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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Two different days, for sure Ms. Q. I believe the thing about Emily is this week and the hospital scene is next week. Thing is we won't know until it's aired, and we never know how the spoilers are edited and what they are trying to convey. Jason does know about Liz, but he's not the one racing to her side - Lucky is. And we've been told Lucky and Luke break in to the hospital together to get to Liz and Tracy respectively. Lulu's issues are concussion related, not biotoxin I believe.

I'm sure there's a whole lot we aren't being told, but I think the Tracy stuff is pretty solid. She's not one of the folks they play with to get spoiler reaction. That's usually the quad from hell and Scrubs. Everyone else is pretty basic. Spoilers also told us Luke gets distracted, which we now know is on Jan. 30th, and goes after this guy until he hears about Tracy then rushes to her side. So that tells me we won't see Tracy getting sick until probably the second week in February - by then having had her say about Monica and Lulu. Then we see the LuNacy goodness.

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That was a false spoiler from the time of the Replacement Writers. Who knows who was having fun, or if it was an idea that got dropped.

And that should have read "promo" on my part. The only time recently was when ewcbo returned and there were all those old scenes about Luke, Tracy and ewcbo about love renewed - but most of us knew in 3 weeks nothing was going to happen to change LuNacy. That was the only true threat to LuNacy. Now, what can happen to Tracy will be interesting to see. She's certainly the only female vet (and Luke the only male vet) who get any attention.

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Here is the promo in slow mo with a new song someone made if you want to see it slower


The part at the benefit says Wed. the 28th. We don't see the benefit til then. SO it is the same day Ms. Q but Tracy changes into her crisis fur outfit!

I told them on soapdish I was the new "Wardrobe Insider" I am about as legit as anyone else there and I called it weeks and weeks ago--Tracy would have bad hair and a dead animal around her neck for the crisis! LOL

I am off to art class to do a nude contour drawing tonight to use in a painting!

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Hey I'm New year but some of you may know me a TracyQartermaine from Youtube?


Anyway I love Tracy. she is my personal Goddess and I am looking for some new Ideas for a Video???

And Also I think that the best year of General Hosptal was 1992 so If anyone has any Tracy clips that they would like to share I would Really apriciate it.


Tracy Qartermaine aka Savannah


I really hope the give Tracy or LuNacy some decent stroy line soon.

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Well we were told everyone's involved somehow. We know Monica is one of the first felled by the biotoxin - she was the first Q in the promo and the first to collapse, so that's three. I'll have to look again for Edward - good eye, Hooked.

Spoiler chatter this morning is about SORASing Michael and creating a new teen scene around him. Also talk that he embraces his Q and turns on the unholy trinity. Also that Robin's story has changed so legit insiders aren't straying far from their limited script because they don't know what else may be different. No mentions of LuNacy.

Welcome TracyQuartermaine. I've been watching some of your vids and wondered if you'd made it here.

Great vid A2D.

No GH today but hopefully we'll get some more information about the hospital stuff since the work week at Prospect has begun. Off to start school....

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Hey Tracy Quartermaine! Glad to see that you made it here! Welcome to the TQ(S) Lovefest! Everyone here is pretty cool and friendly. LOVED your JE tribute vid for her birthday. Great vid!

Loved your vid too, Ms. Q, and Angel, and Lisa Q! All the Tracy/LuNacy love is great to see! Especially all at once.

Hope everyone is well. I've been out of the loop, I know. I've got lots to catch up on. Being out of work is more than a little depressing and I've been laying kind of low.

folks, I can't find the pages that had the links to the Police Woman or Kojak epis with Jane. If anyone has them, can you post them please? Thanks.

Also, Halee, can you post the clips again of Jane in "One Is A Lonely Number"? I thought I copied them but going through my files, I don't see it. arrgghh!

Oh, and TracyQuartermaine (Savanah) asked me (before she came aboard), if I knew anyone who had clips of Tracy in labor with Dillon and her giving birth. So if anyone has them, can they post them for her? I have the edit from Jen Bingley but I don't think those can be copied for some reason.

Hooked, Remos, Funny, Thanks for the spoiler/spumors. I hope the one of Tracy getting sick and Luke being by her side it true! That would be so fabulous! Of course I am NOT happy about the spumor of them separating and hope this turns out to be something else, and not what we think.

Nex, Thanks for the clips from last week's shows. :)

Ms. Q, Where are we with the Annual TQ(S) awards? I'm sorry I haven't been into it, but am up for making some nominations after I give it some thought today.

BSG, I'll go the the BC thing with you. I have to check on the date. I don't even know when it is. Email me.

and last but not least.... Happy 62nd Birthday to the Awesome Jane Elliot!

Edited by TracyLuv
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So this is the mysterious grifte! So think it is Dante--but they are speccing scorpio connection.

Nathan Parsons and Anthony Geary, General Hospital

An old pro will cross paths with a young con when television newcomer Nathan Parsons makes his General Hospital debut the week of Jan. 26, TVGuide.com has learned.

Playing the recurring role of Ethan, Parsons' first scenes take place on the Haunted Star, opposite multiple Daytime Emmy winner Anthony Geary (Luke). Later down the 'pike, just when Ethan thinks he has gotten away with some major grifting, he is blindsided by Luke at an out-of-town watering hole.

There, a kinship slowly forms, as a standoffish Luke begrudgingly comes to realize that he and this know-it-all "kid" have more in common than he might want to think.


Edited by hookedongh
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Oh man..... woof. (But perhaps I'm getting old).

THIS is probably the kid who's Luke's protégé that was promised last year. Dark hair? I'm guessing Scorpio all the way (a blonde would have been a Jax). I'm just really hoping Luke doesn't get a story that takes him away from Tracy, and she gets nada. That would really tick me off. Time to write. But this does underscore the probability that TG is staying and we continue to get LuNacy. I just want MORE TRACY.

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