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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Mmmm... sounds interesting, thanks Hooked. But I seriously doubt this is happening for May sweeps - that will be in the can by the time ES even starts taping according to the dates we've already been given. But either way I'm so happy that they are getting a story and that something else from Luke's past is 'throwing a wrench' in. What is Holly going to offer him, the truth and herself in one package? Tracy is not going to sit quietly by for this one. She might have held her tongue about ewcbo because she didn't want to upset Lulu et al, but there's no such consideration for Holly. Tracy under threat is a sight to behold.

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From SID via soapzone (not my comments but whoever posted on soapzone)

Is Lulu falling for her brother? spoiler

This week Teethan's run in with Helena has her certain he is Luke's son. Meanwhile, Tracy wants to prove the opposite.

But the person who should be most concerned is Lulu. As she spends more time with the cutie (me: he aint cute) is she falling for her own big brother?

When Helena shows up at the Haunted Star Teethan sees her as an easy mark. He tries to steal from her, but she holds a knife to his throat and tells him to think twice before he does that again.

When Luke arrives, helena sees Teethan and Luke dynamic and has no doubt he is luke's son.

After Luke & Tracy grill Teethan about his past, he has answers for everything. Tracy is convinced Holly & Teethan are teaming up to pull a scam to make Luke think he is Teethans father. Luke admits he wouldn't mind if he was, because he likes the kid and has a special connection.

Lulu would mind though. Teethan comes to her rescue and their chemistry becomes harder to ignore. Me: with JMB it's actually the opposite, chemistry is difficult to FIND with a man.

"There is tension with Lulu & Johnny, but the writers are still commited to making them work out' says JMB.

But Lulu protests too much about Ethan. "Hey I did hook up with my stepbrother Dillon, so anything is possible! I think the generally the writers have an idea of what they want to do, but it depends if the fans want it...you know, if there is chemistry. If they see that it would be interesting to meddle around with that idea, then they'll just do it".

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They aren't taping that far out--she is supposedly back taping end of April. She is due back mid-May. Sarahbrown posted yesterday on her twitter about some gown she has to wear for taping she didn't like and the episode airs may 5th.

Either way for me--the bottom line is JE is getting a part in the story and that is good. I am sure Holly will throw a wrench into it. I'm thinking that maybe Holly asks Luke to pretend he isn't the father for some reason--which will set up the angst with Lulu/ethan falling for each other stuff. Who knows. Whatever it is--I dont' care--at least Tracy will be around.

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Well, I guess that clear up the assumption that Ethan knows Hells or is working for her. If he thinks she's an easy mark he has nooooo idea who she is at all.

I'm happy to see Tracy and Luke will be putting Ethan through his paces. I really do like this group together. And I see JMB is being as allusive as ever. She's gotten to be quite a good interview subject because she says a lot but tells nothing.

As for May sweeps and Emma Samms - she's supposed to start taping the end of April, and sweeps starts April 24th. It generally runs three weeks, which is the number of weeks out they are taping. If Holly overlaps with sweeps at all it's going to be the very end.

Over on SOC we've been throwing around the rumour that Holly asks Luke to pretend Ethan is his son, but he can't tell Tracy. This would be a major wrench in their marriage since Luke lets Tracy know almost everything he's doing - whether she's going to like it or not. The fall out from that act of omission could be extensive if Luthan is a go, Tracy is beyond wild about it and Luke isn't reacting as strongly.

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I think that is a good theory about the pretense that he is his son. I have a feeling it will be the opposite though. I think Holly is going to tell Luke that he is his son, but will ask him to pretend that he is Robert's and not his because now that Helena suspects that Luke/Ethan are father and son--she is going to be after Ethan. That way, Luke has to tell Tracy he isn't his son, but he really is---and that way it sets Luke up to be lying and making a tough choice that lulu/ethan will think that they are not brother and sister or something like that and set up the whole forbidden love vibe. I don't know. I just don't buy that TG re-upped to play surrogate dad to Robert's kid. Plus I don't think that Kimberly is going to be around after her contract is up in October--so what good is he being Robert's son if none of the Scorpios are around longer term. Just my take.

Oh and the thing with taping is they can block tape Emma's scenes and they can be shown early to mid-May. If that is when she could be here to tape. I think she will be around throughout May. I guess maybe the next SID might have her first airdate. I seem to remember seeing somewhere May 8th but I might be dreaming that up!

Hope we get some lunacy today.

I like that Luke takes Tracy's concerns seriously though that she thinks he could be his son. Means he for sure cheated and probably with more than one person during the whole fairytale!

Also--like that Tracy is now going to try to prove otherwise. Hopefully more scenes with spin!

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Recaps, Wednesday April 15th


Vets: Monica, Edward, Helena, Alexis, Tracy, Luke

Kisses: none

Appearance: same as yesterday (media pics with LuNacy/Ethan/martinis are today)

Other Stories: Claudia tries to get Jason to believe her; Carly doesn't want to deal with a potential pregnancy; Rick spastic to find the second DVD at the lawyers' office; aftermath of Helena's threat at the hospital; Diane sighting - is she working for Carly now?; Alexis is convinced Helena set up Rebecca; Diane/Max get all twisted up in the possibility that Carly is carrying Sonny's child and wants Jason to help her (it's a funny scene); Rebecca is told (of camera) about Helena and comes back to 'support' Nicholas; Scrubs drama continues and Robin is suspicious of everyone who supports Patrick; DVD is stolen from the lawyers before Johnny or Ric actually get there; Jerry is at Ric's when he gets home and threatens Ric; Patrick openly accuses Robin of sleeping with someone else (Matt, Piph and Liz all try to stop him); Helena is at Windamere and sees Rebecca

Line of the Day: anything Luke said about Helena - it came fast and furious

Sc. 1 - no LuNacy; replay of Hells's threat with Alexis thinking Rebecca might know more than she's letting on

Sc. 2 - Monica/Edward want to know when Helena got back and what she wants. They want to protect Rebecca. Lucky off to find Luke to tell him Hells is back. Nicholas agrees that Edward take Rebecca away. Monica agrees and says they will explain about Helena on the way back to the house. Meanwhile at the H.S. Luke pours drinks and asks about Lulu. Tracy says she's fine and that Johnny was never good enough anyway. Luke waxes on about how it's none of their business and only he and Ethan get that. Tracy tells Luke he's playing him. Luke says maybe, but the irony is that Ethan is the guy he raised Lucky to be. Tracy sarcastically says 'who'd have thought' but it's lost on Luke. He continues that he's a terrible father anyway and his son Lucky became a stranger, but the stranger Ethan is like the son he expected. Ethan overhears.

Sc. 3 - Luke supposes if he was a more traditional man, he'd be happy with a son like Lucky. Tracy says he loves his son but they have nothing in common. Luke agrees that's it. Tracy says along comes Ethan and he's right there. Luke says he's right in front of him and she put him there. Tracy says no, Ethan put himself in Luke's way and thinks Ethan is playing him. Luke asks that 'Spanky' give him some credit. Tracy is about to protest when Ethan makes himself known and Tracy is annoyed. Ethan says he's told them everything. Tracy said he's been totally vague and the only slip was Holly Sutton - a known con artist. Ethan leans over to Tracy and says the only problem she seems to have is that he knows Luke's English Rose. Tracy glares at him (both knowing she has that picture so it's more than just Holly) but Luke doesn't know about the picture so he sucks in his breath and slowly looks at Tracy as if to say the lad has a valid point.

Sc. 4 - Luke says he's disappointed that she would be jealous of Holly, but don't take it out on Ethan. Tracy keeps asking Ethan what Holly said to him and what she taught him. Ethan says Holly's stories were 'colourful' and she taught him an old poker trick - that's it. Luke steps in to tell Tracy she's fishing without bait, but Tracy counters that perhaps Holly and Ethan are fishing and Luke is the catch. Luke is about to disagree when Lucky burst in and announces that Helena is back. Luke is stunned.

Sc. 5 - Lucky tells them Helena returns and took over the hospital. Luke asks how she announced herself and after Lucky tells him he says he admires Helena's style and Tracy asks how he can joke about this. Ethan asks who Helena is and Luke says never mind, he'll find out when she gets there. Lucky tells them the Q's took Rebecca home with them to protect her from Helena and Tracy's eyes practically bug out of her head. Tracy then says they are probably giving her the keys of the kingdom right now, as she grabs her purse off the bar. Luke tells "Popsicle" to hide the good stuff as Tracy leaves to deal with things at home. Ethan asks how he knows she's coming to the H.S and Luke says she always comes to see him. "She's crazy about me - emphasis on crazy", then continues to say that he and Helena have this twisted, psychotic,seductive dance. Lucky yells that Helena kidnapped him and made everyone thing he's dead. Luke says yeah, she's a creative lunatic. Lucky wonders why he even bothered and storms out. Ethan wonders why he lets Lucky do that, and Luke says things are rocky between them right now. Luke shrugs and says Lucky just doesn't share the high opinion that they have of Luke. Then he slaps Ethan's arm in a friendly manner and goes behind the bar and tells Ethan they have to pull out the good hooch for Helena.

Sc. 6 - no Tracy; Luke is getting ready to pour and looks up. He's happy to see Alexis. Lex figures Helena will be there soon, she's weirdly attracted to Luke. Luke says it's mutual and asks if she wants a drink. Lex asks if the sun is down and Luke says it is somewhere so he starts pouring and Lex tells him to give her a big drink. Alexis tells Luke she thinks Helena has planted Rebecca and Luke thinks it's possible - Rebecca could even be a clone. Helena has been gone for a very long time, so whatever she's back to do it's big.

Sc. 7 - No LuNacy - Hells at Windamere first

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I hope so too, Hooked. And seriously, the whole 'jealousy' angle that Ethan was trying to play was totally ignored by Tracy. Luke might have wondered if there was a point there but he didn't pursue it either. I don't think they are setting up anything other than Tracy has more reason to suspect than Luke knows, and Ethan has no problem playing that.I think Helena will be at the Star before next week. I'm just hoping we see more Tracy.

Edited by remos
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So rebecca already slipped away from the Qs and back with Nik today huh? So I doubt we will see anymore of the Qs this week or Tracy arriving at the house. Oh well. She was only mentioned for one day this week so I guess we got two so that is good.

The pics show helena at the HS next week, so maybe she doesn't make it there til Monday or Tuesday. I think the Tracy/luke suspicion sharing scenes are mentioned for next week on Wed. the 22nd. At least it is nice to know she is on next week too.

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