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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I believe Luke & Tracy will get 2 episodes next week, it should be all about moving back into the mansion.

There was a Medianet picture of Bobbie and Maxie for the week of the 25th. So JZ must be on. Oh and I was wrong JZ had 3 episodes so far, so she will at least have 4, but this is still 2 more than that count had for her.

I really hope Monica's story will lead somewhere and I also want a Monica/Tracy bonding at one point. I think it makes no sense that we don't see Alan more, because when Tracy deals with Monica Alan should have lots of things to say about that ( no matter if he is a ghost or her conscience).

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Thanks SeanM--do you have breakdown access? Just curious. Do you know what days? I bet Monday and Tuesday if I was a betting girl because W, TH and F are supposed be be all TMK stuff.

So I went to dinner last night and had two margaritas which I never drink...I ate fajitas. I have never been so sick in my life. All night long, all morning, couldn't even keep gatorade down--sorry TMI!!!

Anyway, drove an hour to see a friend from Dallas barely alive. I feel better now but can't eat a thing. Good day to go weigh in at WW.

Knh-- we must chat...I met one of the literary agents from Andrea Brown this weekend. It was very interesting.

Oscar are on tonight, but I would love to chat with you guys at some point. Gotta feed my kids, but maybe chat later...but not too late. I am one sick puppy today!

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Dorinfan, Thanks! I really enjoyed your fic :)

Funny1, I enjoyed yours too and am (im)patientlly awaiting the next part since you left me hanging like that ;P

Hooked, Sorry, you feel like cr@p. But glad you are feeling a little better. :*

Ms. Q, Thanks for posting the pics of Jane! :D

Timeless TQ, Come join us and post! We don't bite (much). heehee.

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Hey Remos--Glad you posted. You guys are in for a treat! You should email the link to MinervaFan as she doens't check the thread much these days.

knh--I am going to email you.

Timeless TQ--Come join us sometime (what was the stalking tip??? LOL Halee?)

Me and Nex are going stalking next summer in CA!!!

Um..in regards to the picture...I am looking at myself right now in my schleppiness wearing black velour sweatpants, a white hookdie sweatshirt with a heart patch on the sleeve, and a white black baseball hat all day today---me and Jane are *like this*! Ms. Q--her hair you can tell hasn't been straightened in that picture...the goold old days before the haircut--- Jane PHC (pre-haircut!)

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Oooh a stalking trip! If you need a third...I'll be right up state. Nex and I could actually get a little DK stalking in as well. Although we have each already seen her in RL. How weird is that?

And now some celebrity BINGO for dorianfan who I am willing to leap and assume is in fact a "Dorian" fan. I had a Robin Strasser sighting at The Pottery Barn a couple years ago. It was surreal because she was wearing a turbon kinda thingy on her head and she was carrying a tiny frou frou dog with her. It was all very Elizabeth Taylor, or I guess very Dorian. But I thought it was funny.

Feel better Hooked!

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Sorry, chicks.

You're not actresses, and you don't live in LA or NY.

Actresses don't dress like that. They don't. They're "artists" -- they dress arty. Even when they dress sloppy, they're arty.

You guys need to trust me on this. I'm the one with the gaydar.

I'm off to read Remos' novel now (a novel!! oh boy!! cool -- is there lunacy sex in it?!?!)

And I'm eagerly awaiting the follow up to Funny's new fic (I sense a round of heated Lunacy lust in THAT one)

And oh... ILTQ posted a FF.net link in here to a writer, I believe her name was Jamrocks. I think her story was "Sever." It is not finished, but it's REALLY GOOD. VERY NICELY WRITTEN. The author borrowed the Shannon Hornsby character from Homelands (was that the name of the la red fic?) Anyway -- it's worth checking out.

I was going to work on my fic tonight, but I dunno .. there is this remos extravaganza just calling my name...

EDIT: Ok... Funny, I'm dying for your follow up.

Since you've written it already -- do you mind emailing it to me?

I'll be your beeeeessssstttttttttt friend.! ;)

Edited by LaineyBev714
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I'll grant you the gaydar thing, Lainey, and if this was anyone else I would bow to your obviously superior knowledge. However, may I remind you this is the woman who said her personal clothing style is 100% cotton from Sears. She's the anti-fashionista.

Oh, and sorry, no overt sex. I can't write that stuff - that's why I get you to do it for me :P

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lainey what fun would that be for me if i gave u the next part so soon!!!!! but i will promise this that i'll post it this week so u wont wait too long. i have to build back up the fic library thats being drained by tl :P lol.

i try to post when there are reserves. theres always one in the wings.

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