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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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I thought that James would be better at HOH than this. Putting up CG was a cowardly move as far as I'm concerned. James used to be one of my favorite players, but finding out about all his pre-show deals and seeing him gunning for CG as if he is a major threat has realy made me lose something for James. And the fact that he's listening to Kayser is just pathetic! Kayser wasted his HOH going after Nakomis and Diane because he was too afraid to put up a major player. And now James is doing the same thing.

I'm glad that CG got veto because now James will be forced to put upa major player... unless he takes the cowards route again and puts up Marcelles. Jase should go up or even Boogie! If you want to show someone that you have the power; then make a power play! Break up Chilltown and stop acting like you're scared!

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Jase and CT are trying to get James to put up Marcellas and even brought Kaysar and Janelle into the discussion. They are trying to put out a truce between CT and the S6 to get rid of the floaters and then they will start to play the game once the nonplayers are gone. As soon as Janelle left, Jase and Boogie were laughing and congratulating each other bc they think they sold it to S6. I HOPE James isnt dumb enough to buy this bc they are out to get them

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Boogie is now out for blood. I think fans who wanted drama and said this season is boring will now get it.

ETA: Wait, now it sounds like Jase could be nominated........! DAMN IT!!!

Boogie says: "If they want a villain, they've got one. Bad move, Howie."

Well, if it's Boogie, we will rid ourselves of the worst cast member this year. If it's Jase, we get rid of the best competitor left in Chilltown/Floaters. So, either way, it sounds like we are good and Dani, Marcie, and Erika were not nominated.

Boogie to Howie: "You're one of them. Just when I thought we could be friends."

Howie to Will: "You're a scrawny, washed up doctor. I can't believe Kaysar shaved his head for you Willie!"

Sounds like that love affair is over.

Kaysar was trying to win the veto for Will? God! Sea Six needs to get their act together and get on the same friggin' page.

It's JASE!

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They haven't had the veto ceremony, yet. Apparently, James had a meeting with CT and told them that either Boogie or Jase is going up. James still seems to be unsure while talking with Janie and Kaysar. There's a lockdown right now and FLAMES have been up for awhile, so they're probably setting up for the veto ceremony now.

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I am watching some clips on youtube. I don't want to say Kaysar is dumb but God is he WAY too nice and naive. He thinks Chilltown will take out a floater so he thinks they should take out a floater. Howie is actually the voice of reason in the clip I am watching telling him to put up a threat. Janey is saying the same thing too.


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It better be Boogie. 1) He thinks he is so cool, the ultimate player. I do not think he has any more right in that house than George, who I am actually thankful he is in the house. A gentle kind man. Nice to see once in a while! 2) He has no clue. I do not know if he and Will think they are Gods gift to everything, but they are worthless really.

Will, I think he must have major self esteem issues. He only feels good when he puts others down (and I think that is how he is in real life, not just an act....I could be wrong of course). I do not call him a skilled player. He is so see through. Everything he does, is to get attention. He acts like he wants to be nominated. He acts like he wants to leave. Sure, you can call that a skill in the game, but I call it boring and weak.

Anyway, I hope its Boogie. Even though Jase was playing smart until the last week, I still want him around for a little longer!

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ITA. I can't stand Will. For a little while, I thought his manipulation tactics were cute and funny, but now I just hate him. :angry: And his BS about wanting to go home.....yeah right. :rolleyes:

James needs to grow some and put up Boogie. At least half of Chilltown would be gone.

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