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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Wednesday, October 28th

We had Luke today talking with Lucky, and he's on his way home so I suspect the LuNacy stuff is tomorrow.

And I've got to say, GV's Lucky was a moralistic idiot, but JJ's looks like a petulant child! Honestly, I don't know how I'm supposed to take him seriously as a mid-30's with life behind him, 'cause he still looks like someone who barely finished High School and can't grow a full beard yet. Two days down and my opinion on this matter has not changed a bit.

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I disagree.

Greg V was easy on the eyes and by all accounts a nice man, but JJ IS Lucky for me.

JJ is an awesome actor and sorry but the same can't be said of GV.

I think TIIC treated Greg horribly, but face it, many people had been very critical of the character of Lucky under Vaughn's tenure.

Some people on soap message boards have called him everything from "wimpy" to "whipped" to "wooden."

Count me among those who are super excited to see JJ back where he belongs.

It's just one of the much needed improvements TPTB are trying to make to keep this show on the air.

JJ won't guarantee a ratings bonanza but having him back can;t hurt. LOL

I'm much rather Luke hang around his "cowboy" than Ethan, ugh!

From what I'm seeing most people are fully onboard with JJ's return.

I wonder if Lucky will have any good scenes with Tracy? LOL

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I think me and you are the only ones happy about JJ on this board! its just you and me baby lol! GV seems like a very nice man, but I was totally eeeing when I watched yesterday's show online. I just loved original LnL2 back in the day, so Im happy to have him back.

I haven't been watching GH much...too caught up in Eastenders, Packed to the Rafters, and H&A (are you watching the last two TracyQartermaine...im so hooked on Packed to the Rafters its ridiculous!!)

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I don't have a problem with JJ, but I do love Greg Vaughn and am so happy to see this morning that he just got scooped up by the new 90210 and starts taping today!

Tracy should be on today and tomorrow I would assume as the party for claudia is today and tomorrow....

So much for the good luke/tracy scenes regarding nik/liz/lucky that were supposed to happen the 28th and the 29th. Hope some will show up today.

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You guys can enjoy. I really liked JJ as "teenager Lucky", but he's just not working as "grown man" Lucky. And it's not about GV, JJ is just not fitting the picture for me.

I'm not sure what has been cut and what hasn't, but I think the party starts Friday and this is only Thursday... who knows, I'm becoming almost immune to the possibly cut LuNacy scenes. We only have an insider to say they were there, and who's to know if it was even a legitimate scoop. They're together, their rings are on, they are relatively happy.... I'm good.


A new JJ interview is good, regardless of how I personally feel about him taking back the role. He waxes poetic about TG/GF and being their son way back when. Interviewer also asked if he's worked with the "Amazing Jane Elliot" yet. JJ's response was that he's met her and she's sweet. So I'd say no, he hasn't done any Lucky/Tracy one-on-ones yet. I'm impressed that the interviewer remembered Tracy is part of this whole deal - so many just focus on TG/GF/JJ and forget there are any other Spencers out there.

Edited by remos
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Thursday, October 29th

LuNacy are at the party, and I don't think scenes were cut because Tracy asks why he's upset and he says she doesn't want to know - he doesn't even want to know. So we haven't missed anything. Luke is very touchy, coming in with his arm around her and resting on her shoulder. Later Tracy has her arm through Lukes and they are talking about Mayor Flub (who shows up at the party, wtf?) and Luke's observation that he's a corrupt official. Tracy notices that Luke is more glum than usual and he tells her he's worried about Lucky and this third go with Liz because it's love but it's also illusion/delusion.

They also are seen watching as Claudia arrives and the cake is brought to her. Someone is singing Happy Birthday but I'm not sure who since most are watching somberly without opening their mouths.

Drunk Tracy and Luke give their best wishes to Sonny/Claudia and Sonny thanks them for coming. Tracy tells Claudia she can't worm her way into society with money and Luke moves her away. Sonny then tells Claudia it's awful when someone is telling the truth - and Claudia goes from being amused by Tracy to surprised by Sonny.

Sonny gives a speech to the people who've helped him so much. He starts out thanking Luke who helped start him out in PC, and he appreciates that. Sonny says he knows Tracy has not really liked their connection but she's only looking out for Luke. She's a loyal wife and that's a beautiful thing to have. Luke nods his acknowledgement of the truth of Sonny's words. Sonny goes on to speak to Scrubs about Michael, Alexis about Kristina, Mike about forgiveness, Jason about loyalty and finally Claudia about how he can ever repay her. And yes, Sonny knows that Claudia is now responsible for Michael's shooting.

BTW, those at the party...

Tracy, Luke


Carly (although she's not supposed to be), Michael (not supposed to be and the reason Carly is there), Jax

Alexis, Kristina (also not supposed to be), Mayor Flub

Lulu, Dante, Maxie

Olivia arrives to warn Dante

Johnny is on his way to warn Claudia (Molly and Morgan rescued him)

Sam, Jason

Patrick, Robin

Max, Milo

I think those are the significant characters there.

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Thanks Remos! I love drunk Tracy!

I didn't mean to imply anything was cut...just that whoever said there were good scenes for luke/tracy fans on 28th and the 29th regarding niz/lucky stuff was not accurate--unless that is what the good scene was...

I didn't think anything was cut...but i do know for certain the scenes from the 14th were cut but tht was because Valentin was showing his face I think.

SO the party continues tomorrow I assume...

Lulu is in the hospital the week of the 3rd at the end of the week with hypothermia from being in the cold water according to SOW and dante saves her. maybe luke/tracy will go visit her!

Someone reliable told me that JE has been working frequently, so that is good!

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Ah... so we weren't really sure if those scenes were supposed to happen anyway.

Oh well, while nothing really great to write home about, today was pretty good - and Sonny threw some major props in the direction of LuNacy.

But I'm wondering why Sonny said that about Luke/Tracy and why they were even at the party. I know the surface is that Luke is Sonny's friend from way back and Tracy is the "loyal wife" as opposed to Claudia. But I'm more interested in what's behind GUZA placing them there. These whole sweeps are about the mobbies and primarily Dante's identity, Michael's shooting and Claudia's betrayal. Everyone else in the room - Olivia, Robin, Patrick, Carly, Alexis, Mike, Dante, Jason, etc - were directly tied into those stories. LuNacy had nothing to do with them. I'm wondering if there's more AND I'm wondering why they are using LuNacy's mutual loyalty and love as an example. Time will tell, but Guza rarely does these disconnects during sweeps. There was a reason LuNacy was there and I can't put my finger on it.

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Haven't been on for a long time...

But today's eppy I can't stop watching.. epsecially LuNacy part... I loved to see Sonny acknowledging them as something special, as not just the the other woman to Laura, but as Luke's Wife!And I love Luke's hand on her leg! Jane looked gorgeous!

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Friday, October 30th

Well, Sonny finished his speech and Claws grabbed Carly. The only time we saw LuNacy is when the guns got drawn and the two jumped off of their bar stool, Luke quickly pulling Tracy behind him to protect her with his body. Tracy yells at Claudia to let Carly go.

Luke calls in some favours to find the car with the hostage "my niece". Drunk Tracy wants to go home but Luke thinks they should stay around. The Mayor offers to take her home - much to Luke's dismay. Dante then tells everyone they have to stay and Luke asks who died and made him the Chief of Police.

LOL Luke tries to get Tracy to drink black coffee and keep and eye on Lulu while he gets out of there. Tracy says sure, if he can keep from getting himself shot by either Claudia or the police. He calls her "Baby", gives her a kiss on the head and leaves. Tracy pushes aside the coffee and grabs her champaigne flute. Lulu later is with Maxie and Tracy and can't believe any of this. Tracy says why not, she's a "Wack Job". Tracy is alternating between the champaigne and coffee.

TraLu and Maxie are sitting at the table. Lulu brought Tracy some more coffee but Tracy only want the champaigne. Lulu pulls the flute away (cute as they both take turns grabbing the flute) and Tracy wonders if someone is dead yet (missed the name). Lulu cautions not to upset Sonny because he's not got any sense of humour. Maxie goes off to text Spin that they are fine. Tracy notices Lulu staring at Dante and she calls Lulu on it. Lulu says no, it's Carly she's worried about. Tracy assures Lulu that Luke is out there and he's going to use his considerable and questionable resources to find her. Lulu just hopes it's enough.

Everyone is free to go and Lulu has to pull a drunk Tracy out of there, with Maxie's help.

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Sounds like a cute Tracy day. That is odd that the mayor offers to take her home...random.

Lulu takes off with dante and spin to find Carly next week and ends up falling thru the floor and almost drowning in the basement of the Z mansion. According to SOW. Hopefully we will at least get luke/tracy visiting her at the hospital.

So Luke took off looking for Carly too?

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I thought it was a bit "odd" to see Tracy drunk and seemingly ambivalent about all the drama happening around her.

She wanted to go home, while everyone was worried about Carly having been taken hostage by Clawbeast.

Seemed out of place to me. :o

Jane as always was great with what she had and she looked gorgeous.

I liked seeing Luke all concerned about Carly too.

Mo and SJB were awesome!

GH has stepped up it's game! :)

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Why does Tracy always have to get drunk? It was dumb. A woman of that calibre does not get that drunk at a little birthday party. Makes no sense.

And what was up with Luke 'working his sources?' He hates Carly. That make no sense either.

I'm not exactly sure what LuNacy was doing there... other than the fact that GH has nothing else to do with them right now.

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I don't know.... I think Tracy's response was pretty normal. Considering Tracy has mob experience and this is mob central, so a hostage was taken.... that's different from every other season how exactly? She couldn't do anything about it except provide money, which Luke will take anyway. Besides, I don't think anything much would flap Tracy - aside from one of her own being the hostage. THEN Mama would fly into a rage!

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