Members MinervaFan Posted May 3, 2006 Members Share Posted May 3, 2006 She landed on the wrong island--I can just hear it. Boss! Ze Plane! Ze Plane! Yes, Tatoo, our first guest is Tracy Quartermaine Spencer. And what is her fantasy, Boss? She wants to see her husband crawl like the dog he is. Oh, Boss, I like that fantasy! 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ILoveTracyQ Posted May 3, 2006 Members Share Posted May 3, 2006 LOL MinervaFan you kill me. Have you watched the HS clip with Luke/Tracy/Skye/Sam/Scott? What'd you think? You should also see the clip just after this one I think,where Luke and Skye are standing outside Kelly's and Luke is peering in at Tracy with mucho interest. Ah,who are we kidding? Even TG said Luke has always felt an attraction for Tracy. He wanted her even then. nex thanks for that Dillon/Tracy vid,I've seen it before but it's one of the best,IMO. I think I first saw it on NQ.Net. You know,Tracy/Dillon haven't had a lot of time together in quantity,but almost each and every scene has been memorable,and that vid captures most of them,even the virus/hospital stuff. Very well done vid,IMO. Okay since MinervaFan started it, let's list our most cherished desires of what happens when Tracy ends up on the island. For me at first my instinct is to say I want Tracy to need rescuing and for Luke to finally step up and do it. I mean,he always had to do it with weaker women...HOlly,Laura,Skye,and Felicia,and TG has said that's part of what he likes about Tracy,that Luke doesn't have to come to her rescue because she can take care of herself. She can even rescue him. BUT....she's done the taking care of herself all her life. Now I don't want them to be the sappy rescuer/hero and hapless damsel in distress,BUT.....just this once? I think it'd be a great way for Luke to realize he DOES want her around,that he does care. If he actually has to get off his butt and do something,I SAID,if he actually has to get off his BUTT and do something,then maybe he'd come to his senses. *sigh* BUT....I've said since day one they're not conventional,and never will be. So,realistically I can't see Tracy being rescued by Luke. At least not this time. I can see her and Anna swooping in and kicking butt and saving the menfolk and leaving Holly at the mercy of the foot floggers. I can see Tracy so scared for a moment that she might lose him that she blurts something out in the heat of the moment,and Luke torments her with it. LOL Because honestly I see Edward using Robert being at the Q mansion as a way to come between Luke/Tracy,and I think it won't be until Luke actually thinks she's really going to walk away,that he ponders what he might lose. Remember how he was with Coleman? He was fine with setting her up until Tracy was willing to give him what he wanted and then he said "no divorce",and Skye accused him of being jealous,which IMO is one of the best Lacy moments ever,because this was still early on and Luke,who always has a comeback,had to walk away because he had no words,and Tracy,also always with a comeback,just stood there with her mouth open. It was priceless. So I guess if I have my druthers,I'd like a few close moments on the island where it's obvious they care,but as far as Luke being a hero,not only can I still not see it at this point(although I'd like to), I think the chances are much better that Tracy will swoop in and save them all. And LUke in a moment of gratitude grabs her and kisses her. For real. THAT would be better than any plot with Luke saving her. That's MY fantasy,Tattoo. ETA Ms.Q wasn't it you looking for the clip of when Tracy and LUke were at the HS right after Helena was there,with Luke and his blood rigged bullet proof vest("Krevlar: accept no substitutes",LOL). I'd like to see that one,too...because at the time my mom was taping for me due to my cable not hooked up yet in my new place,and her tape messed up and I only got to see the end of the previous show,with Helena filling Luke full of lead,then a bit of the following after Helena had already run off. I missed the part where Tracy kicked the gun out of Helena's hand. It had to be a great moment,and more proof she can save Luke's butt anytime. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members MinervaFan Posted May 3, 2006 Members Share Posted May 3, 2006 I'm averaging one clip a night download (the latest one's MsQ has posted average 20 megs each, which takes a couple of hours on dial-up). I'm downloading the one you're talking about right now. You said it. I'm still thinking they had a torrid one-night stand back in the day that neither of them wants to remember... It was an awesome video. Re: Tracy/Luke fantasies? That's what fanfic is for....ponders Rescue Scenarios for a moment before toddling off to work. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ms. Quartermaine Posted May 3, 2006 Members Share Posted May 3, 2006 Thanks to everyone for reviewing "Oh, Baby." MinervaFan, I've been on the hunt for more clips and never realized how many GQ Daily had that featured Tracy. Since there are a lot, I'm just going to give you the dates and a brief summary, and if you're interested, you can check them out. June 15, 2004 Dillon/Brook Lynn run off, which worries their parents. Later, Ned/Lois, and Tracy are relieved that their children are all right. (Clips 7, 9 and 10) July 14, 2004 After learning of Lila's death, Dillon returns home and immediately asks his mother if she's okay. (Clip 5) July 16, 2004 It's Lila's memorial, and Dillon wants the family to lay off Tracy; later Tracy gives a eulogy. (Clips 2 and 4) August 2, 2004 While dressed as a girl, Dillon has a run in with Tracy. (Clips 6 and 7) August 26, 2004 Tracy blames Georgie for Sage's death; the Q freezer is now a crime scene, and Mac attempts to take control; Nikolas and Emily believe Faith killed Sage; Mac believes Nikolas or Emily killed her (Tracy observes in the background) (Clips 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, and 11) August 27, 2004 Dillon has an encounter with the killer; Tracy wants to go after Dillon, but Mac goes instead; Dillon is fine; Tracy foolishly (I love her, but seriously...) blackmails Felicia in a room full of people, and Felicia threatens to ruin Tracy; the family gangs up on Tracy; the family arms itself with weapons (Tracy's part is cut off) (Clip 1, 3, and 5) August 30, 2004 The family gathers in the boathouse; the family returns to the house; the teens find out that Mary Bishop is the killer; the power comes back on (Tracy does her own thing in the background); Tracy tries to call Lorenzo, but Dillon graps the phone out of her hand; Dillon rips into his mother. (Clips 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10) I'll add more later. ILoveTracyQ, I love your version of what should happen, and actually, Tracy didn't kick the gun, but she did grab it from Helena, and then she ended up on the ground, but that's only because Luke told her to "get down" and "hit the floor." 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members tracyluver Posted May 3, 2006 Members Share Posted May 3, 2006 Minerva, ur hilarious. I'm in the computer lab and i read that and burst out laughing when it's dead-a** silent and....yeah. teacher+non-school related internet topics= detention tomorrow, but, ya know, you guys are so worth it! I hear alot of interesting scenerios here ( retro Lacy one-night stand, Tracy saving luke and vice-versa). seems like we should have some amazing clips coming up..... that makes me smile! Ms.Q, thanx for the clips. i love them! Okay, then. im gonna go and actually work now. (work? in school? a novel comcept ) I'll be back to post later maybe 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members MinervaFan Posted May 3, 2006 Members Share Posted May 3, 2006 Sorry about the detention. I should be encouraging you to pay attention in class, but..... Hey, Ms.Q, thank you SO much. My next mvid is going to be Tracy-Dillon, and I was dreading going through that GQ archive. You've saved me hours! Please let there be TQ on today's show, and please let my tape work. Now I have to get back to work, or I'll get old-people detention..... 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ILoveTracyQ Posted May 3, 2006 Members Share Posted May 3, 2006 *waves to all* yeah I gotta go back to work too...duty summons. Ah...the wonderful world of being a grown up. I need scoopage,people. As far as Tracy being on today......HEE. I hope so too,but....well,we'll see. I guess I should be telling tracyluver to pay attention in school,too. So,pay attention. Now that that's over,LOL....never feel bad about the Tracy Q love. Ever,ever,ever ! And hey I've been caught or almost caught at work on a soap board,more times than I can count. I blush like mad when I'm caught so I can't hide it,LOL. *sigh* back to work. *grumbles* 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members MinervaFan Posted May 3, 2006 Members Share Posted May 3, 2006 We can surf on breaks and at lunch, so I don't get in trouble. Just mocked ferociously. Like I care. I just think, "What would Tracy do?" and move on with life. Speaking of which, my break is almost over. *crossing fingers for TQ Goodness on today's episodes.* And totally OT, re: the Gilmore Girls eppy I missed last night? HAHAHAHAHA! I was right, the world was wrong! (I read the TWP recap.) HAHAHAHA! *HappyDanceofBrilliance* Now, where were we? Oh, yeah, Tracy and Luke were dragging Holly behind them on a bungie while they speed off in their power boat to a remote island on the outskirts of the Maarkams for a little romantic tete-a-tete.....the British tartlet is howling...Tracy is driving while Luke drinks champagne out of her Feragamo pumps...... 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ms. Quartermaine Posted May 3, 2006 Members Share Posted May 3, 2006 Holly wants Luke. Luke reminds her that he's a married man. Aww, I love Luke. 5 mintues later... Luke wants Holly. Holly reminds him that he's a married man. Luke says Spanky Buns is used to the infidelity. Damnit, I hate Luke. This is not making any sense. *sigh* It's been over 24 hours since Tracy's plane took off. Do TIIC think we don't care WHERE she is? 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ILoveTracyQ Posted May 3, 2006 Members Share Posted May 3, 2006 *sigh* I hate how if the situation were reversed and Luke were tracking Tracy down,we'd see every step of it. Apparently Tracy really IS just a convenient Luke plot point now. *sigh* We better get at least one episode of her BEFORE she finds Luke,or I'll be mad. Period. Not that it will make a difference. LOL GH is not even worth the time without Tracy or some of the more interesting Q's. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ms. Quartermaine Posted May 4, 2006 Members Share Posted May 4, 2006 Yep. Meanwhile, Tracy would still be offscreen; that is until Luke found her. *sigh* Now, for your viewing pleasure, I'm providing the link to the home of some of my older fanart, LOL: Click Me. ETA: 60 pages of JE/Tracy luuuuuurve! 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ILoveTracyQ Posted May 4, 2006 Members Share Posted May 4, 2006 Oh Ms.Q you're a doll. Thanks for the banners/fan art,did you do them ALL? So talented. I liked them all,but of course the Luke/Tracy ones are my faves,I think I like the one with the hearts best. That reminds me though,seeing the Charitable Endowment one. Anybody got a clip? I know MinervaFan would love to see it. And of course anyone else who loves Lacy. It is one of their best scenes. So far. *sigh* Scoops. I so need scoops. I need to see my girl on screen. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members MinervaFan Posted May 4, 2006 Members Share Posted May 4, 2006 I know where Tracy is..... Spoiler space just in case She went to get Anna. Here's my rationale--If you wanted to stage a hostile corporate takeover, you'd call Tracy. But if you wanted somebody who could reign in the Three Stooges (Robert, Luke, and Holly), who better to call than Anna? Now, I know that TPTB are going to have Robin contact her. But in my little fantasy world. Tracy was the one smart enough to go to the Maarkams armed for bear (i.e., with Anna). That way, she looks smart (come prepared), she doesn't get lost, and she gets the joy of seeing the horrified look on Huey, Louie, and Floozie's faces when she presents them with the SuperSpyGirl who's gonna help her whip them all into shape. /end spoiler speculation Oh, and MsQ--I sent you a PM with detailed f/b on your fanart. I loved most of them, and I totally crave whatever source you have for pics. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ms. Quartermaine Posted May 4, 2006 Members Share Posted May 4, 2006 Yep, ILoveTracyQ, but it was over the span of a few months. I'm glad you like them. And MinervaFan, I responded to your PM. Thanks to both of you for the feedback. ILoveTracyQ knows this already, but here is an SID Luke/Tracy snippet. It's good...and bad. Good because it's pro-Lacy, and bad, well, because it says Tracy's at home (as opposed to on her way to the Markham Islands). SPOILER STUFF _ _ _ _ SOD's cover story is about Anna's return. Still no mention of Tracy. *sigh* FH mentioned scenes with JE. TG said JE had a part in the SL, and that she was going to make it realistic. I just don't get it. Where is she? Why isn't she in any spoilers? She is going to show up eventually, right? I'm tired of waiting. Goodness, I'm acting like an impatient 4 year-old, LOL. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ILoveTracyQ Posted May 4, 2006 Members Share Posted May 4, 2006 spoiler talk. Yes I read the SID thing,but I didn't pay attention to the "at home" thing. I think they phrased it that way because Luke THINKS Tracy is at home waiting on him. The snippet is funny as it sounds,sort of from Luke's point of view: Holly makes a pass at him,but Luke has a wife at home waiting on him. Doesn't mean she's AT home. Just that he thinks so. I am disallusioned too....don't know why,though. LOL I expected it to sort of go down this way. But we WILL see Tracy there,even if her part is brief. Hey,FH already said so. It'll be okay MS.Q...and the article is cool,isn't it? Does it mean we get Luke telling Holly NO because of Tracy,and Holly figuring out Luke loves his wife? That by itself might be worth the wait. spoiler talk over 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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