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Tori Spelling cut out of her Fathers Will


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Us Weekly

Tori Broke — Mom Cuts Her Out of Will

Despite reports that Tori Spelling would inherit millions from her father’s $500 million estate, Us has learned exclusively that the actress, 33, will get just 0.16 % of the Spelling fortune. Tori’s share – a cash inheritance payment of $200,000, combined with approximately $600,000 in private investments her dad set up for her –is a brush-off Aaron Spelling would never have intended for his only daughter, says a family source.

“I believe Candy had a lot to do with what was left for Tori,” the source says of Tori’s mother, who is sole managing executor of the estate. (Candy’s rep had no comment.)

How much will brother Randy inherit?

Why are Candy’s interior decorator and manicurist in the will?

For more details on this story and Tori’s new modest lifestyle check out the current issue of Us, on newsstands this week.

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Oh gosh, where to begin?

1. I read in People or US Weekly or something that Tori was worried about this.

2. Candy Spelling absolutely makes me sick. Toups, I don't get the Karma thing? Do you know why Candy and Tori were fighting? Because I sided with Tori!

3. God, I absolutely cannot believe this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I think it's pretty messed up. Aaron would have wanted his only daughter to have more than 0.16%? Oh well, 800,000 bucks ain't to shabby. Mommie Dearest could have given her a box of wire coat hangers instead. :P

She gets royalties from 90210, still has her show on VH1 and a new movie "Cthulhu" coming this fall.

It's kinda sad that they are all fighting instead of mourning. He's just died a month ago :(

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From what I read in People magazine, Tori and Candy's falling out has a lot to do with the fact that she was keeping company with some guy that was supposed to be very close friends with Aaron. Basically, Aaron was said to have given the "okay" for this guy to care for Candy and spend time with her (who knows what kind of time they have been spending). I guess Tori wasn't liking that this man was spending all this time with Candy, feeling that he would try to get him a cut of all the Spelling wealth if anything were to happen to Aaron. Basically that is how the rift began...Then it got bigger when Candy got mad at how Tori had her protrayed in her VH1 show So Notorious.

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Ohhh, ok. I got ya on that. But still! Getting cut out of your parents' will is pretty harsh Karma!

Anyway. When Aaron started getting sick about a year and a half ago, Candy started hanging around Aaron's best friend, this business mogul guy, a lot. I am not sure of his name, but I know Randy and Tori call him "Uncle <insert name here.>" Apparently, Tori thought the behavior was SO inappropriate and flirtacious and disgusting, and they got into it a lot over him. Candy insisted it was innocent, but Tori would see them and hear from friends that they were acting way too chummy while Aaron was home and ill! And then Tori got her show, and Candy hated the way she (well, Tori's "mom.") was portrayed, and it snowballed from there.

God, I hate Candy Spelling!!!

Sorry, Sweet! LOL! I didn't know you were posting that. Obviously. :)

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A large part of me wonders if Candy suddenly grew jealous of Tori...I mean, Aaron would always talk highly of Tori during some interviews and things...maybe Candy felt slighted a little bit and decided to find some sort of comfort from this guy....Who knows...but I think instead of harboring more hate for one another, especially after the loss of someone they truly loved, they would put all that aside and be there for one another.

That's okay King Reilly....we always have the same ideas from time to time ;)

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I dont think thats funny. Thats a shitty thing to do to Tori and for her mother to do it? Family is supposed to be stronger than this and to let money destroy a relationship between your daughter is just sickening. Especially since this is so petty and trivial. It's not worth it to make a point and they'll all regret it when all's said and done

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Cheap21, Don't count on it. When my Dad died 7 years ago, my brothers took everything. Dad had no will and they just came in and took it - even with my Mom still living there. They took all his fishing stuff, his boat, his camper, his new outdoor barbecue grill, outdoor cookstove, everything. Still to this day there seems to be no regret. Mom has always been so easy hearted that even though legally she could have stopped it, she didn't. She never said a word. Just from time to time she asked to borrow things that were legally hers. And when Dad's life insurance came, she gave each one of them part of it just like she did me and my sister.

Now Mom is dying and one of my brothers is already wondering what he is going to get out of it. I have managed Mom's affairs for several years now. He asked me the other night to give him a report of what Mom owes and he will find out what is going to be left when it is all over.

I have just learned when money and all comes in - even the strongest of families can go kaput. It is sad that death brings this to light many times.

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This is... OUTRAGEOUS!

We shouldn't have to stand for this! TORI shouldn't!

I say we all march to the PTA's office and barricade them inside until Candy changes her mind. All the while, waving placards and chanting "DONNA MARTIN GRADUATES! DONNA MARTIN GRADUATES!"

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