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GH: January 2025 Discussion Thread

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To me I'm not seeing big bad out of proportion to reality. Instead I think I am seeing right vs.  wrong in multiple situations And to me sounds like GH. Lulu is right, so by default both Dante & Valentin are wrong. The only problem with your glowing view of Valentin is that he & Charlotte are very badly codependent on each other in a seriously dysfunctional way!!

So it sounds like you think Jason is gonna do this even though he just said he's not. 

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Valentin is a pervy piano-playing arms dealer and crime kingpin who absconded with his mutant child against the other side of the family's wishes while facing federal and likely international prosecution.

The show is trying to shine him up here because FV and Korte have always been overly fond of him and JPS and want to keep him around at all costs.

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It was bad enough that Valentin was back and he and Charlotte got away. But the Val propping...and THAT was propping. The 'PAPA's. Sasha refusing anything from Michael whom is RICH. Anna, Brennan, and the slapstickiness of the tazer. The lack of nuances in the Alexis vs Ava scenes when the history of just last year alone would have made those scenes great...even NLG looked a little checked out which is unlike her. Oh hell no. Again, I looked at the idea police aka HW. And well...my glare will stay right where it is with my theory. 


I was at least happy there were nuggets that I did like. For one, Dante being there dealing with Lulu and Val. Outside of that, I didn't like the clear Val propping. I didn't like the wacky henchwoman (though I can't emphasis enough how much I love henchwomen). And Lulu's return...which was the first return in a good minute that was going well for me...has been completely derailed to prop a character that no one gives a frak about. And I AM NOT talking about Charlotte. 


Yeah, in light of the spoiler, and watching all this stuff with Sasha/Michael/Willow/Drew, I'm starting to wonder if there has been a rewrite going on since Michael started to get all mournful about Willow rather than vengeful as he was a few weeks ago. Because the drama, the messiness, the scandal of it all was written RIGHT THERE. Yet...it has completely gone to nein. Sasha and Michael not growing closer? WIllow and Drew looking in love? Nina STILL an afterthought? They could have been heading to an organic climax to this storyline so the shear lack of any dramatic tension and the feel of the 'paint by numbers' narrative was extremely shocking at how doubled down it looked. 


I guess it says everything that while Sonny was on that floor, I thought 2 things. ONE...DIE, SONNY, DIE!!! And TWO...given the rumors for the last few years, is MB finally retiring??? Cuz otherwise...where could this storyline go? Outside of Isaiah having a new secret. I mean I'll take a Sonny/Brenda reunion any way I can get it, but I doubt this is the way they would go. But since I am venting about the writing well...*shrugs* Heck, this happening while a vengeful Michael was around would be a chef's kiss for storyline purposes if Michael had to step in. Or dare I say it...Kristina...who even with my loss of love for her...I would STILL pick as Sonny's heir apparent as I have for years because it just made sense. 


Like I said above, I expected so much more from an Alexis vs Ava scene. And we have definitely gotten that before. But I'm not hear for a begging Ava any more than I am here for a whiny Anna. Because BOTH women are capable of doing things alone and ON SCREEN. The slanted writing was just on screen. And I'm not here for that. And saying that basically reveal my feelings about those Anna vs Brennan scenes as well. 


A waste of an episode. 

I am wondering. I guess I'll find out within the hour since the labelling of these episodes look waaaay off.

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At the rate they are going with 1-2's scenes with Lulu/Val and now Charlotte and 'Papa'...I mean...*shrugs*


And this is coming from someone who was a Vanna fan, but now I just loathe him on my screen as much as I have come to loathe whiny Anna.

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Listen, I'm always willing to go along with whatever agendas a show carries.  Just don't bore me.  Which is exactly what GH did the first time they had Valentin sit down at the piano like Michael G_ddamn Feinstein.

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Posted (edited)

Agree. Even with my vents, I will always give credit where it's due. Not bored and clearly not indifferent. It is frustrating how they can get momentum going and going well...only for it to abruptly go left.


Edited by Taoboi
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Come on, it's fair because she was a test-tube baby! We can pile on & make it even worse by noting that the surrogate who carried her was named Claudette!

And, I already renamed the show VERSUS. Every scene is some plot point where x is against y. We've had a year where almost every couple has been broken up to serve some plot-plot-plot point. Everything is sacrificed in the name of plotting, or should we now go all the way & say PLODDING. Because all of this plot is definitely labored. 

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