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A Days fanfic that has love, mystery, and adventure.

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Affairs of the Hearts Episode#1: The Debut

Nicole is rushed into Salem University Hospital as Mike runs over to find out what is going on “What happened?” Marlena “Some one shot her. Please Mike, save her. I can’t loose my daughter now.” Mike “We’ll do everything we can.” He says as he rushes Nicole into the E.R. for surgery to remove the bullet. Tony walks up behind Marlena and wraps his arms around her. “Don’t worry Marlena. I know we don’t know much about our newly found daughter, but I know enough to know she is a fighter. She



Episode#253: The Fashion Show

Downtown Salem It is several days later in Salem. Inside a very large building, the fashion show is just beginning. Models are already starting to walk down the runway as photographers take countless pictures of them. Meanwhile in an office, someone pours themselves a glass of champagne, with Elvis at this person’s side. Mysterious Person You know, it really was brilliant to have a fashion show. Seeing so many businesses come here with all of their models…its fabulous. Elvis It is, but y



Episode#252: Mysterious Guest

Written by: Tara Episode#252: Mysterious Guest -At the hospital, Celeste sighs as she watches her daughter just stand alone on the balcony. She almost goes out there but thinks to herself that she needs this time alone, and then Celeste takes out her cell phone and calls Victor. As he picks up and says “Victor Kiriakis”, she then says its Celeste and that she needs to talk to him, and on the other line Victor asks if something’s wrong and that he can hear it in her voice, and Celeste says:




NAME, CAST LIST, AND FIRST AIRDATE OF LIFE IN SALEM SPIN-OFF ANNOUNCED! Coming on the heels of the announcement that Life in Salem would be launching its very own spin-off, now another announcement comes! First of all, its name has been revealed! It shall be called "Affairs of the Heart", and while it was given such a name will be understood once the spin-off delves deep into its main storyline. Second, its cast list has been posted!!! All the details on who has come over from LIS and is on c



Episode#251: Abe's Fate

Written by: Tara Episode#251: Abe’s Fate -At the Cheatin’ Heart, Kristen wonders how to respond to Bo’s question and flashes back to how Marlena’s twin, Sam, broke her out of the dungeon at the Sultan’s and both of them returned to Salem and tried to kill Marlena before getting thrown in jail. Kristen sighs and tells Bo that she won’t lie to him, and that early last year she came back to Salem only to kill Marlena Evans. -Marlena sits down with Nicole and Tony, and tells Tony she is so



Episode#250: Twist of Fate

*ALSO: This episode is devoted to ML Cooks, in honor of the six month anniversery of when he joined the writing staff of "Life in Salem". LIS thanks ML for all the wonderful service he has, is, and will be doing for the show* Downtown Salem 5th Circuit Court Abe, Lexie, Peter, Maggie, Celeste and Mr. Ji Min Kim all await anxiously to hear Judge Fitzpatrick’s decision “In the matter of custody of The Carver, I hereby grant sole custody to Alexandra Brooks.” Abe and Maggie are absolutely as




LIFE IN SALEM TO LAUNCH SPIN-OFF/MINISERIES THIS SUMMER! As LIS enters an intense May Sweeps, a huge announcement breaks! It can now be revealed that Life in Salem, which has been rather quiet lately, will soon split off into a spinoff/mini-series this summer! It will follow several characters already on LIS(who leave the original soap for the spinoff), and also some characters from Salem's past. It shall be used to tell a story too huge to tell on LIS, and to help trim down the bloated cast.



Episode#249: DiMera Dreams

In the underground bunker that hides below the Dimera Mansion Lexie gives a worried look to her newly revived father “The return of the Dimera’s? Father what are you talking about?” Elvis “My god, how on earth you get your medical degree is beyond me.” Stefano “Alexandra darling, it’s time this family takes it’s rightful place in Salem. All of my children are here. And now it’s time for us to take over Salem.” Lexie “I am trying to get my son back. I don’t want any part of this.”



Episode#248: Return of a Patriarch

Downtown Salem, Outside of 5th circuit Court, Abe pulls Maggie away from Lexie. Lexie tries to catch her breathe Abe “Lexie you have gone mad!” Celeste, running over toward them “What on earth is going?” Maggie “You’re insane daughter just attacked me. This is even more proof she’s unfit to raise Theo.” Lexie “You don’t know anything about me Maggie. This is between me and my family.” Maggie “What family? Abe is divorcing you and your going to lose the right to see your son.” Celest



Episode#247: Justin Kiriakis

Written by: Tara Episode#247: Justin Kiriakis -At the Kiriakis Mansion, Victor is working on some files for the new face of Bella Magazine and says to himself that in mere weeks, there will be a fashion show for many companies that will launch Bella Magazine at last. He thinks to himself that having Belle Black heavily involved in it should be a huge success, and Henderson walks in and asks Victor if he needs anything, and Victor says: Victor: Nothing right now, thank you…but there is s



Episode#246: Elvis's Scheme

Written by: Tara Episode#246: Elvis’s Scheme -At Alamain, Billie sighs and says that she may be rusty but she’ll help Alamain no matter what it takes. Forrest thanks her, and she says it would be sad for a family business that has stood for so many years to fall apart. Forrest tells her to blame Vivian for that, and that’s why he needs her out. Billie nods, but then says for now they can just celebrate her coming to work here. Forrest grins and says he can live with that, as they both lean



Episode#245: Cellmates

Written by: Tara Episode#245: Cellmates -In the hidden area behind the basement of the DiMera Mansion, Renee and Elvis are watching their monitors and Stefano, and Elvis comments that the custody trial over Lexie’s son should be going on right about now, and Renee asks why they even have to bother with her and she’s useless to them. Elvis tells her that for one their father was all about family, and two it keeps her quiet about them. Renee then says: Renee: I suppose you may be right,



Episode#244: Custody

Julie knocks on Bo’s door. Bo answers Julie “Have you found her yet?” Bo “No, Hope just ran out of here like a bat out of hell. I’ve called everyone we know and no one ha seen her.” Julie “Oh Dear” She says entering the house. Bo “This could of all been avoided. You should have came to me when Hope told you she killed Gina. Do you know I walked in on her smoking crack at Titian?” Julie “What!? Crack? Please tell me it’s not true.” Bo “Thanks to you. Now Hope ha run out an



Episode#243: Rufus!

Written by: Tara Episode#243: Rufus! -In downtown Salem, Celeste and Valentine walk into Ji'Min's office, and he welcomes them both but looks at Valentine, and Valentine asks what is he looking at, and Ji'Min answers that he's a bit surprised she showed up here. Valentine then says: Valentine: Well I was Stefano's main lover and I heard you called Celeste down here to discuss the will, and I am obviously in it, aren't I? Ji'Min Well, Miss Heart…actually…you do get some things, but you



Episode#242: Abe and Lexie Have It OUT!!!!

Episode#242: Abe and Lexie Have it OUT!!! - “Sami” says she wonders who that could be, and he goes to answer the door and when he does he sees…Nicole! Stan/ “Sami” groans and asks what does she want, and Nicole smiles at “Sami” sarcastically and answers that she was just coming to see her mother and sister since Marlena told her she was coming over here. “Sami” looks at Marlena and says: “Sami”: Wait…did she say you’re her…mother?! -Bo tells Megan, at the graveyard outside of St.Luke’s



Episode#241: Megan and Bo

Written by: Tara Episode#241: Megan and Bo -Outside of St.Luke’s, Bo is in the graveyard, staring at Shawn and Zack’s graves which are side by side. He keeps flashing back to during the storm when Hope confessed to killing Gina. He wonders to himself how all of this could have happened, and thinks he could have been a better husband and prevented all of this. As he stares down at where his sons’ bodies are buried, he says to himself “And now what should I do? Should I turn her into the pol



2nd Chances...Episode 240

Lexie walks into University Hospital. Dr. Michael Horton, expecting her, greets her by the nurses station. Lexie “Thank you for meeting with me Mike.” Mike “No problem. It’s good to see you again. We really haven’t spoken since I’ve dropped back in Salem.” He says escorting her to her office. Lexie “You’ve been back since Christmas and it’s almost April. This town is not that big.” Mike “You’re right. But this is Salem. Like, sorry for your loss.” Lexie “Thank yo



Torn! Episode 239

Titian Victor’s secretary Alexis walks into his office Alexis “Ms. Belle black is here to see you sir.” Victor “Than you. You can send her in.” Alexis leaves the office and Belle enters and closes the door behind her. Victor “Belle, it’s so great to see you.” He says walking over to her and hugging her. Belle “It’s good to see you to.” Victor “Thanks for coming by on such short notice.” Belle “Not a problem at all.” Victor “Please have a seat.” Bel



Life in Salem Schedule Change

Life in Salem's Airdate Schedule Changes! An important announcement has been made regarding "Life in Salem"! As the huge event, the "Secret Storm" has ended, LIS has reduced to only airing three days a week(Monday, Wednesday, Friday). As fans have no doubt noticed, from the Janurary-Feburary period it was scarce in airing episodes until the SS arrived. However now it can be confirmed that the SONBC soap shall only air three days per week. "Well, my partner and I just do have a hard time po



Vivian's Boobs! Episode 238

Bo “You killed Gina? How? Why?” Hope “Y-yes...and I regret every minute of it...but its like she kept taunting me! The day after she was shot in Italy, I secretly went down to the hospital to simply see her lie there...I wanted to see her pain, NOT kill her, and get my final confrontation in! But I began to rant at her, expressing my anger at her from all these years...and I told her how much she ruined my life...and she...SMILED...she SMILED, Bo!!! That is when I went ballistic, and...



Sami1 vs Sami2,Episode 237

The Titian Building The elevator that Jan and Lucas are stuck on starts back up as power is restored to the hi rise. Jan “Thank god” She says wiping sweat off of her face. Lucas holds the baby in his arms. The elevator door opens to the lobby and workers are stunned at he scene. Lucas places the newborn, which is wrapped in his shirt in Jan’s arms. Jan looks at her precious son. Tears of joy roll down her cheeks. Lucas, talking to the office staff “Someone, please call and ambula



Episode#236: Hope Smokes Crack!!!

The Dimera mansion, The Secret Room Kristen “I really want you to stop thinking that I am always after you. Every thought I have isn’t about you.” She says wiping tears from her face. Wanting to hide her pain, she turns away from Marlena Marlena “Kristen, I’m sorry. But you can’t blame me for not trusting you. You have a shady past.” Kristen “I get it. So I deserved it right? It was ok what he did to me right?” She says facing Marlena again Marlena, confused “Kristen please, te



Episode#235: Valentine's Dirt

Written by: Tara Episode#235: Valentine’s dirt -On one of the roads of Salem, Nicholas’s Escalade is parked on the side of the road. Nicholas rubs his temples and moans that this is just great, and Belle tells him that it did put a damper on their plans, but she’s gotten used to it. Nicholas says this is just a rare occasion, because he got to get away from his family for a good reason for once and had actually found a fairly nice woman. Belle laughs, and tells Nicholas that even she can



Episode#234: Lovers Are Born

Written by: Tara Episode#234: Lovers Are Born -In one of the DiMera bedrooms, Vivian tells Peter that she CERTAINLY does not fall for men like him. Peter laughs, and says “Yeah right, Viv. Just forget it.” and Peter turns around, and Vivian groans and tries to break open the door, but can’t and can only open it slightly to see boards from the roof are blocking every door in the living room and entry-way. She screams in anger and mutters even in these freezing temperatures they are going to



Episode#233: Stan?!

Written by: Tara Episode#233: Stan?! -Valentine and Celeste are in the DiMera Library, and Celeste mutters that she just has to be stuck with another one of Stefano’s whores. Valentine tells Celeste to watch her mouth, because she has some information that might be useful to her. Celeste tells Valentine she knows all the DiMera secrets, so there’s nothing that could possibly interest her. Valentine then says: Valentine: Oh no, Darrrrrrrling as you say, this is about your new rival: My s



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