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GH: September 2024 Discussion Thread

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I suppose lol.

I like the idea of multiple characters being involved (not Jason though), but it's been boring.  I am a few days behind on the show, but judging by comments the story hasn't improved.  I know the delay in getting Lucky back to PC may have something to do with Genie being on vacation.  I am pretty sure there were at least 7 or 8 episodes of Lucky playing cards though.

Edited by carolineg
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They don’t get their own recipe anymore. When Brenda returned for the first time, it was an adventure umbrella storyline but she was immediately mixed with the characters that know her. When Robert returned, the virus story was impacting the whole town and he was right in the mix with characters that were there when he was before. When L&L returned, they were on their own having an adventure that suited the characters and was tied to their first on the run story, but Lucky was in PC pretty fast meeting Ruby. And within two weeks or so they were hugging Steve Hardy and Bobbie at GH.

It works when they are surrounded by the people that knew them, and those characters are drawn in to what is happening right away. The GH formula was drawing out an umbrella story by having both plot and character beats playing out the whole time. They used to have people falling in and out of love, injuries involving a hospital stay, mystery, intrigue, reunions big and small.

Now we have Lucky and Holly sitting in a bare room waiting for Genie’s vacation to end? She usually returns to the screen in October.

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JJ has been in the studio, taping. Alexa Havins also has been in the studio, taping. KeMo also was back in the studio, and taping.

A new photo day has been announced. All cast are invited.

Supposedly they taped a scene between Laura & Aiden about his being gay. 

Gio is still NOT having scenes with Trina only with Joss or Lois.

Marty is back, accent gone, beard gone, & a really bad haircut. Sonny hired him as second best attorney, for Alexis. He of course keeps #1 Diane for himself.

Ric has discovered that Heather may NOT be suffering from cobalt poisoning, after all. There goes his hefty pay day. But, I wonder if Portia tampered with those lab results!

Lucky hallucinated & it was LIZ in his dream.

Holly told Anna that Sidwell's security procedures are unbeatable. Sidwell, also called Ulrich.

Tracy is still upset about Sonny & Carly being in her room. Tracy also is being really aggressive toward Sasha. Is Tracy jealous of Cody's affections? What in the world is going on with Tracy?!

James saw Willow & Drew kissing but he has told no one. Sasha, however, has discussed the whole thing with Willow.

Sam took Kristina to the hospital to see someone about her badly crumbling mental health. Felicia met with Krissy. PTSD & post partum depression are words that the show has now spoken. It's not just the fans saying it, now.

Nina told Drew he could use her for his campaign. 

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I am barely watching atm til Lucky and Laura, etc. reunite but damn, JJ and Becky still got it. And I was not one of their stans back in the day. As I've said before, their romance was too saccharine for me when they were young. Not anymore. So wonderful to see them fully locked in.

GH is once again doing one of my pet peeves though, something that has plagued Frank Valentini's soaps since OLTL. They too often have characters talk shít out in dreams or hallucinations or whatever and then never get around to the actual discussion IRL because Frank needs another handful of 90 second scenes for Violet, Carly or Jason. The attitude becomes 'you got those fantasy scenes, right?' (This is the same lazy attitude that governs stuff like only focusing on Lucky's biological child vs. the other two sons he actually raised.) No! So whenever LL2 do link up again for real they better get to business.

I don't have a problem with adventure stories on a budget but they have to be aware of what they can do vs. whatever set is just standing up, and what garners audience interest. This seems like an excuse to use Steve because they have no idea what to do with him now that Jason/Carly Round X failed, and I am not interested in staring at Steve, Emma Samms and Carlo Rota sitting around a bunch of bare walls. If Genie was actually involved vs. on vacation? I'd watch every day.

Edited by Vee
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Lord, these Liason stans on Twitter needs to get over this idea that they can will a reunion back into existence. Korte will bring the monkey virus back to kill Liz before that happens. (And again, let me just say on a related note that GH Twitter acts like every weak character or mid couple has a major fanbase - the Robo-Jordan fans are baffling to me.)

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I am actually a bit curious why GH started this Lucky/Lulu story when Genie was obviously going on vacation.  I guess they thought just seeing JJ and bringing Holly back would fill the gap.  It would just make more sense to hold off on the Lucky stuff until Genie is back.  She could be looking for him (while on vacay), but she and Kevin would find him.  GH seems to just be biding time and dragging it out as long as possible.

Well the Liason fans do have a better chance than the JaSam fans these days so they at least have that lol

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For the first time in my life, I am watching a soap in a group. Zoom watching GH at 2:00 every day, followed often by a lovely post mortem. Interesting group. All Carly, Jason, Jarly fans. Some hate Kristina. Some hate Molly. All hate Sonny. Fans of Korte. Most of us, most of the time, enjoy the show, every day. Now, I think we all hate Violet. Most hate Liz. Donna, we believe is a child who should never have been born. Michael, to us, is really a child of Jason. CarSon is over, dead, buried, never to come again. We, too, are terribly bored watching Lucky just play cards.Tracy better explain herself & it better be good! Laura can't get back fast enough.

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