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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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sorry guys they were supposed to have scenes...luke was supposed to try to con both carly and tracy.

Unless they somehow pop up tomorrow, but I think they were supposed to be today and could have been cut.


After these scenes there is only one more day of lunacy and I think it's TG last day when he goes to rehab or whatever

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Well if the scenes don't pop up tomorrow (which is looking doubtful, there is no tracy/lunacy next week at all and there is the week of the 23rd...

Here are the breakdowns for week of 23rd related to spencer group

Vaidute breakdowns for week of May 23rd:


Lulu tries to clean up the Haunted Star, but Luke drunk again yells at her #GH


Ethan helps Kristina, as she goes through withdrawal, but that just makes her fall for him even more #GH


Kristina ask Brenda how could she look kind of older #GH


Tracy takes Luke to ShadyBrook #GH


Siobhan and Maxie tell each other that they know the truth about Aidan's paternity #GH


Liz will have a small breakdown in front of Siobhan


Sonny forbids Kristina to see Ethan again #GH


Lulu starts to worries that when Luke returns he wont be the Luke Spencer everyone knows


Lulu quits Crimson and decides to run the Haunted Star #Gh

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I've been reading through the previous posts (there's alot - so it's taking a while) and I feel like I've gotten to know some of you better. I love all the discussions on Tracy's hair. I must ask - has it begun to grow on everyone yet? (I'm only up to the 900 pages) Some of ya'll have been here since the beginning and others seem to disappear - I guess that's normal - but there doesn't seem to be as much activity on the board these days as in previous days.... I've found alot of clips that I've really enjoyed - the ones on sendspace are all expired - so that's a bummer - I really wanted to see the list that Mrs Q. had posted of the Markham Islands and I never found the one from NYE 2007 (I think) on the Haunted Star....saw lots of replys about it though....I stop along the way and read fanfic - ya'll need to keep writing - those are better than most of what they put on GH these days and if it really is going off next year - ya'll have to keep Tracy and Luke alive together!! Going back to lurking and reading now...

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Yeah we do drop on and off. I have to admit I droped off from most of last because it was year twelve and all I ever did was study. I was always lurking around in the background thoug. Some people used to post heap but now just read.

I think that the New Years Eve at the Haunted Star - In the pink coat ight. Yeah that is 2008 - because 2007 was the heart attack year.

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this board tends to ebb and flow around Tracy's screen time. There was a lot of discussion during the wedding in December, but 2011 hasn't shown itself to be particularly positive (have they even really kissed yet and it's almost June?) for Tracy/LuNacy time so most of us drift away. Rest assured that a decent chunk of Tracy will bring us back.smile.gif

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Hey I found this - it's a little old but they make the best comment about the intervention and how Jane wont get an emmy.

"If soap opera episodes had titles, today's General Hospital would surely be titled "The One That's Going To Win Us The Outstanding Daytime Drama Emmy" and the DVR description may well have read "Anthony Geary, Jonathan Jackson, Julie Marie Berman and Jane Elliot pad their Emmy reels". Well, not exactly--the GH powers-that-be would never let Jane Elliot wind up in contention for an Emmy on account of, you know...the olds."


So true - I love these people. They are hilarious.

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Love the banner. :) Our girl is so cute !

About the hair, personally, I loved it best in the Paul years when she let it grow out and had it dyed black. It wasn't her best look, but it was my favorite. I do think it's too short now, BUT I can see partly why she does it. It helps her look younger, for one, plus it's probably a breeze to take care of. Not to mention I bet one bottle of shampoo lasts her six months if it's the good stuff, LOL. I do think the redder tones look better on her now than pitch black would, but the fire engine/vibrant red...eh. Me no likey. A rich chestnut/ruddy brown with a few auburn highlights would rock on her. I don't like that her hair color and style is so much like Diane's, because it reminds me of Diane, and I have no use for that mobular butt kissing loser. So seeing JE with the same color/style is a definite turn off.

As far as the Emmys, I thought I heard or read somewhere that either JE submitted herself or the show submitted her.If that's true (and oh who knows? The internet is full of gossipy garbage), that means the Emmy panel thinks NLG is a better actress (or had a better reel, anyway) than Jane.

And I just can't get past that. NLG is not better than JE, and for the sake of peace, that's all I'll say about that.

But then, NLG did have the Kristina stuff, and might have got her prenom on hype alone. Just like SB and TG and others will submit next year for the Jake stuff.

It really sucks, with GH probably on it's last legs, that JE is still brushed aside on this show. She can always go back to days as Anjelica D, if Days is still around when GH bites the dust.

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