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ATWT Casting Spoiler

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Gwen fell down some stairs during a fight w/ Carly, when she and Will ran away to NYC w/ Johnny (then called Rory). She found out when she and Will were trying to have a baby, but she couldn't get pregnant.

I would like to see the name Jennifer carried out. I think, if anything, Emily's going to do it b/c Jen's the one who will probably get her out of going to prison :rolleyes: But, yes, I'd rather have Will name one of his kids after Jen, not Paul.

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Yeah, I was a bit behind on my ATWT, lol. I was pretty spoiler free too, so yeah, wasn't totally up on Jen dying. In a way, I'm glad. The character was getting played out. She went through nearly everything ...

Holden and Lily should definitely have a boy. It would just fit better. The Luke story as well as the fact they already have two daughters.

And as for Paul and Em's kid, definitely gonna be a girl named Jennifer.

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I agree with almost everyone here...

If Paul/Emily/Meg/whoever names the baby Jennifer...I will seriously throw up.

1: Jennifer was named after her grandmother...So that's two dead "Jennifer's" in ATWT history...Why would there be a 3rd? I can see a Jenny...or something, but not another Jennifer...

....and 2: After what Paul/Emily/Meg did to Jennifer, I think she would roll in her grave if they named the baby after her.

I would much rather Will and Gwen conceive a miracle child and name it Jenny or Jennifer or something close. Just not Paul. Not after all the hell he brought into Jennifer's life.

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Well, B&B is also a show that brought Taylor back from the dead after we saw her get shot and die in a hospital :rolleyes:. So, frankly, I didn't expect that much from the show.

ATWT, on the other hand, should know better. There have been a lot of characters that have died in the hospital like Jen did, and they never returned.

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Actually, did anyone notice how Dusty was the only one who saw Jen after she "died"? maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that might be something significant.

Also, I was thinking that if Lily had a girl, she'd name it Rose, but maybe Emily's baby could be named Rose. After all, she was Paul's ex-fiancee and she and Emily were really good friends. Then again, that might be a bad idea too since Paul dumped Rose at the altar and his brother killed her. :rolleyes:

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Well if there were to be a memorial service instead of a funeral, I could see that happening. Dusty (like Felicia on BB) whisk her away to another clinic and then Jennifer show up a few months later (different actress) and be healthy.

However, next week doesn't look good for that theory.

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