordana Brewster as Gillian Andrassy
  3. JACKSON: Of course. Jackson covers Erica up. As he leans down, Erica kisses him. She sits up, as he backs away from her. ERICA: I’m sorry. I just… JACKSON: I know. Wasn’t thinking. I’m going to call Kendall to stay with you. You shouldn’t be alone tonight. ERICA: Jackson…, will you stay with me? JACKSON: (Sighs) Why the hell not? You got it. --- (David’s Penthouse) David is looking at his phone. SKYE: I swear to God, if you are playing Words With Friends… DAVID: I’m not playing the cheap rip off of Scrabble. ADAM: Then, what are you doing? DAVID: (Sighs) A long time ago, I put a tracker in the patient, just in case she wanted to escape. I don’t have points. SKYE: What does that mean? DAVID: It means that she ripped her tracker out herself. --- (Alleyway) A woman throws her tracker in the dumpster. She then runs off into the night. WOMAN: I have to reclaim my life. --- (Caleb and Liza’s Home) Liza stands. LIZA: Your son lives here? When did this happen? CALEB: (Standing) A couple weeks ago. He moved in here to comfort me over everything that was happening. LIZA: You mean with us? CALEB: Yes, with us. You were trying to figure out stuff. I was drowning my sorrows. He surprised me. At first, I was reluctant. But, he turned me on to the idea. LIZA: I’m glad you found someone to keep you company. Now, (sighs) will you please answer my question. Are we getting married? CALEB: Liza, I… Before Caleb can answer, a bullet flies through the window hitting Liza in the chest. She falls to the floor. In a silent montage, Caleb rushes to her, to cover the wound. He yells her name. Then, gets out his phone to call 9-1-1. --- (Bianca and Marissa’s Home) Marissa and Bianca stand. BIANCA: Of course I love you. Why in the world would you ask that question? Marissa, what is going on with you? MARISSA: It feels like we’ve been drifting apart. You’ve been working so much, all of the sudden. I’m alone. I need my wife. I need my wife here with me. BIANCA: I love you. I’m sorry to work these crazy hours, but I’m trying to get a new perfume off the ground. I know that I was in the wrong on our date night. I shouldn’t have just left to go to work. MARISSA: No, you shouldn’t have. That really did hurt my feelings. Bianca, I cried over that. I did. I feel lonely. BIANCA: You will never be lonely with me. Come here. Bianca hugs Marissa. BIANCA: I do love you. MARISSA: I love you too. As they come off the hug, Bianca hears a beeping sound. BIANCA: Do you hear that beeping noise? MARISSA: Kind of. I think it is coming from outside. BIANCA: I’m gonna go and check. Do you mind? MARISSA: Go for it. As soon as Bianca opens the door, the beeping comes more apparent. MARISSA: (Walking To The Door) Now I really hear it. BIANCA: What is that? MARISSA: What? They both look to the left. MARISSA: Is that a bomb? BIANCA: Oh my god, it is! MARISSA: Oh my god! Then, the bomb ticks down to a one. The house and property explode! The camera backs out to the full extent of the damage. DEAR VIEWERS, ALL MY CHILDREN will be pre-empted for two weeks. In that time please be sure to read past episode, and other blogs such as: JUST PARADISE UNION CREEK THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS DAYS OF OUR LIVES THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL PASSIONS ANOTHER WORLD I hope to see you all back here in two weeks! Sincerely, Casey Hutchison (HEAD WRITER) SORRY ABOUT THE MIX UP IN OPENING TITLES AND ON JESSE AND ANGIE'S OLD WEDDING PHOTO
  4. ALL MY CHILDREN - EPISODE 28 Created By: Agnes Nixon Written By: Casey Hutchison Time of Day: Night TWEET NOW: #AMCFanFiction (Opal’s Home) Opal takes her pill for the night. She washes it down with a glass of water. She takes a sigh of relief once the pill goes down. There is a knock at the door. She goes to answer the door. When she does, she is happy. It is Tad at the door. She gives him a hug. TAD: That was some hug. OPAL: I’m just very happy to see my son. Please, come in. Tad enters, as Opal shuts the door. OPAL: What brings you by this late at night? TAD: I know about that medication. I just want to know one thing. Is it actually working? Is your tumor shrinking enough to remove it? --- (Bianca and Marissa’s Home) Bianca is sitting on the couch, reading a book on her IPAD. Marissa sits next to her, and reads with Bianca. ANNOUNCER: The role of Bianca Montgomery is once again being played by Eden Riegel. MARISSA: Another article on Donald Trump. BIANCA: He is wild running for presidency. I mean sure, he has made some good points. Otherwise, wow. Just wow. MARISSA: (Laughs) Bianca puts her IPAD away, and looks Marissa in the eye. Then, Bianca kisses her. BIANCA: I love you so much. MARISSA: Do you? --- (David’s Penthouse) Skye and David enter. SKYE Are you two done, yet? BROOKE: We are so done. DAVID: Good. Because, we have some news. ADAM: What is it? DAVID: The patient has escaped. BROOKE: Who is this patient? ADAM: I prefer you not know. BROOKE: Another secret in our marriage. I don’t have time for this. I’m leaving. By the time you get home Adam, I won’t be there. Bye. Brooke walks off. SKYE: Aren’t you going to go after her. ADAM: Not this time. Not this time. --- --- (Confusion) Jackson picks up one of Erica’s “glasses of water” and smells it. JACKSON: This isn’t water. It’s vodka. Erica, you’re drunk. ERICA: Jackson, it is not vodka. I ordered water. Okay, just water. And, I don’t believe a waitress would trade my water out for alcohol. JACKSON: Erica, you are drunk. I can smell the alcohol on your breath. I’ve gotta get you home. Let’s go. Check please! --- (Ryan and Greenlee’s Apartment) Ryan shuts the door. RYAN: I’m happy that Kendall could get Greenlee out of the house. It must feel so good to get her mind off this whole thing. ZACH: I’m happy that Kendall can get a break too. But, now that they are gone, that can give us more time to discuss Annie, and what we’re gonna do. So, Jesse. What is the next step in the investigation? --- (Caleb and Liza’s Home) Caleb and Liza sit down. CALEB: Are you saying that you want me to marry you? LIZA: Yes. That’s exactly what I’m saying. Caleb Cortlandt, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband? CALEB: Liza, there is so much to factor in. LIZA: I thought that we already went over the whole thing of figuring out the factors in us moving on in the future? CALEB: There is one more thing I forgot to tell you. LIZA: What is it? CALEB: Asher lives here. --- (Ryan and Greenlee’s Apartment) Ryan, Zach, and Jesse are huddled around Jesse’s laptop. RYAN: What exactly are we looking at here? ZACH: I wonder that too. JESSE: What you are looking at is a small map of all of Pine Valley. I’ve been trying to get tracks on Annie. I’ve only gotten two. Oak Haven, and the motel on sixth street. RYAN: Dammit. So, we basically have nothing? ZACH: Ryan I think you are right. Annie probably knows that we are after her by now, and she has probably evacuated that room by now. JESSE: She did check out of the room, but the front desk gave me something. RYAN: What did they give you? Jesse stands up, and goes to his jacket. He pulls out a piece of paper. He opens it up, and hands it over to Ryan and Zach. RYAN: What are we looking at here? JESSE: You are looking at a list that Annie wrote of three names. The names include Kendall, Erica, and Bianca. As you see, the title is “My Revenge.” ZACH: So, she wants revenge all of them? JESSE: Apparently. RYAN: Oh my god. JESSE: What is it Ryan? Ryan then has a flashback to when Greenlee and him went to visit Marian. (FLASHBACK TO EPISODE 16) MARIAN: Annie, was released about six months ago. She wanted to revamp her life. I said that I know of this motel on Cryer street. It isn't much. But, it is cheap. So, she thought about it. She would call me. She checked up on the comings and goings of Oak Haven. One day, she told me about her plan to redeem herself, and take what is rightfully hers. But, I..., I..., I, think she has gotten out of control. GREENLEE: What do you mean? MARIAN: She talked about taking Emma. RYAN: What!? Ryan stands with Greenlee. MARIAN: I hope that I didn't upset you. (END OF FLASHBACK) ZACH: I didn’t know you guys went to visit Marian. RYAN: It was just a spur of the moment thing. Anyways, we have to go. We have to warn the girls, and find out who Annie is going after next. JESSE: He’s right. Let’s go. Jesse grabs his jacket. Ryan grabs his car keys. The men leave. --- (Opal’s Home) Opal and Tad sit down on the living room furniture. OPAL: I’m doing well. I went to Joe and Angie, today. They said that the medicine is working. Everything is going fine. TAD: I’m glad to hear that. OPAL: Honey, you know everything is going to be fine, don’t you? I’m not going down without a fight. Opal stands up, and holds her forehead. TAD: (Standing) Are you okay? OPAL: I just have a headache. It usually happens. In fact, it is the side effect of the medicine. One of them, anyways. TAD: Would you like some tea? OPAL: That’d be good. Thank you. Tad walks off. Opal massages her head. She then looks over at a picture of Palmer. She goes over to hit, and holds it. OPAL: I wish you were here with me. Fighting this battle. I got a call from Petey, yesterday. I miss him so much. He is hard at work, though. He is making your proud from Heaven. I just know it. I even got a call from Adrian. He is still doing his detective work. I miss that boy. But, hey, I’ve got Tad with me. Opal goes over to the couch, but before she gets there, she loses balance, and she falls to floor, shattering Palmer’s framed picture. Tad enters, and drops the tea cups. He hurries to his mother. TAD: Mom! Mom! Mom! He gets out his phone to call 9-1-1. --- (Erica’s Penthouse) Jackson and Erica enter. Jackson lays Erica down on the couch. ERICA: Thank you. JACKSON:
  5. Good episode. Fantastic opener and even better ending. Noah: I love how you played the correct emotions, at the right times. You stuck some looking around movements in there. Good job on that. I hope Noah can find out what happened to Sharon. Victor/Sister P.: That was awesome that Sister P called Rafe a fruit roll up. You had me laughing sooo damn hard. I do however, feel that this whole Sister P and Victor thing is going to go waaaay beyond the whole prayer. I like that Michael reminded us in a way that Victor is a powerful man. Without money, he can still have a hold on people. Dru/Lily/Devon/Paul: I LOVED THE TINA TURNER THING LOL!!!! I was knocking my socks off with laughter. I feel sooo bad for Lily. She is being put through the ringer with this whole Cane thing. I hope Paul can get to the bottom with this. Ronan/Phyllis/Avery/Daniel/Nick: I wondered when someone would blow Avery's cover. It just had to be Daniel and Ronan LOL. I wonder what Phyllis' next reaction is going to be like. Will Nick comfort her??? Interesting. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. TO READ THE EPISODE, CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p67emfUJ0D3D2Ai4FwESCF06W_uuBYgmyTWLvgQM4Sw/edit?usp=sharing
  7. READ THE EPISODE BY CLICKING THE LINK BELOW! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZJ4u84fRqwtkSv09fExkizyEhbV33Fw4SZ3xdTU5FVg/edit?usp=sharing
  8. Not a bad episode! Good opener and great finish! Cocainers: I like where you are bringing this Jeremy story line. It is totally interesting to me. I wonder where he is going. And, throw his friends in the mix LOL! I wonder if they will take over the town. Interesting!!! Fake Documents: I wonder how all of this is going to go down!!! This is by far insetting more interesting. I wonder if this will all backfire on Paul. Will Katsu turn on him? That will be making for some good drama as the months come up! Carrots: YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Henry!!!!!!!!!!!! He was in my top five faves for AS THE WORLD TURNS. I loved that the writers paired him and Babs together. I love that you are keeping that going. The Rat: I thought this was sooo adorable. Kind of reminded me of how my mom reacts around rats LOL. I think Miranda and JJ are a strong pairing. I wonder where you'll be bringing them in the future. The Runaway: Oh Greg. He just gets better and better. Good way to throw your other show in there. I wonder if in the long run, Greg will die. He has a MAJOR target on his back. Questions Questions. I continue to adore this show week after week. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. This was another good episode! It was very soapy. You slowed down. You examined stories and characters. It was good to see that from you. It shows us that you have plenty of range left to give us after 173 episodes. Interrogation Room: I loved how you built the Rox and Les conversation before Rafe entered the room. It was very smart dialogue, and showed us who these two characters have become. I like how you showcased their history that you've built. Good job! Hospital Waiting Room: I soooo feel bad for Noah. I can't imagine ever losing your mom at that young of a age. I am glad that Noah has strapped on some big boy pants and has started a search for his mother. But, I hope Nick helps him. We'll see what happens. Hospital Room: I feel so bad for Avery. This blindness is going to be a new step for her. It is going to be good to see what you have in store for her. I wonder how she is going to reveal everything to Nick, if anything. This is totally keeping me on the edge of my seat!!! Prison: I LOVED THESE CONVOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was probably the best part of the episode. You had classic Victor, part of the original Michael emerge. You have a story coming up with Phyllis and Dru that might be your biggest one yet. SOOOOO many questions about this story. CANNOT WAIT TO SEE WHERE IT GOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Interrogation #2: Wonder where this is going. Drucilla has a ton of explaining to do as this interrogation with Paul moves forward into the next episode. I wonder how it will be written! SOOOO MANY QUESTION! SO MANY INTERESTING THINGS GOING ON!!!! Good for you, for know how to hook us all in these lavish stories. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Wow! What a great show! It was very soap opera. I was waiting for that from you. You also have a lot of story to build on for years to come. 2 Mommy's: We have to mothers coming into the Genoa City fold. We've got one who knows the daddy and a paternity story line. This is going to be some damn good drama. I commend you for keeping up with your stories in terms of having high drama. Mary Carter?: I LOVED the scenes with Lauren barging in. How you wrote Lauren was kind of like old Lauren. I LOVED OLD LAUREN! The Lauren that got business done and kicked ass! Good job! Sharon Dead?: I loved your delivery on this. Nick punching Paul in the face was off guard, but it was a damn good reaction. I also enjoyed Noah's reaction. A lot for him to deal with. Good way to keep him in the show. Sadness For Mommy's: I fell soooooo bad for Lily. I cannot imagine getting that news, when you have just returned home not that long ago. I also feel bad for Olivia. These poor ladies. But, they are survivors and strong, keep that up. ML you are shining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEEP UP THE AMAZING WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I have to agree with ML, what an ending! We've been waiting for that story line to take full throttle, and it did! The final scene in the episode was very well written, and very well put together. I liked the conversation with the two. It was very real. I like how slow you are moving with your romances. It lets us really enjoy them. Kind of reminds me of when soaps did great romance back in the day. You've taken the classic Jarlena and you've modernized them. I love it. Good job! I love Terrence and Natalia. Good idea to piece those two together. I hope that Chavo stops Vin from killing Greg. I am really scared for Greg. I wonder what is going to happen. Will someone get shot and die? Will anyone survive? Will no one get shot? I have sooooo many questions leading up into this story. I can wait to see what happens! I like where you are taking the Paul and Emily story. I like that you are throwing normal marital problems in to the mix. Plus, these are problems they had are the actual ATWT. before Barbara dissolved her partnership with Paul in the series finale. Good Job! You know I love this shelter story line. But my god! Ali! Stop being soooo stupid. I can't wait until all these women take some revenge. I know it is only a matter of time. This story is very well written. Nice job capturing all the main girls together. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. read the episode below (click on the link) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IHihe_FSq1q_nx4itdAHrhDEuEI52LG6iS7s5muDkO8/edit?usp=sharing
  13. FIND OUT WHY BY CLICKING THE LINK BELOW https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L71HE1pnIuMHqxDahPQ7ka0QLwq-qFvrTZYcEIN3bmc/edit?usp=sharing
  14. WOW WHAT AN EPISODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Van: LOL Now we go over the countless times she has had sex LOL. I wonder what is going to happen now that Van has survived. There is still a whole other layer of story telling to get through. I am interested to see if all the boys who have had sex with her will connect in some way. Paul/Ronan: They had a lot of work to do. I think it was up to 3 arrest. LOL. Everyone gets a jail cell! Dru/Phyllis: FINALLY SOMETHING WE HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a show down for the soap opera history books. I liked the you let us know that this is just the start of it. We still have a lot more to get through. I wonder what Drucilla and Phyllis will get themselves into next LOL. Nate: I'm worried for his fate. WHAT WILL IT BE???? I thought there was one thing that this episode was missing. And that was history. Phyllis defeated Sheila, as well. AND, Scotty dated Sheila. That is how she came back one time. Scotty didn't know what she looked like, so Sheila tricked him, so she could have a free ride back into town. ANYWAYS, still a very good episode. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. You continue to deliver solid episodes week after week. Good for you! Jess/Chief: I am glad that Jess is working some stuff out for the town. I imagine some stuff will go down there. Parties are the PERFECT time to have some high drama going on. #OfficiallyInterested. Emily/Lucas: I love how you write Emily. You write her very true to the character. I wonder where this whole thing is going with Emily's job. I wonder if Lucas and Emily will slip into an affair, because her marriage is on the rocks. Greg/Chavo/Marcino/Ali/Vin: Everything is going well for your younger set. You have some damn good stories for them. I AM IN LOVE WITH ALI'S STORYLINE!!!!!!!!!! She is one of my favorite characters. I wonder if Vin will be out for blood. I wonder what will go on with Greg and Marcino. I wonder if Chavo will protect Ali and Greg. GOSH I HAVE SOOOO MANY QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! That makes for good soap, though. Kayla/Greta/Carly/Hope/Steve: Greta is back. Interesting choice to throw her into the mix. I wonder if they can trust her though. People turn on others in the heat of the moment. I love that you have brought everyone who cares about Bo in a big way. I feel like your whole show is based on Bo's story. And DAMN it is good!!!!!!!!! Daniel/Stefano: This continues to surprise and shock me. There are truly no words to describe how I feel about this story. It is interesting. I have actually wondered if Stefano brainwashed Dan like he did to sooooo many others in the past. Interesting. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Another pretty solid and overall great episode! Rox/Spence/Les/Hillary: How you showcase the blacks is like no other. This sister story continues to be my favorite one. You keep revealing layer after layer and nice job putting the reminder that Spence was Les' pimp. Scotty/Lauren: Nice job having them getting a chance to showcase there love for the city they live in. They rushed to the hospital. I think Scotty's secret is going to come out soon!!! Daisy/Rafe: I wonder if these two will start a little friendship???? Daniel/Phyllis: I love how you stay true to the way that Phyllis acts. You write her very well. I see she wants to protect Daniel, but he really is not going to listen to it. Interesting. Dru: The rollar costar ride continues for Dru. And Mary bein the next Verdon Lou survivor just fuels the fire LOL KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Nice episode. I did enjoy it! Cass/Frankie: I love how you continue to write them. It remains very true to their TV versions that were establsihed. I liked the shoutout to Kathleen. I remember watching that on YouTube when she was revealed on the talkshow. Rachel/Amanda/Iris: These were probably my FAVE scenes of the whole episode. I LOVED the way you had Rachel tell Amanda. It was very sincere. I also love how well written Iris and Rachel were. You had history drama and emotion in every line. You captured soooo much. GOOD JOB! Matt/Carl: You had some good set up on these scenes. I enjoyed this heart to heart. Lorna/Devin Lucas: FINALLY!!!! Devin has arrived! Cannot wait to see what u have in store for him!!! And I love that you have sent Lorna right along with him. Lorna is one of the best AW characters EVER in my opinion. This is getting good! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. (To read click on the episode link) EPISODE 23
  19. Another good episode!!! Sami/Nick: I like that it was two bad asses in one scene together. But, Nick, has to know that Sami can be way badder. She was switching paternity test results before he was even alive LOL. I know Sami will find a way to trap Nick. Question is..., how??? That will be interesting to see. Jordan/Rafe/Sheryl/Jerome: I wonder how Jerome being in Salem will affect Jordan's relationship with Rafe in the long run. I wonder what Sheryl has planned to do with these two. That will be interesting, as well. I wonder how Rafe will feel when the truth of how Jordan and Jerome know one another comes out. The Board Meeting: This was good. Probably my favorite part of the episode. I am so excited to see what plays out with Kayla. I love that you brought the last Grant family member back. I wonder if you will bring up Valerie and Abe's relationship together. I can't wait to see what you do Valerie! Maybe her and Abe will get back together??? It has been 33 years since she was last shown in Salem. Can't wait to see what you do with her. Good job choosing for that character and that family to come back into the fold. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. What another great episode! Barbara/Paul: We all know that Emily and Barbara haven't been one another's biggest fans through the years. I wonder if Barbara is trying to start something. Her lines sounded that way to me. Like she doesn't want Paul with Emily. Terrence/Steve/Donnelly: I had a feeling those logs were going to be deleted. Good way to keep the story going and still being interesting. I wonder if they will ever get their hands on those logs that were written by Bo. And, is Steve right? Could Agent D. be a slimy one? And, does Steve really want to go? JJ/Eliza: I had a feeling that JJ would get kind of jealous at the sight of Miranda and Hunter. This is a very good teen set love quad. Good job! You have a great setup with it. I commend you for that. So many of them are done horribly wrong (coughs) THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL LOL! Derrick/Katsu: I wonder what they are up to. Daniel/Stefano/Bart: I was totally and completely STUNNED! I didn't expect you to go down that route with Daniel. I couldn't believe it. AMAZING job explaining that all, so we would know what is up. I wonder what Stefano and Bart are going to do about Bo. And, where are you taking Daniel??? HIGHLY Interested! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Agree with ML. Another great one. Christy: Love her! She continues to be one of your best written characters. I like that Kirkland is taking on his own investigation stuff. I just want him to be very careful. Christy can be a very dangerous woman. If she can hurt Cass and Frankie, she can hurt anyone. I think Grant doesn't fully understand what he has done. I just hope he does soon. Christy has a way of not following directions and going her own way. It will be interesting to see what she does. John/Sharlene: I love these two. I am sooooo happy that you are going to let things work out for them "HOPEFULLY!" I love that you brought Maggie back into the fold. Nice choice in casting. Also, it is nice to see her more mature these days. I watched some old episodes. I know of her shenanigans. Lindsay/Gregory: I liked how you haven't shoved Lindsay's story line to the back burner. You let the emotions take full throttle. I am interested to see where her life where go now. I hope she lets Gregory help her. I think he really can. Poor Lindsay, though. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Another great episode. Cory/Elizabeth: I liked that Elizabeth was trying to warn Cory of Bridget's actions. It will be interesting to see if he listens to her. Michele/Jake: I enjoyed these scenes. They were probably my favorite in the episode. Michele found out a little bit of who her father was in the past. I liked that Michele got a lot of feelings out. Good job with the emotion and drama. That scene was very character driven. Wonderful! Carl: My heart ached. That was a really sad ending. I felt sorry for every one involved. You described everything very well. You didn't miss a beat. Good job! I wonder how the dinner party is going to go down. That will be interesting. I also wondered if Carl is going to try and push Russ and Rachel back together. But then again, Rachel kept so many things from Russ in their marriage. Maybe that won't happen. But, it could. Highly interested in what you have planned next. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. YOU CAN DISCOVER WHO IT IS BY READING THE EPISODE BELOW! (click on the highlighted episode number) EPISODE 22
  24. Another great episode! I enjoyed the whole backstory. Jesse/Angie/Natalia: I like that you keep them in this whole romantic path. I like that Natalia is doing alright. I'm glad that things didn't take a turn for the worse. But, will she come back to the force in full??? Vin/Ali: I'm worried that he will hurt Ali. You are scaring me. I hope that Charlotte can save her if anything goes wrong. Jeremy: Nice shout out to the past and present soap opera bad asses. I wonder where Jeremy and Bart will go. Good set up to a future story. This will be good, I bet. Bo: I liked that you gave the story some depth that we haven't seen before. Good job. Kaya/Steve/Hope/Roman/Terrence: They don't realize that they can be really close to getting the whole figured out, if they would just see how Kayla sees it. I like that Hope still believes in Bo. Nice job! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. Your episodes get better and better! Brittany/Billy/Ashley: I like how you do Britt and Billy. It is very Y&R dialogue. I like that we heard from Ashley. I wonder what direction you are going to take Billy now. Is Ash coming to town??? Interesting. Ali: I don't think it is a good idea for her to see Vin. I like the dynamic you have established with Charlotte and her. Very well done. I guess we will just have to wait and see if things go bad for her. I HOPE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!! Greg/His Mom: I like how you write Greg. The lines were very well written. I like how you explained what really goes on in his family. Very well done on your part to deliver that emotion. Emily/Paul: This was probably my favorite part of the whole episode. I enjoyed the fight. I could see that playing out on ATWT if the show was on today. I also liked her comment about the blowing LOL. Very well put together scenes. Bo: The struggles for him continue. I wonder if he will get free. And now, we have Bart and Stefano doing this whole thing with working together. This is story line is a gold mine! Keep it up. I LOVE THOSE MONTAGES! They really bring the show together. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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