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Survivor: Discussion Thread


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Parvati is hosting the Survivor aftershow now.

I watched last night's episode and between abusive Brandon and the sight of Philip blatantly looking into the camera over and over while forcing his schtick on the other players, I was repulsed. I don't understand the entertainment value of this man.

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I love Queen Parv on the aftershow.

I truly love Brandon and I hope he pop the eff on these people.

Philip is truly the worst. Sadly, i have talked to people who know him and have met him, they all say this is 100% real. one even said she feels he tones it down on the island. Everyonje from his season basically says he is always like this too.

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The only part I even have that much interest in watching is the bonus clips, since the actual show tries its best to pretend women do not exist, unless they absolutely have to be included. Awful editing, awful host, awful.

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First time in gosh, years I've even looked at the ratings over the years. Funny how the spring seasons always drop and the fall seasons typically (though not always) do better overall.

How low will CBS let it go? How could it be fixed? I'm gonna post my thoughts but I want to think about it a little bit. (However, it's a 13-14 year old show with a gazillion seasons, so it's natural for the decline, obviously, every show declines, so I don't expect ratings to ever really rise).

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I'm not 'omgitsgoingtobecancelled' lol. I just noticed the ratings dip, overall, and found it interesting, just like, as I said, any long-running show. I wasn't really comparing past/present (you can't really), I know shows slide, it's inevitable. Many networks would love to have a solid audience.

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The show is cheap to produce and the ratings are still OK, but they would get an increase if they focused more on a good quality show and less on a Jeff Probst vanity project. His response to why the reunion was such a mess was typical ego Hollywood - oh if you can do a better job, you do it. I am just tired of him and his freak show casting.

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