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GH: November 2024 Discussion Thread

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I would never call Stefan nothing! I just think they fundamentally mishandled Stefan/Laura once it came time to put it in action after the first year or two, and screwed him over heavily on all subsequent stories. I agree it's SN's best role. I had never seen Patch at the time so I had no idea just how good he was being someone utterly different. I still want Stefan back.

I don't think Ned and Alexis were unpopular per se. I do think Jax and Alexis was more popular at the time, but Riche wouldn't go for it.

I didn't dislike the idea of Sonny and Alexis on paper but the execution was dreadful (right down to Guza's returning team IIRC lampooning what JFP and McTavish's writing had done to Alexis as a ditz for Sonny in a fantasy sequence, before they took a turn wrecking her themselves the following year). I still would be down with Sonny and Alexis having a secret ONS/fling again after all these years, nothing too serious.

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Nothing was probably a poor choice of words.  I just found Stefan's impact wasn't as great as it should have been and I don't agree with killing him off.  The show started by cutting the Bobbie/Stefan relationship and going with Kat/Stef instead.  Then the Laura stuff drug out forever (I know some of this was due to Genie's mat leave) and went back and forth with Nik's paternity.  Pairing him with Chloe in the end almost worked, but then the story got really strange.

I suppose in the end it was good the show never went with Jax/Alexis, but I did always like them.  It just seemed like a nice place to put Jax in after the long chaos with Brenda.

I think Sonny/Alexis worked better for Sonny to be honest.  It was nice to see him with an age appropriate woman for once that he actually seem to respect. You had to stretch Alexis's motivations more to make it believable for her.  I was never pining for any sort of reunion, it was always meant to be a fling, but I did think their ONS was pretty hot actually.  NLG and MB did have chemistry.

I think so. It's clear the focus has moved off the Cassadines, but could easily replace Valentin

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They are truly making Drew look like a scumbag. I can’t tell if we are supposed to secretly want him with Willow? The writing would seem to be going that direction at times. Then you have him in her living room, talking about her blushing and he looks like a predator whispering in her ear. And yes, Jason shouldn’t just attack people. But the balls on Drew to act like Carly should back him over Jason is wild. He’s seducing her son’s wife. This is Carly we are talking about here. 20 years ago she would be standing over his body holding a bloody knife or a smoking gun when the murder mystery kicked off.

We would need a credible Spencer recast established first. His whole thing was protecting the Prince and the legacy of the family, which would naturally have moved to Spencer as Nikolas has been such a disappointment. But if we had that, I could easily see a return to the family if they leaned back into their gothic roots. And his obsession over Laura would add some danger back into her life, which the character needs IMO. The foggy pier has been missed.

Edited by titan1978
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Like @carolineg I do think Stefan would work on the present canvas. Do I think he would have worked more on the strike team or Patrick Mulcahey? Hell yes. But Stefan would work on the canvas. And, unlike Valentin, is a Cassadine worth fearing. I hate the vasectomy that Valentin, as a character, got from concept to debut.

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I do think bringing back Spencer or another Cassadine would be necessary for Stefan. But yes, I'd bring him back.

I do think they are potentially prepping Drew for a villain exit, though at this point with the potential Mulcahey gave him largely squandered I'd probably kill him in a murder mystery myself.

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Well when you put it like that cuz...Val is easily replaceable.


But I guess I meant with these writers. Could they give Stefan the gravitas that he deserves?

Yeah, what a horrible turn he has taken and giving off the vibe of a total creeper.


I take it we are about to get a Who Killed Drew mystery then?


Mmmmm gothic roots.

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I like all of this. But a Spencer recast comes with its own troubles at the moment. 


Yeah, I could see PM doing it justice. And the strike team whoever they may probably could, too. And yes, Stefan was not one to mess with. Val though...? Not so much.



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@TaoboiI don't know if this current writing team could do many past characters justice lol.  I would give Stefan a shot though if SN would come back.   Obviously SN is perfectly happy at Days and is needed on the canvas after losing Drake/John, so it's probably silly to even speculate.   I am sure the show could find a recast, but with Huss as Nik and a Spencer recast on the horizon I am not sure if I'd take the risk of recasting a third role.

I'll be honest I have a tough time believing MB's Valentin would have been scary either.  JPS and his piano and weepiness is decidedly not though.  Spinelli is more intimidating at this point.

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The next time DAYS knocks SN off contract (and they will) I'd grab him. But that's me. I'm surprised GH hasn't done it before, except I think SN may be on FV's shitlist for publicly criticizing the alleged plan to bring him back in 2013. IIRC he said he didn't care for the offer or potential story so he passed.

What I strongly suspect is that they intended to do what they always did back then and do only slightly less now: Nickel and dime SN by keeping him on recurring with a bunch of other returning vets, play him every 3-4 weeks in a subplot as a romantic spoiler for Luke and Laura (since Frank also wanted Genie on recurring at the time) and nothing else.

Edited by Vee
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I think Borlenghi had those darker features that would have worked as a Cassadine. And, at one point, it was suggested Vincent Irizarry had been recast in the role, replacing Borlenghi. Stuart, to me, was the Timothy Dalton of Valentin, except he lasted in the role unlike Dalton as James Bond. It's just.... bad casting and a mix bag of writing. Trying to make a character, who Helena was petrified of on her death bed, into a romantic lead wasn't the path that should have been taken.

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Not silly at all. The good news is that Stefan could be a force on the show because he still has so many connections. Like has been mentioned, it would definitely give Laura something to do. And with the Spencers resurgence, could you imagine Stefan stepping back into it all?


Would I love Stefan back if SN was free though...YES, PLEASE. I just currently don't trust the writers to do it too well. Them and the cursed blocked filming. Just look at how Jason's return and Lucky's return are going. I had even forgotten Lois was back until she popped up this past week. An uneven feeling has cropped up again. Now if PM was still there...

Edited by Taoboi
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He'll most definitely be dropped by DAYS at some point; it's happened before, and it'll happen again. Surprised he got dropped 2018, honestly. We gotta find the interview he shittalked the return, lmao!!!


❝ Stephen on if there were any serious talks about bringing him back to GH to reprise his role as Stefan Cassadine: “If they were ever truly serious about bringing me back for a long-term story, then they would have made a serious offer. And there was none of that. They brought back all those great actors for the 50th anniversary Nurses Ball and they did call me for that. I said, ‘Are you kidding me?’ No, not for me. I felt slapped by that experience and I can’t believe that most of those actors went ahead with that plan. They are so talented and worth so much more than that.” ❞

⏤ Stephen Nichols Opens Up About His DAYS Return, "Patch" Finding Bo Brady & Why No Sign of Stefan Cassadine on GH!

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It's strange because I can see some logic (outside of looks) to cast JPS as Valentin based on some of his previous work.  He can be menacing.  But once you are crying all the time and performing Billy Joel at the Nurses Ball you can't take him seriously as someone to be feared.  Manipulative and conniving?  Sure.  A villain Helena was seriously concerned about?  Absolutely not.

Unless Peter Reckell commits to Days full time I don't see Steve being dropped.  There is a gaping hole that John leaves and unless they are planning to make Roman central again (by recasting back to Wayne again) the show needs that nostalgic hero.  Plus, the show needs one of their 80's supercouples and Patch/Kayla fit that bill.   Again this all depends on what Kristian and Peter decide to do in the end, but right now it seems short term for both.

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