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A progressive take on a modern classic. Picking up right before MAB was let go, here is my version of this iconic show....

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Episode 69: Mystery Woman Targets Olivia!!

GC Memorial. Michael arrives to assist Phyllis in packing up and getting ready to go home. He asks her how is she feeling? Phyllis: Gee let me see, I’m blind, now I can’t walk and some one is after me and I have no way of defending myself.” Michael thinks back on his conversation with “Sheila” The Mystery Woman. He tells her everything is going to be ok. He promises. She sheds a tear as he pushes her wheel chair out the hospital. Phyllis is very depressed as she cannot but help the tears



Episode 68: The New Members of the Newman Board!

At GC Memorial. Nate is wrapping up Phyllis’s knees. It’s visible by her face she’s in pain. Nate tells her she is not going to able to walk for quite some time and that she will need physical therapy. Phyllis: Who would do this to me? I’m blind!” “That’s what I’d like to know.” They both hear a deep voice say and turn around and see Ronan. Phyllis smiles He asks her if she is ok. She says “Now I got her knees caps busted. I can’t walk on top of being blind.” Ronan asks her to tell him wha



Episode 67: The Alliance against Victor Newman(TGVN)

Paul walks into Michael’s office as repairmen fix up Michael’s office from the Mystery Woman‘s break in. Paul says he has something disturbing to show him. Michael asks him what is it. Paul pulls out a video camera and opens it and turns it on so Michael can see what is on it. A video plays. Its a video of a jet plane with a woman dressed in all black getting out the cargo shed. Michael is stunned Paul: This woman came back from Jamaica with you. This is security footage from the small airport



Episode 66: Jack Romances Nikki!!

Michael knocks on Lauren’s door. She opens it and is not happy to see him. She asks him what is he doing there. Michael tells her that some strange things have been happening since we heard “the voice” in Jamaica. Lauren inquires. Michael tells her that it seems some one has attacked Phyllis and broken into his office and stolen something very important. “Then the sicko is now taunting me with this missing file by faxing it to me.” Lauren asks him what does this have to with her. Michael hesita



The Mystery Woman Attacks Phyllis AGAIN!! (Friday Cliffhanger)

Avery visits Victor at his cell. She tells him she is working on his case. She is going to assemble a team of lawyers because she knows Spencer is going to throw everything in the book at him. Victor asks her does she know who the judge will be. Avery says she does not know yet but a court date will be assigned shortly my sources tell me. “Victor I must warn you there is a crap load of charges racked up against you and this is going to be very hard.” Victor: I’m counting on it. I just need to



Episode 64: Is the Mystery Woman Sheila Carter?

Cane arrives at Avery’s office. He enters and he looks at her, there is an odd silence as they both think about their kiss the other day. He tells her he is very sorry and that he was just excited over the news she gave him about getting his kids back. Avery tells him don’t apologize. She says as she gets up and walks over to him. She continues, “We were both caught up in a moment. I’m sorry too. I’m representing you and what happened was very inappropriate.” They look at each other. Cane admire



Episode 63: Who is the Mystery Woman Really?

Inside Tucker’s Apartment. Neil tells Sophia he misses her and Moses. She tells him that he wish he would have thought things more through than being irrational. Sophia tells Neil she doesn’t even think it’s legal for him to take Cane’s kids from him. Neil tells her he doesn’t want to talk about that he want’s to see his son. Sophia gets Moses. Neil keeps the twins quiet so he can visit with his son Moses. She brings him to Neil. Neil smiles and holds his son. He hugs him and kisses him on the



Episode 62: Kay's Choice: Murphy or Victor?

Kay arrives home to her estate. She walks in the front door and sees luggage and boxes by the front door. Kay calls out to Esther “Esther are we giving to charity again or having a garage sale and you forgot to tell me? Dear good in heaven look at this mess.” Murphy walks up to her. “Mess? Is that what this is to you?” Kay: Murphy now just what in the hell is going on here? Murphy: Kay, I had it up to here with being disrespected and sidelined for Victor Newman. You are taking on too much



Episode 61: Nikki slaps Kay on Live TV!!

At Newman, everyone is shocked as Nick and Nikki have just been voted out by the Newman board and Jill has replaced Nikki. Kay tells the remaining board members she is taking Newman in a new direction. Jill tells Kay they’re ready for the press conference. Kay tells everyone to excuse her while she officiates this on TV. She walks out the room. Nick and Nikki look at each other. Nikki looks out the door at Kay as she talks to reporters . Nikki: I never thought I would see the day Katherine Cha



Friday Cliffhanger: Will The Newmans be voted out of Newman!?

At the Abbott House. Traci takes a seat in the living room where Ashley and Jack surround her. Ashley tells her it’s good to see her again. Traci tells her brother and sister that she is in town to help seek justice for Colleen death in Victor’s upcoming trial. Jack tells her that he hasn’t heard that their was a date set for the mustache’s trial. Traci says she knows but she felt she needed to be in town and be close to her family with hearing about the news of the bombing at Sharon’s party and



Episode 59: Abby and Roxanne come face to face!!

At Crimson Lights. Abby walks in and orders a coffee from Eden. Roxanne walks in and is happy she has finally caught up to Abby. She walks over to her and taps really hard on her shoulder. Abby: What the hell? “ She says as she turns around. “What is your problem?” Roxanne slaps Abby across the face. Eden hands Abby her coffee. She then rubs her cheek. Abby: Have you lost your mind? You hit me!” Roxanne: That’s what happens when you mess with me. It’s only a taste Abby. Abby: What



Episode 58: Welcome home another Abbott!!

Roxanne runs into Harmoni at Crimson Lights. Roxanne: What a delightful surprise. I was hoping I could catch you alone. Harmoni: Excuse me? You’re my son’s girlfriend I take it? Roxanne: Oh I am. I love him very much and he loves me too. Harmoni: As long as my son is happy. Roxanne: We are. But you see, there are some people who don’t want us to be happy. Harmoni: I don’t understand. Roxanne: I have a hunch you are not her in town on you own will. Maybe a certain some one enticed y



Episode 57: Sexual Healing

Harmony goes to Crimson Lights to grab some coffee. Tucker walks in and is surprised to see her. He asks her what is she doing back in town. She tells him that everyone got a new chance with Devon and she deserves one too. Tucker says he’s not buying it. The Young and the Restless Episode: 57: Sexual Healing Written by ML Cooks Story Consult Paul G Amos Roxanne is at her place. She is mad as hell as the only thing she can think about is Abby and how she ruined her plans with De



Lawrence St Victor and Debbie Morgan join the cast!!

Lawrence St. Victor will take over the role of Nate Winters. He debuted last week in Thursday’s episode. Lawrence previously played Remy on the now defunct Guiding Light. The role is contract and look for him to intertwine with Roxanne, Abby and Devon. Nate’s role will be more pivotal in coming months Headwriter ML Cooks stated. Also joining is Debbie Morgan in my version of Y&R. Debbie of course will assume the role of Harmony, Devon’s mother. “The timing is now right for her character



Episode 56: Cane catches Billy and Chloe having SEX!

At Devon’s Apt. Devon is stunned to see his mother Harmony on his doorstep. He asks her what she is doing here? Harmony tells him that since he gave Kay and Tucker second chances she feels she deserves one too. Roxanne shakes her head as she suspects Abby is behind Harmony being back in town. The Young and the Restless Episode 56: Cane catches Billy and Chloe having sex! Written by ML Cooks Creative Consult Paul G. Amos At Restless Style Cane looks at a stunned Chloe and Billy



Episode 55: Cliffhanger Friday!

Nate visits Neil at his apt. Neil is very glad to see his nephew. Nate has come to help Neil out with the twins, Maddie and Charlie. Nate asks Neil how he is holding up. Neil says honestly he’s been lonely, stressed, and depressed. He say he’s has really missing Sophia. The Young and the Restless Episode 55: Loving: The Abbott Way Written by ML Cooks At Tuckers, Sophia tells Tucker she is ready to go back to work and be a working mother. She says a stay at home mom is not the thi



Episode 54:Roxanne vs Abby, Billy vs Michael!

At Devon’s Studio, Devon tells Roxanne about Abby investing a large chunk of her money in his label and she is even buying Crimson lights so he can feature new artist. “It would be another outlet and or platform for my label.” Roxanne is not impressed at all. She tells him she doesn’t like the idea. She adds that’s this is only a ploy to get close to him. Devon is very disappointed that Roxanne feels like this. He says he is almost offended that she could be so selfish to think of a thing like t



Lauren Divorces Michael and sues for sole custody!!!

Roxanne calls Nate to ask him to let her know where he is taking Abby for their date. Nate refuses. Saying he doesn’t want any part in her plans. If he’s going to win Abby’s heart, it’s going to be on his terms. The Young and the Restless Episode 53: Lauren divorces Michael and sues for sole Custody! Written by ML Cooks Abby arrives at Devon’s studio. She is excited as she gives him a hug. Devon asks her what she is so excited about. Abby says she has decided to invest large chu



Episode 52: Lauren wants it all from Michael!!

Nikki calls Victoria in Japan and informs what latest stunt Kay and Victor has pulled now with Kay taking over Newman. The Young and the Restless Episode 51: Lauren want it ALL!! Written by ML Cooks   Nick confronts Victor at the jail. Victor really ignores his son as he huffs and puffs over Kay taking over Newman. The only thing Victor says is that he always knew this day would come. Where people would try to destroy him like right now by locking him up. “So in that ev



Episode 51: Kay is owner and CEO OF NEWMAN!!!

At Newman , Nikki and Nick look at Kay in shock as she has just announced she is the new owner and CEO of Newman Enterprises. Nikki : Kay you are out of your mind?” Kay : No my dear. I am supporting Victor. Now I know you don’t agree with that but- Nikki ; You’re DAMNED RIGHT I don’t agree with it! You have no right putting your nose in my family’s business. I really can’t believe I’m even having this conversation with you. You make me sick. Kay: Now Nik



Episode 50!! POWER SHIFT IN GENOA CITY!!!!!!

At the Jail . Michael arrives to confront Victor. He tells Victor he is going to pay for destroying his marriage to Lauren. Victor tells him he should have thought of that before he turned his back on the great Victor Newman. Michael : After EVERYTHING I’ve done for you, you would do this to me? So what I would not stand by you but it didn’t mean I was going to sell you out Victor!” Victor : Is that so?” Michael : Yes that is so. So I decided to



Episode 49: Jack catches Keemo and Jill kissing again!

  At Phyllis’. Michael tells his best friend that Lauren threw him out because of his role in Victor’s crimes. Phyllis says that’s awful. Michael says “No I’m awful. I kept Billy away from Delia when she had leukemia. What kind of man am I Phyllis? I have a son of my own.” Phyllis says “That’s what Victor does to you. Sucks you in and spits you back out.” Michael: That’s exactly what he did after I told him the jig was up and that I would no longer defend him. That’s when he told Lauren about



Episode 48: Lauren Dumps Michael!!

At Michael’s, Lauren is pissed off as she screams at Michael. She tells him it’s over! She says she can’t be with a man who would keep a child and father apart. She tells him he is not the man she married and fell in love with and she doesn’t want any part of Victor’s crimes. She then tells him that since he can’t be his own man and not Victor’s Bitch then she is going to take Fenmore from him. She instructs Michael to move out immediately. Michael is at a loss for words as he know he has really



Episode 47: Michael Baldwin's Comeuppance! (Weekend Special 2)

At the Chancellor House Billy, Chloe and Chordelia are in the living room. Billy is mad after learning that Chloe told her mother about their affair. She says no. He tells her they can’t do this anymore. Delia interrupts them and says she wants of them to live together again. Chloe and Billy are stunned and heart struck as they look at each other . Episode 47: Michael Baldwin’s Comeuppance! Written by ML Cooks At the Abbott Manor. Abby is talking with Ashley about her issues w



Episode 46: Abby's plan Backfires! (weekend special)

At Devon’s Studio, Roxanne dares Abby to tell Devon what she has to tell him about her. Abby is surprised. So Abby tells Devon what Roxanne has been planning with Nate. Roxanne says she was only trying to help Abby. “She’s making something out of nothing“. In fact Devon thinks Nate dating Abby might not be a bad thing after all. Roxanne smiles at Abby. Abby is mad and storms out after her plan to make Rox look bad to Devon didn’t work. In fact it back fired. Abby storms out. Episode 46: Ab



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