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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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From TV guide....via soapdish..

The new TVGuide has a thing on Nathan Parsons (Ethan).

He doesn't say who Ethan's parents are, although they bandy about Robert and Luke and Mac (?) as possibilities. Nathan says nice things about Tony, talks about how he had dropped out of USC because he wasn't getting good parts, tried his hand at massage therapy, and then got a call from Mark Teschner to read. He'd read other parts for Mark before, so he kind of went in with a "whatever" attitude. And voila, he got the part.

Talks about how Ethan is going to "charm" the Quartermaines...all except Lulu (wtf she isn't a Quartermaine.) But Lulu is not going to take a shine to Ethan (much to Luke's amusement.)

ML talks about Ethan's similiarity to how Lucky used to be, and comments on how Nathan even looks kind of like Jonathan Jackson. NP says that isn't the first time he has heard that.

That is about it.

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Man... that sidelinetwit has got to get a new hobby. We must be really fascinating.... who knew??

I want to see Ethan flirting with Tracy. That will be funny.

BTW, whomever is going to do the Best Off TQ 2009 has to include today's TraLu with the bedpan in the bloopers. JE fought to get that one back.

TL, if you're still there I'm coming. If not I'll catch you another time.

Bets on her goodness tomorrow?

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WARNING: If you are wishing to stay out of the latest drama, scroll past the first part of this post.

Was going to respond on SoapDish, but if it is who we believe it is, she'll no doubt be here soon enough for another visit, so...

"Are" fantasizing? As in presently doing so? Don't mean to disappoint, but I haven't seen anyone, anywhere, mention them as a possible real life couple since late spring 2007. I chalked it up to fans just having a little bit of fun; I doubt anyone here or anywhere else thought they were seriously involved.

And how do you know what we feel? Does believing that we hate it give you some satisfaction as a bitter LnL fan? Much as I adore LuNacy and would have enjoyed bedside scenes, I truthfully am fine with the fact that Luke didn't come to her rescue. First of all, it wasn't like he refused. Second of all, the crisis gave Jane Elliot an opportunity to act with actors she usually doesn't get to interact with (Laura Wright, Maurice Benard, Bruce Weitz, Jason Thompson, etc). It gave her additional scenes with the Quartermaine actors. And, there was of course the Tracy and Lulu bonding, which is always a joy. Guza remembered that Tracy CAN exist without Luke, and I was satisfied with what we got of her during this latest stunt.






remos, I doubt that she is on tomorrow, but I guess we'll see. :)

hooked, hilarious picture!!!

Nice TraLu scenes today! Tracy's hair looked a little better too. Yay! LOL.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Aww, ignore her.... bitter doesn't begin to cover it. Lets do the LuNacy Conga and really rub it in! :P

I know it's not likely, Ms.Q, but today's conversation just stopped - it didn't end. And as LB has brilliantly delineated they didn't insert this weeks scenes into last week, so there is a chance. TPTB have to get TraLu to a point of wanting to biff men in general before they bring Ethan into their little Spencermaine family. I don't think the bitterness is turned up to it's full volume yet.

I really liked today - Tracy has the fight back in her, thank heavens. While she did a great sick person, I don't think I'd want to see her with a protracted illness - we need her being able to withstand just about anything.

So, my vino is gone, my eyes are heavy, I'm going to bed.

Hooked.... that picture has now words....

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Hooked, that picture actually made me laugh out loud! ( i refuse to use the acronym)

Re: Drama- ::smiles and waves to lurkers:: I have no commet or biting remark or insult (and believe me I can come up with more than a few). To be honest, I'm amused and touched that they care so much to read our thoughts. But here's a little hint to them: Above every post, there's a date identifying when it was posted (you know the year, etc) and I'm not sure if ya noticed but its 2009. If you want to read posts that are more current, there's a little numberline at the top and bottom of the page. Click it and enjoy!

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We have spies stalking our board? HAHAHAHHA that is SO LAME! This is a show! That actually put me in a good mood from laughing so hard- some people just need to get a LIFE! Don't be bothered by it, be happy that we have better and less petty things to do with ourselves!

While browsing youtube I found this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TJDQ8fvNP4

I guess The Bachelor game to GH for an episode on January 29th. I apologize if this has been posted before! They spent a lot of time in the Q living room so I thought it was interesting. And btw, now I know why I don't watch that show. Those girls are so obnoxious!

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We have Stalkers?!?!? Idiots. For the record, I never fantasized about TG and JE being a couple in real life. Everyone here knows my opinions/speculation about Tony and Jane's private lives. Ha! On another topic: I am FLOVING Clauson. Seems like they ripped a page right out of the LuNacy handbook. It's GREAT. GREAT! I did like Kate more than Laura, but I'm willing to toss Ms. Kate overboard if it means I get some mini-LuNacy... uh... Clauson hotness. :wub:

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I don't know about those spoilers hooked. They first ones sound like maybes, but then the last.... Sonny "disapproves", WTF? Sonny has no tolerance for violence against women no matter who does it. Sonny would have a fit that Kate's done that to Claudia and has sunk so low. That makes them all sound funny. Lucky is going to be suspicious, 'cause that's the way he's drawn. Patrick getting unwelcome advice from Tracy? Well she has tried to take his head off already about the biotoxin thing - it could be hospital/medical related but why? He's not in charge anymore.

We'll see

LB, an insider said some time ago that they were patterning ClauSon on LuNacy - and it's obvious to me too. I'm really enjoying them. Mind you I just like Claudia - she made Nicholas interesting and Ric interesting, now she's making Sonny interesting.

And after that Spixie reunion yesterday.... I'm now starting to wonder how much longer baby brother Johnny Z is going to be around, especially if they are going ahead with Luthan....

Still not happy with what they did to Lucky/LuSam :angry:

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I'm out most of the day at a class and picking up BSG! Catch you all later.

Lusam was the stupidest break up of all--let's have lucky still wanting to try with her and clearly still having major feelings for sam and wanting maybe a chance to start over and trust, and then within hours he is pledging his love to Liz and doesnt' even acknowlege or worry about Sam in the crisis at all. Stupid, stupid and there are two people to thank for that mess!

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Spoilers fresh from SD..... GOS, etc...

coming in March...

Kate is trying to focus on her magazine again but her behavior alarms some people including her cousin who tells someone a fact of Kate's past that she wanted to forget.

After Sonny and Claudia consummate their marriage and everything goes right, she gets scared of how good it feels, Claudia steps some bounderies in Sonny's life including his relationships with some people.

Everyone at the Quatermaines mansion wonder who Rebecca and Ethan are and if there is a reason they have both entered their lives at the same moment. Lulu hates Ethan and the bond he has with Luke.

Maxie and Johnny continue to fight their attraction, Spinelli notices it. Spinelli is offered to work with the FBI permanently.

Jason and Sam move forward with their newfound friendship and agree that it feels right.

Nikolas and Elizabeth are bothered by Rebecca and Lucky's bond. Rebecca makes it clear that she wants more than a friendship with Lucky, she wants him in bed.

The mob goes full circle as Sonny merge his old organization with the Zachara one and becomes the most powerful man around.

Ric is interested in getting his old job back but not if Alexis has a say in it.

Michael's condition is improving

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