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A General Hospital fan fic featuring GH characters.

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Episodes #26-29

Episode 26-29 Monday, June 5, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Adam Tarzwell Produced by: Na'Vell J. Lee -SONNY’S HOUSE- [Luke tells Sonny that Cassadine Inc. recently purchased stock in shipping port of the coast of South America. Luke suggests to Sonny that he purchase the parent company and take the port. When Sonny asks why he should that, Luke tells him that if Sonny wanted to increase the amount of exports that his business does, they need to get that port. When asked what he gets



Peyton List's First Airdate & Character Details

Robin in"Lists" the help of a new friend Brandon Nicols A few months ago we broke that Peyton List would be joining General Hospital as a friend of Robin's. Well, that plan is still a go and Peyton will begin airing during the first storyarc Secrets and Lies. We have learned that List will portray a friend and co-worker of Robin Scorpio (played by Kimberly McCullough). Keeping in sync with the title of the storyarc, List's character "Jamie Vaughn" will have plenty of secrets and tells p



Episode 24-25

Episode 24-25 Sunday, June 4, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler -GENERAL HOSPITAL- [Carly, at GH to pick up medical records for Michael, runs into Monica at the central station. Carly tells Monica why she’s there; Monica thinks something is wrong with Michael. Carly reassures her that she’s only there to pick up the papers for school. A nurse brings Carly the documents and she turns to leave. Monica stops Carly before she can leave.] -METROCOURT- [Robin and Mac catch up on time lost while



General Hospital Switches To Arc Format

General Hospital to Change Format By Brandon Nicols In a rather surprising move, ABC Daytime President Brian Frons has announced that General Hospital will be moving to a telenova format. Beginning June 12th, GH will begin it’s story arcs. This storytelling format, more common in Spanish Telenovas, was tried back in 2001 when Port Charles switched to that format. Though many details aren’t available at this time, what we do know is that General Hospital will not be taking the supernatur



Episodes 20-23

Episodes 20-23 Sunday May 28, 2006 Written by: Ryan Chandler -PCPD- [At the PCPD, Mac is working the case of Alexis’ disappearance. He goes through many scenarios in his head, including one featuring Ric disposing of Alexis’ body. He becomes very disturbed at this thought and seems happy when Robin interrupts him. She tells him that since she returned to town, she hasn’t spent much time with him and has much time to make up for. She invites him to lunch at the MetroCourt.] -GENERAL HOSPI



GH Fan Fic - Episode 19: The Flashbacks

Episode 19: The Flashbacks -HARBOR VIEW TOWERS: PENTHOUSE 3A- [Lucas awakes to the sound of….nothing. For the first time in weeks, he feels as if a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders. Surely he’s troubled that his secret came out the way that it did, but he now knows that he has to work on living his life as an openly gay teen. He walks downstairs and finds a note that Carly left him: ------>Lucas, I came in to check up on you and saw that you were sleeping. There’s money i



GH Fan Fic: Episode #14-18: The Fallout

EPISODES 14-18: The Fallout -METROCOURT- Lucas: I’m gay mom. Bobbie: Excuse me? Lucas: He’s right. I’m gay. Bobbie: Well don’t be!! Lucas: What? Bobbie: Being gay is a choice. Choose not to be gay. Wait..I- Tony: Bobbie this is not the— Bobbie: Shut up Tony! Say nothing to me. No one say anything! Lucas: See, this is why I didn’t— Bobbie: You too. You hush. This is not…this is not what I had in store for you Lucas. Dillon: Mom, I think we should go. Tracy



GH Fan Fic: Episode 13

Episode 13 -GENERAL HOSPITAL- [After seeing Patrick, Robin quickly tries to hide her emotions. Patrick looks at Robin sympathetically and is told that she doesn’t need his sympathy. Patrick tells her it’s ok to let her defenses down because he won’t hurt her. Robin tries to fight letting her feelings out but can’t and lets her pain pour out of her. Patrick offers to drive Robin home and she accepts. Before they leave, he hands her a tissue so she can clean up her face.] -LANSING HO



GH Fan Fic: Episode 12

Episode 12 -SCORPIO HOUSEHOLD- [After a long day at work, Mac comes home looking very tired. He calls Felicia few times before she comes downstairs with some papers. She asks him what’s wrong and he tells her that Alexis is missing. When Felicia inquires some more, Mac changes the subject and asks about the girls. Felicia tells him they are at the MetroCourt with Bobbie & Luke.] -ALCAZAR MANSION- [A car pulls up in front of Lorenzo’s house. Out comes Skye in a very beautiful maro



GH Fan Fic: Episode 11

Episode #11 -GENERAL HOSPITAL- [Robin is in the “hub” at the hospital. She is logging information into the computer when Patrick walks up to her and begins talking.] Patrick: Hello Robin. Robin: It’s Dr. Scorpio. Only my friends call me Robin. Patrick: Hey, chill out Robin. I was just saying hi. Robin: What do you want Patrick? Patrick: I wanted to know if Emily was on schedule today. Robin: Why? So you could just ask her out again? Patrick: No…..so I could tell her to



GH Fan Fic: Episode #10

Episode #10 -PCPD- [Ric paces back and forth as he awaits more news on the disappearance of his wife. As if his day couldn’t get any worse, John Durant shows up and begins taunting Ric about the “alleged” disappearance of Alexis. John tells Ric that Alexis isn’t missing. He says that she probably pissed Ric off so he locked her in a panic room, just like he locked Carly away. Durants baiting finally angers Ric as he punches Durant in the face. Durant orders the officer to arrest Ric for as



GH Fan Fic: Episode #9

Episode #9 -PCPD- [Ric is shown sleeping in Mac’s office. Mac comes into the room. He wakes Ric up and they begin talking. Mac tells Ric that they searched Port Charles and didn’t find any evidence that there was in fact a car accident. Ric flashes back to talking to Alexis on the phone and then immediately leaving and going to the station. Ric tells Mac that he will not give up on Alexis and knows that he’s not crazy. Mac tells Ric he’s sorry, but until there’s more evidence, he cannot ha



*Ignacio Serricchio Out! Diego To Be Recast*

Ignacio Serricchio TERMINATED!!! Diego to be recast SOD- In a move that should surprise no one, General Hospital has opted to release Ignacio Sericchio from his contract. Sericchio, who originated the role of Diego Sanchez-Alcazar in 2004 hasn't always been a favorite of the fans. Up until his character shared scenes with Lindze Letherman, he was constantly criticized for his lackluster performances. Head Writer Ryan Chandler has confirmed to us that the role will be recast in the form of



Updated Cast List

Per the request of Soaps On Demand (SOD), the TPTB over at General Hospital has submitted an updated cast list. This list includes actors who have upgraded to contract and downgraded to recurring. Those in bold reflect status changes in contract and/or the actor portraying them. Current Cast Members * Maurice Benard (Sonny Corinthos) * Julie Marie Berman (Lesley Lu "Lulu" Spencer) * Steve Burton (Jason Morgan) * Dylan Cash (Michael Corinthos, III) * Leslie Charleso



Episode #8

Episode #8 -GREYSTONE MANOR- [Carly appears to be very happy with Sonny’s declaration that he still loves her. Sonny puts his drink down as Alexis sits down on the sofa.] Alexis: Wow, Sonny. Now was that really hard to admit? That you’re still in love with your ex-wife? Sonny: Yes, it was. Alexis: Why is that? Sonny: …..Because I’m tired of hurting Carly. All of the affairs, the outbursts, everything. It was just unhealthy. I ruined her, Alexis. Alexis: So you can admit tha



Episodes #4-7

Episodes #4 - #7 -GREYSTONE MANOR- Sonny: I’ve handled losing Reese. We had a funeral service for her. I’m over it. As far as Carly goes- We’re done. I didn’t keep any secrets. She lied. She ruined it. Instead of worrying about who I’m with and how I’m coping with things… I think you should go. Alexis: No Sonny. I’m not leaving until you understand where I’m coming from. [Alexis and Sonny continue talking with each other. Alexis calls Ric that she should go on without her. She’ll



Some people just piss me the hell off

To Whom It May Concern: You know, some people just really piss me the hell off. For someone who claims to be above all of the petty things, you really like to throw gasoline on a dimming fire. It just amazes me how hypocritical some people can be at times. Only telling one half or the story, or better yet a half assed one at that. It amazes me how someone can constantly take cheap shots, yet finishes theirr statement with a god damn smiley. That doesn't make it better? It comes off as being a



GH Fanfic: Episode #3 - Future Plans Are Made

Episode #3 [GH opens with Tony and Bobbie in the lounge of General Hospital] Bobbie: So exactly what’s bothering you Tony? Maybe I can help. Tony: Well, it’s about Lucas. He’s been acting out of character as of late. Bobbie: Really? How Tony: Well, he’s been staying at my house during winter break and of course I have rules set up, but he ignores them. Yes, he’s an adult, but coming in at 3:30 in the morning is not acceptable behavior. Bobbie: You’re right. It’s not, but that d



GH Fanfic: Episode #2

Episode #2 [The opening scene of GH starts with Liz & Carly talking outside of Kelly’s] Liz: And why should I help you Carly? Emily is my best friend. I’m not going interfere in her life just because you don’t want her with Sonny. Carly: This isn’t about me not wanting her with Sonny because I’m jealous. This is about the fallout when Sonny does something that hurts Emily. She’s not like other people. She can’t handle Sonny’s life. She can’t handle his deep dark secrets about himsel



GH Fan Fic: Media Hotsheet for 1/10/06

ABC Media Hotsheet: - Spoilers show that Alan & Monica will be seeing a marriage counselor. Could this bring about the return of a fan favorite? One cast mate says the deal has been made and this actor has been taping for 3 weeks now. - *Four actors/actresses are on the chopping block. It is unknown whether their characters will be written out or of they will be recast.* - Could it be that veterans are returning to the heart and center of the show? According to the new head writer



GH Fanfic: Episode #1

[General Hospital begins in the bedroom of Monica Quartermaine. A man slowly walks into her room and stands over her. Sensing someone is near, Monica screams.] Monica: Alan?! What are you doing in here? [Monica looks at Alan standing in her bedroom with a smile on his face.] Monica: You do know this is my room right? Alan: Yes, I know. Monica: Ok…then again I ask you, what are you doing in here? Alan: I brought you breakfast in bed. See? [Alan cuts the lights on and Monica s



GH Fanfic: Interview With New GH Headwriter

Soaps On Demand Exclusive: First Interview with New General Hospital Head Writer!!!!!! I recently had the chance to sit down with new headwriter of General Hospital, Ryan Chandler. He had very interesting remarks about his direction with the series Soaps on Demand (12:16:38 AM): I love the couple of Alan and Monica. They should be front and center again. Do you think a love triangle could ensue between the two again before they rekindle their love? Who would be involved? Ryan Cha



Ideas For GH Fanfic (Care To Share?)

Haylo everyone! I have some ideas on what I intend to so here they are: Bring the veterans back into the frontburner which include but aren't limited to: - Give Alan & Monica a front burner storyline that involves them rekindling their love - A love triangle between Tony, Bobbie & Noah. One that will involve a lot of buildup and explain why Tony feels the way that he does and why it took him so long. Bring back more family interactions - Which may result in bringing back some



GH Fanfic Coming Soon

Coming in late January, I will be writing a GH fanfic. This will be written to my liking with of course the help of many of the readers. I will be taking your suggestions on who I should keep around and who I should get rid of. One thing....if I get rid of Maurice Bernard (Sonny) it will involve a long-term story. I won't just say "Oops he's fired, no story left for you". I of course will be needing some help so if any of you want to help and/or submit ideas for storylines, feel free. I'm all e



Back after an absence

Well, I hope everyone had a happy new year. I did. I had a nice time on Saturday night, ended up getting hospitalized on Sunday due to my lack of taking care of myself. I knew I wasn't feeling well, but didn't want to blow off my NYE plans. Anyways, I'm feeling a bit better now and I'm glad to be back. I've been working on this damn column I've been trying to do off and on since like August (I've wrote like 8 columns already). I'm probably going to need some help coming up with some topics, s



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