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GH: January 2025 Discussion Thread

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I agree. Say what you want...and I have...about these New/Old Writers, but this has been good soap. But I said that, too...lol. The more messy and complicated it is, the better it's flowing which is why this last week has indeed been fun to watch. It IS messy. And now it's touching on past history which makes it even better. And given where it started, that's high praise. The only thing that irked me has been Nina as an afterthought, but they have been using her wisely now. 


That 'We'll see' was so flawless from JE yesterday. I would love to see Tracy vs Carly a little more often after that. It didn't start well for me, but I love that both actress mid-episode elevated the material. 



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Now that would have been a sparring match for sure. She might have even put some fear in that version of Carly. Kinda like how Luke kinda did.


Agree. Jane Elliot always gives a good cat that ate the canary grin/smile/smirk, but that one yesterday had a little more going on beneath the surface and Jane Elliot played that subtext soooo well. Relish indeed. 

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I am so pleased that apparently Jane did not like retirement!  And, if you followed the trail of exit interviews at that time you would never in a million years think that this woman would be coming back!!! It is just our great good fortune that whatever was going on, it led her back to the studio, and miraculously Frankie has not managed to screw it up.

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I agree with those saying Thursday’s episode was a tough watch aside from the Tracy vs Carly, Chase/Willow/Nina/Ava scenes.

I have lost all interest in Trina and Kai and think Kai should probably be recast or swapped out for Quinn at this point. The actor is stale to watch and I know people love Tabyana Ali but she’s only matching his performance IMO which is unfortunate considering how long she’s been on the show.

Cody gambling away his blackmail money and getting on Selina’s bad side is also a snooze. Sasha has proven her value with her recent family retcon for me but he still deserves a pink slip.

I don’t care to watch another story of a couple having a hard time conceiving either, even with this hidden teen pregnancy plot to add angst for Brook Lynn and Chase.

Totally agree, Michael getting barbecued has activated a good portion of the canvas and given the show some juicy historic drama to play with in a way I don’t think we’d be seeing if Michael were still actively involved. They’ve been getting their money’s worth out of this story so far I just hope they can keep it up

Nina has been doing enough manipulation on her own but I wouldn’t buy her encouraging Sonny and Carly being barred from Michael, It makes way more sense to have Drew do it. I get that people don’t rate CM much as an actor but I think playing into his onscreen aura of smarminess has been a smart pivot and I do not want Drew killed off either, let him be the Quartermaine heel on canvas.

Where they go forward with Willow will be a real test of the writers to maintain momentum. They’ve added a lot of layers to her these last few weeks and I would hate to see her revert back to being a boring generic goody two shoes once the reveal of Nina and Drew’s sexcapades happens.

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I could have done without hearing Chase give Tracy the same speech we saw Sonny, Jason, and Carly give her back to back but Drew showing up and having Tracy arrested was hilarious

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I also enjoyed Jordan and Cody dragging Drew at the restaurant and the AMC fan boy always likes seeing Tad and Ryan together

I’m glad Willow agreed to let Carly and Sonny see Michael and help with his medical proxy. The last scenes with Carly waking Michael up to decide his treatment going forward were really emotional so far, looking forward to more on Tuesday

I liked the Lulu/BrookLynn/Maxie scenes but ugh at Lulu working as an assistant at Deception. The job choices for the legacy Spencer’s have been piss poor so far I wanted to see her be a reporter and Lucky work as a PI or for the WSB

Ava’s scenes with Lucas made me wonder if she was the one who set the fire at Sonny’s penthouse. I continue to be grossed out by Lucas and creepy Brad together

Sidwell waltzing around Port Charles without a care in the world makes 0 sense, those art gallery scenes with Ava and Ric were saved by MW and RH’s wonderful chemistry


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They just put every available female at Deception. It makes no sense and screams economy plotting. Lulu should go back to journalism and Lucky should be a PI or something. Both actors work so hard and deserve much better than this sort of half-assed treatment.

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