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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks for the Medianet pics. I do have to say that I'm a little bit disappointed that all the Q stuff is happening at the HS and not at the mansion. I was looking forward to see the foyer again with Alice and Monica around. It's okay that Alice is not there but where the heck is Monica? I hope she is not left out completely. Let's see how Guza will rebuild the Qs if he is not even willing to show the mansion or Monica.

On the other hand I'm really happy with GH in the last weeks. Tracy and Luke have lots of screen time, Helena is back. And with three Qs coming to town the future looks pretty good. I'm so looking forward to see Tracy with her granddaughter. That will be funny!

Edited by SeanM
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Tracy is on today in a new outfit, and it looks Springey and PINK!!! happy.gif

Ethan is arrested again and Tracy has words with him at PCPD for being stupid to go near Kristina. No one is letting Ethan finish a sentence and the poor guy is so frustrated, I'm surprised he HASN'T hit anyone - I'm not even in the show and I want to slap some people around.

Sonny's trial is actually only one part of the day and a lesser part. Kristina's story is bigger. Maxie is on with some really cute Spixie stuff and we had Monica being her doctor.

Jason tells Lucky what he believes about Kristina's story and Luke's back to help Ethan.

Ya know, even having had eye surgery and the computer causing me headaches, I look forward to talking about this with the rest of you. No fights, no differences in opinion, and just a bunch of people who can enjoy how the Spencermaines are coming to the forefront.

Okay, show's over. Tracy had two scenes at PCPD with Ethan. They weren't much but she was there. I'm off to eat Midol like candy and rest my eyes. Can't wait to see the larger pictures, Hooked.

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Good thing that Tracy was on today, will watch later. I believe she will have one or two more episodes before next Wednesday. With Luke on at least in 4 episodes Tracy must be there, he needs her in between the scenes with Sonny ;)

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yeah there was something I read about Tracy can't help but wondering if Luke is being blind about ethan...must be maybe tomorrow.

Can you believe they recast Michael and let Drew Garrett go today? I thought he was a pretty decent actor. Better than NP or LA for sure at least I think. although Lexi seems to be finding her stride lately.

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Ingo was tweeting on Friday he had seven scenes with Drew and needed to find him to run lines.

Poor guy. I don't like Michael either particularly...

Maya is a lot taller than I expected her to be. Some say she is for ethan, some say she is for lucky.

BTW--I won't get a chance to watch Gh today til tomorrow probably..so is Tracy not believing Ethan now either or is she just pissed her broke the restraining order? Was she there when Luke got back or not? Thanks

Edited by hookedongh
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Why can't she be for herself for awhile? I swear the fans are their own worst enemies, and the writers are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Lucky needs to move on and Ethina need to fix their mess and BOTH need to take some time. Neither younger Spencer men are ripe for the picking and Maya isn't even on yet so we can't begin to speculate who she will actually have chemistry with.

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I guess people assume since GH is a total pairing based show...nobody really gets character writing per se...if you have no pairing you are sort of doomed on GH of today.

Just like everyone is already saying who brook lynn is for...which is funny as we don't even know if she will be on more than a month or so and may not be paired with anyone.

I guess people are just used to the way Gh operates.

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You're far more generous than I am. I think the viewers are obsessed with romantic pairing, happily ever after and End Game. They wouldn't know CONTINUING story if it bit them in the nose for the most part. It is a soap opera so obviously romance is part of the deal or you're right - there would be no story for a character. But before we even go there we have to know something about the character or there's no point in supporting the OR their pairing. But the jumping of the gun on this one has gotten even worse lately. Maya, Skye and Brooke even have polls on some soap boards to see who they should be paired with and I've already seen complete conviction that Skye's return in the end of LuNacy (granted they are anti-Lunatics so we know the source of those attitudes). But it just amazes me. On one hand we have fans saying everyone is paired up too quickly, but on the other hand every male/female conversation is a "chem test" and character who aren't even on the canvas are 'paired' in the eyes of many.

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i never watched Gina T on GL, but damn if the girl doesn't have chemistry! I hate Todd,but the snappy dialogue between them was pretty good last week. Generally I don't like OLTL that much though.

Stuart was so good on DOOL last Friday--he even got some kissing action! Love DOOL so much--John Anniston is the best! Love victor, love vivian, love kate, etc....I really like Crystal Chappell too!

Sorry for the OT....but just a commentary!

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I could not care less about pairings. I watch soaps for the stories and for family interaction. Pairings are a part of it, but it really is not that important. Just look at Lulu. Finding the "right one" for her took them what, 4 years and how many boyfriends? ABC should also stop listening to the focus groups. The writers should write something and stick with it. The whole finding the right pairing for a certain character/actor is a waste of time many times.

What I also don't like is the aganda's every fanbase has today, you can tell by reading a post what's going on. Jasam fans trash RH and Liz, Jiz fans trash KM and Sam and so on. But this happens here too with Genie I guess ;)

Anyway, as long as the writing is good i don't care who Luke is with. And I am a L&L fan since I was a child but I love Lunacy and i want them together too. So either way I'm happy.

The actress who plays Maya looks too tall for JJ, so I don't see this happening. With GV it would be different, but Guza would not bring on a character for GV's Lucky. Which is a whole other chapter of what's wrong with GH today....

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I'm all purpose on that one. Back in the day I couldn't stand Luke, Laura or Tracy. Now LuNacy have saved the characters of Luke and Tracy for me - Laura... well she can stay right where she is. For me it's the way GF has tried to manipulate others in the past and how so many fans feel the need to protect her. I don't think I've ever met a JE or TG fan who feel they need to "protect" or "preserve" Tracy/Jane or Luke/Tony. But to each their own - it just reeks of phoney pandering to me.

The GV thing left a sour taste in the mouths of a lot of us. I've gotten used to JJ again and I really enjoy him with all the Spencers, but romantically JJ just can't hold a candle to GV - ever.

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I have gotten the totally opposite reactions. I've tried to watch Days again and been bored to the teeth. KW has not been given any favours past a paycheck. And OLTL looks so stupid I can't even get past 10 minutes before I'm done.

Now on GH everything is holding my interest. Whether or not Sonny is actually convicted, we can see the show has changed it's focus and he's not the Gummy Bear Mobster anymore - he's being portrayed as cruel, erratic, borderline insane and hateful. In other words like a real mobster. I'm enjoying this Kristina/Ethan story and I DO feel for Krissy. I don't excuse her lying but I think Guza is taking his time looking at all the different levels of this issue and not copping out with a simple solution like he has in the past or as some fans want. This is going to set off story for years to come. AND it's bringing the heavyweights of TG, JE and NLG out to play. Niz is sweet and I love the cuteness with the kids. I'm really hoping that Nicholas has already done an end-run with Helena and changed the results SHE saw. We still get the nastiness of Helena thinking she's finally found a way to bring down the Spencers but we also have the beauty of that family. Even the Scorpio/Jones/Drake family has been given a real issue to deal with and Spin isn't sucking at Jason's teat. And the Q's are set to ramp up within a week. Compared to the real stuff being dealt with on GH, the rest of the shows can take their back seat.

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