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Big Brother 7: Official Discussion Thread (NO Spoilers)


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The past two episodes have been great to watch and see Will manipulate Janey and made her not listen to her own alliance!

So Will has single handily broke up S6 (if James is true to his word about the revolution) without winning any HOH or VETO.....that is pure charisma and pure genius.

I loved how he mentioned that he knows what it takes to win because he's won it and Janey believed him.

Will never ceases to amaze me. :)

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I don't understand the "Will manipulated Janelle" argument. Before Janelle even GOT HOH on Thursday, she and Kaysar were talking about putting up two floaters. This is the smartest player in the history of the game, and she had the idea about the floaters before Will's little puppet show in the tub. She and Kaysar talked about it on Wednesday.

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I don't recall Kaysar and Janelle talking about putting up two floaters. I don't have the feeds, so maybe that's how I happened to miss that.

Speaking of Kaysar, what is going on with him? I saw a clip of him talking to James about missing someone, and I wonder if that's why he's so quiet?!?! Or, it is stragety? Or, what? He wasn't like this last season. It's almost as if he's not even playing the game.

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I love Will. He is the best player ever in this game. He wanted to accomplish breaking up the S6ers and he did. His only alliance is to himself and that is the way it has to be. He would screw Boogie over just like Boogie will screw him over and they will still remain friends. Will is playing brilliantly. I love the fact that he is there and when Boogie gets evicted, which he will eventually, Will becomes even more entertaining. I like him better with Boogie. He's more likable.

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Best case scenerio for Will is for Mike, Danielle or Erika to win HOH. I dn't think Daneille will win HOH this week because I think she's laying low for now. So Erika or Mike has to win HOH this week. If not, I really want Mike gone next week because with him in the house, it's more of a threat to Will. Once Mike is gone, Will is all by himself and then it will be the battle of S6 vs The Floaters with Will watching on the sidelines.

"It was a bit premature."


"Nobody likes to be premature"

LMAO :lol:

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I am guessing the HOH will be something physical/an activity this week? Since it's been trivia for three weeks? Purely speculation though.

If it is endurance, the slop will come into play, IMO.

So, I don't think Erika, George, Diane (she'll probably be gone though), Will, or Marcellas will have the endurance or stamina for the endurance challenge, but you never know. Will will throw it anyway.

So, that leaves Kays, Howie, James, and Danielle. Hopefully, Boogie's foot will still be sore, and he won't be able to do it! If Dani wins, I can't see her taking Janey out before Marcie, but ya never know! Hopefully, Kays or How will win!

All purely speculation obviously, but it's fun to speculate a little!

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King Reilly I agree with you that it will probably be a stamina HOH. We haven't had one yet and I think it's time. I am guessing that it will come down to CT and James and Kaysar to battle it out. However, I can see Will hanging on especially if Mike is injured.

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I'm wondering if Marcellas is over his hate-Danielle-no-matter-what attitude. Seems like he figured out that he made need her if the floaters are supposed to stick together. I don't really understand Janelle's decision based on voting numbers. She was a member of a four-vote alliance, but now only has a three-vote alliance, thus seemingly making it harder for her to eliminate who she wants out.

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Maybe Marcellas will stop kissing Janelle's ass and do something to stay in the game.

-I'm rooting for James but he needs to shut up.

He had power last week and he chose to nominate CHICKEN FUCKIN' GEORGE!!!!!! Stop !@#$%^&*]in' about what Janelle DIDN'T do when you could've done it LAST WEEK!

-Hopefully, Howie will get a clue and begin playing a little more actively.

The edits have been crappy this season. I didn't watch Erika's season and have no clue whatsoever why she's an All Star. She's been non-existant.

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the editing isnt bad for her bc she does absolutely nothing. Seriously, she's nothing more than a fly on the wall, in every scene and not saying much. Every conversation with her is one sided bc all she does is agree with whomever is talking to her and never offers any opinions of her own

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Agreed. Marcellas needs to shut up and win a challenge. Honestly, STFU until you do! Then put up whoever the f*ck you want!

a ) James just said last week "Big Brother is not a team sport." Exactly, you dumb f*ck! So shut up and stop whining like two year old baby girl about it! Janelle did what was best for her.

b ) How stupid *ARE* America and James/Marcellas exactly? They want to boot a man who already HAS and has confessed to throw every challenge over a woman who single-handled OWNED every Alpha Male on her season BUT ONE?

c ) James is only mad because he and Diane had a pre-game agreement. Diane said in a pre-game interview she was a huge James and Sarah fan. James is pissed someone who would protect him is leaving. Stop crying, little Jamie!

d ) Why does James think he is so cocky and confident all of the sudden? Need I remind him that he did not even win a friggin' HOH his season and he is the only All-Star BESIDES Erika (and George who doesn't even count because there were no HOH's on BB1) NOT to be HOH before walking into the house? That's pretty sad. And now, since he won ONE HOH in a season and a half he is walking around talking about this revolution!? Give me a break, James!

e ) "Janelle has now given the floaters reason to come after Season 6." - James. OK, James, please tell me WHAT house have you been living in for the past four weeks because it's not the same one I've been watching, you moron!

f ) Would Erika have stayed over Will for SURE? Think about the potential for all the scheming that could go on. The least liked vs. the most liked. Who knows what could have gone down between Monday when Will was nominated to Wednesday for voting!

I support Janey all the way. She's thinking of next week and the week after that. Will will 99.9% keep throwing challenges. Diane and Erika and Danielle are due for wins! Get rid of the floaters!!!

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