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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Recaps, Tuesday June 2nd


Vets: Luke, Holly, Tracy

Kisses: no kiss, but we got their theme music and a Luke FINALLY gets angry at Tracy (long time coming IMO)

Appearance: Same as the other day - large white pearls, red jacket with white design, black pants

Other Stories: Sason/Claudia dance of threats continues; Michael et al help Morgan understand that things are different now but Morgan ultimately convinces Michael to move home.; Ethan/Lulu talk about their sibling reality; Spixie cuteness at the PI office;

Line of the Day: Claudia to Jason "Use your big boy words and tell me what's going on"

Sc. 1 - Holly blasts Lucky for mistreating Lucky

Sc. 2 - Holly explains to Lucky that she and Luke knew each other before Lucky was even born, and that they came together but Luke's priority was always Laura and Lucky. Then she proceeds to reem Lucky for his poor treatment of Luke and acting all holier then thou when he should be grateful to have a father - no matter how flawed - who loves him. Tears are streaming down Lucky's face.

Sc. 3 - Holly fills in a little history for Lucky, but he's still being an [!@#$%^&*]. Luke tries to get through to Lucky again, but Lucky storms off saying he's past caring

Sc. 4 - Luke thanks Holly for the 'spirited' defense. Holly wonders why Lucky is so judgemental, and Luke says it's getting worse. Holly says she thinks Ethan will be more understanding. After his conversation with Lulu, Ethan returns to the HS and thanks Holly for carrying him, giving him life, letting him be raised by great parents, and then searching him out and sending him to his father. Holly is overjoyed by Ethan's change of heart. Luke says so that's it, she's going now. Holly says yes but Ethan gets upset that she's leaving so quickly.

Sc. 5 - Ethan clarifies, when Holly says she's got to leave before she starts wanting the family she never had, Ethan cuts her off and tells her it's not happening - she's a con and can't be trusted, and he's like an old piano - he doesn't like being played. Ethan wishes her well and then leaves. Luke comments that it's not exactly the ending she hoped for.

Sc. 6 - Luke thanks Holly for giving him Ethan, and doesn't hold anger at Holly. Luke and Holly say goodbye again - she says she's not going to give him another chance to turn her down. In a tender moment (no kissing) Tracy walks in and says she's an idiot. When Holly asked for another chance Tracy gave it to her, but she didn't expect Holly to use it to take her husband.

Sc. 7 - Tracy says she's finished fighting - it's too demeaning, so here's the deal. Tracy admits she tampered with the test, but she never saw what it said. Luke tells her he's so angry - she had no business tampering with the test. Holly pipes up saying how could she do that to Ethan and Luke, to which Tracy responds that that is the pot calling the kettle black. If Holly had just been up front in the first place none of this would have happened. As it is she played right into Holly's hands and lost her husband in the process. Luke still glaring at Tracy asks how would she feel if he kept her child from her? Tracy says she would probably be angry but try to find out what's behind it. She goes on to say it didn't matter what the test said because he was already convinced Ethan was his son. He treated Ethan like his shiny new toy and the hell with the rest of them. So she's done. If he want his Ethan and his Holly, he can be her guest. She's not doing this any more, then storms off. Luke roughly grabs her, calling her name to get her attention. Again he says he's so angry at her he could kill her, but he won't because it if wasn't for her he wouldn't even be alive to know Ethan. Holly says it's her time to leave. Tracy tells Holly she doesn't get to speak, but Holly threatens Tracy that if she mistreats either Ethan or Luke, Holly will return to claim them both. After Holly leaves, Tracy looks at Luke and says "you could kill me?" Luke smirks slightly and says yes, he could put strychnine in her Martini. Tracy then retorts that if he's not in her will so he gets nothing, the only way the gravy train continues is if she's alive, then walks towards the bar. Luke says after all this time she STILL thinks he's only there for the money? Tracy smiles and tells him to pour her a drink - her life is in his hands. They share that rascally look as their theme music plays in the background.

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This is the best I can do for now.....here are today's clips sommone posted on You Tube.


I do have good news, Hella Good has updated all of last weeks clips, so I should have them up tonight! :D

Edit: Ok, I just finished watching the scene ^^^and i'm not going to lie, while what was coming out of their mouths was kinda rubbish, what was on their faces and their voices was pretty good. Jane/Tracy was trying really hard to keep her emotions in check and not cry while yelling to Luke (and vice versia), and I can honestly say from personnel experience that that is really hard to do, so for that, they get props!

Edited by nex4evr
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Thanks Nex. You know, doing recaps I miss many things while I try to get the gist for you folks, and I'm so glad you commented on their emotion and facial expression - it was so rich. Tracy broke my heart, and Luke's anger was so real... and yet... and yet they love each other and everything is put in second place for that.

I also missed the fact that it wasn't just their theme music, it was their theme music with lyrics - even more significant. What's this, three times now? Luke's proposal, NYE? and today? Twice anyway.

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I lost track, quite frankly, they were both sad, they were both angry, they both felt betrayed, they both risked everything to spell it all out rather than shoving it deep inside.... and in the end they smiled at each other with understanding and love. Rather a full scene, actually.

I think Tracy was knock-me-over-with-a-feather stunned when Luke yelled at her "Not that you've bothered to ask, but I'm not leaving you for Holly. I'm not leaving your for ANYBODY."

There, it's been said. Let the chips fall where they may.

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Did it seem like that was it for the scene or that it would be continued. I know we never think it will be, but every once in a while they surprise us. Or did it seem like closure?

They are not mentioned in the soap.com tomorrow...but I think it was mentioned in CGS or on SON that Luke/Ethan get another DNA test and don't tell Tracy about it or something like that. I am thinking that may have been cut..

From the person on dish who posted the other night that Tracy would not free of Luke anytime soon..named Tiff..

I had a feeling they would have Jane share scenes with Martha Byrne as well as Nancy. They want to keep her out of the fuckery there and away from the ones who are throwing hissy fits!

Here is another post..by someone else.

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Thanks Hooked... I'm not worried about Tracy or the Q's, I think TPTB can and have learned from their mistakes. For all the fear that the show doesn't know what it's doing, they certainly seem like they know what they are doing.

As for LuNacy tomorrow - honestly it could go either way. There has been a demand for some time that Luke spread his affection for women to his wife. With any luck TPTB will do that. But it was also evening so they could very well have a new day tomorrow. I don't know. But I'm truly confused as to how they get from "I'm not leaving you for Holly, I'm not leaving you for anyone" and Holly obviously leaving on her own... to Tracy next week thinking Luke left with Holly. I'm wondering if that spoilers is off because today Luke was as definitive as I've ever seen him. Even more specific then "I'll always come back to you".

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I ws just looking at the transcripts--the last lines in there didn't make sense about "her saying make me a martini and I can see through your disguise and I love waking up next to you and then she said "My life is in your hands every morning?"

Guess I need to watch as that seemed odd.

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Transcript is off. She says "Make me a Martini" then walks to the bar. Luke follows and pulls out a bottle. Then Tracy quitely says "My life is in your hands", and they smiles understandingly at each other.

Halee, I would have prefered the spit-swap for LuNacy too. Maybe tomorrow....


Ah... I get it... whomever wrote the transcrpit included song lyrics. "I love waking up next to you, every morning"

Edited by remos
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Gotcha--guess they just attributed the begining of the song there as Tracy talking....cause it said something about I can see through your disguise or something too. I guess it was the cue of the music.

I thikn tomorrow is a new day as the arizona diamonbacks guy is on as michael's physical therapist.

I thought the CGS from June 3rd said Luke/ethan take a DNA test.

Someone on dish was trying to say there is a shocker coming on friday the 5th when rebecca sees ethan at kelly's in her room and asks if their cover is blown or why he is there. They said it not helena who sent them or that rebecca/ethan are having sex offscreen all ths time, buti t is something totally else and will be shocking.

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The dialogue was for sh!t, but the emotion was AMAZING.

TG's choke up was fabu... and JE's reflective, meaningful look at end was just dead on.

GOD!!! I FLOVE those two.

There should have been a kiss.. a real seal of emotion.

I'm ticked that it wasn't there.

Clearly there was a connection there.. we (all) needed to SEE it (not just those of us who study TG and JE's closely).

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Damn--I think today is a new GH day. I just don't get how they go from being that connected and that scene where they clearly are laying it on the table, to Tracy giving him an ultimatum next week on the 10th and him vanishing and her assuming it was with Holly. The only way it can make sense is if Holly calls while Tracy is with him (or it is a set up phone call) and gives him the ultimatum that you go help her and I'm divorcing you. Luke chooses not to go, but sees Rebecca confronting Helena and her goons knock Luke out. Tracy assumes he left for Holly and so does everyone else thinking he just vanished. Then she files or whatever.

It just would be nice to see a scene where Tracy accepts Ethan or sort of makes some sort of peace with him after all this.

For those of you who are NLG fans, she is going to be getting a bunch of stuff coming up.

Lainey--what part did TG choke up on. I am so far behind watching that I need to catch up this weekend on it all.

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Hooked, it was when he said "I'm not leaving you for ANYBODY!" His voice cracked with the weight of emotion and Tracy's face though subtle was also astounded.

I don't see how they can go from yesterday to Tracy assuming Luke is running away with Holly. But then we had the whole heart attack scare throughout all of the spoilers, and nary a hint of that. We had "Tracy and Holly get physical" and that certainly didn't happen. Spoilers are becoming less and less accurate - if that is even possible.

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