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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Today was better than Friday, but can GH please stop with the comedy routine? I'm not anti-comedy. Actually, at one point, I said LuNacy wasn't as fun as they used to be and wished for more comedic scenes. But some of what we are seeing now... Way over the top.

I liked it, 'cause well, duh, it's LuNacy. But I didn't like it 'cause I know it can be better. It will be interesting to see how the jail scenes play out. Considering Tracy is about to hit Luke with a pan, I'm a little skeptical... But we shall see. :)

LOVE THE MEDIA PICS! Hair is looking better, and that one of her standing is cracking me up. :lol:

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Just a little FYI--the outrage from LnL fans is starting already on the comment lines that their history is being [!@#$%^&*] on and that how dare Luke say Tracy is the most fun he has ever had.

I suggest a little counter warfare saying how we LOVE that Luke is saying these things to Tracy and has moved on!!

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So...um...while I was watching today, I couldn't help but bust out laughing at the horrible choreography of that scene where she hits Luke and the cop with the bottle while they are "fighting"...I mean really.....it was just hilariously badly blocked!

But other than that.....me so happy she's been on!

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MS. Q, I agree with you on ALL points. Today was over the top silliness. I had trouble watching it. I kept wincing and turning away from the tube. Imagine, a LuNacy scene making me - Lainey- TURN AWAY. Never though it was possible.

Anthony, Claudia, Trevor, Sam... all make me turn, but LuNacy.. never. Didn't think it was possible.


How sad. :( :(

As for the hair in the media pics... it looks good!!! Hip, instead of old.. especially the one where she's eyeing him on the plane's couch.


I was shocked!! :o

Oh man, a big fat F-em. I'm tired of the sacredness of Luke and Laura :rolleyes: .

Forget the fact that the relationship started with rape (I can't, but everyone else can.. so go ahead and forget it).

It's over.

It's old.

It's DONE.

People grow up. People move on. Diseases happen (not psycho motor disorder.. but diseases do happen). They were separated by time and experiences. He grew into someone who is perfectly matched with Tracy.. and she grew even more bland and vanilla than anyone thought possible.

It happens.

They don't match anymore. They're not coupled anymore. It's not even sad. It just is.

I can't take the LnL bullshit.

I can't take it.

I have no tolerance for stupidity.


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Lainey..can you tell us how you really feel? LOL!! I agee on all points!

From looking over the cable guides...I think Lunacy are on M (today), W and TH this week for sure. I have a feeling they will not be on tomorrow (T) and not sure about Friday.

Somehow they have to get back to PC by Monday I guess

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You could be right, but cable guide spoilers only tell two or three stories that are happening - often there are about five running during any given day, so it's possible to get LuNacy today (Tuesday) and Friday, just not the large quantities we've been getting the last three days. Here's hoping.

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I gotta agree - yesterday's show was, well.....could have been much better. The fight scene was horrible and I cringed the whole time. It is great to see LuNacy together again, but the scenes were too over the top. I wonder what the writers were smoking when they wrote that stuff.

Here's hoping the jail scenes are better.

Oh, and I'm lovin the hair in the new media pix too!

Good morning!

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I hear what Lainey and Lisa are saying about yesterday, but I'm reminded about something my grandmother once said - only really talented people can make something look so bad/slap-stick. Pundits obsess in the moment, and I remember last winter with the heart attack everyone was saying they are too serious - where's the fun LuNacy. Then this past Spring it was said Tracy was nothing more than a nag - where was scheming Tracy. Now it's too much slap-stick after only two episodes and they want romantic LuNacy. It's coming, we know that. They are perhaps the most well-rounded couple on the entire show so a little slap-stick mixed in with their instant scamming should be seen as the fluff before the drama. I loved it because I know it's one more thing they do oh so well.

They do this dance - and they do it brilliantly. Tracy's walls are up, Luke's walls are up, both have been disappointed by the other and they have to get their LuNacy grove back. We saw some of that yesterday with their facial expressions and Luke's back-handed assurances of love. Today we might get nothing, but tomorrow we get them locked together and really having to deal with some of their hurts.

It's been five months, so of course we want a continuation of that dance in May. But that's not realistic and we have to get through the cringe-worthy moments to get to their honest feelings. That's in 2 days, btw (if spoilers are to be believed).

We got through the last 21 weeks... we can get through a couple of days of 'less then stellar' LuNacy.

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Coming to deliver the best news yet



Guza says "we're roaring into sweeps with three umbrella stories. If you miss a day, you're going to miss something big."

The Mob War: The next chapter of Sonny vs. Jason plays out and Port Charles is under seige. It's a mob war and you're going to see the emotional toll. New alliances will form. Sam and Jason find themselves in the midst of the action. A vengeful Sonny fits full force. Sonny and Kate will face major issues. We now know Sonny has a child by Olivia and this is a major thread. We will see him, Dante, at some point. Maybe during sweeps, maybe not. The mob war will affect everyone: Anthony, Johnny, Karpov, Lucky, Nikolas, Nadine, Jerry, Alexis, Trevor-and there will be casualties.

Scrubs Wedding: There are many more twists that I am not going to give away. Robin's HIV status will play prominently in the birth and the aftermath. We've researced this heavily.

Carly/Jax/Ric/Claudia: The rise of the mob war drags Carly in and endangers her in new ways. Jax has bent over backwards to forgive and understand, and their love will be put to the test. Claudia is involved in a marriage of convenience that will be anythibg but. The groom is a question mark. As far as Ric and Claudia are concerned, they're manipulative and devious and continually find themselves together, like refugees in a storm.

The Spencers Reunited: We're doing a Spencer family adventure. The whole family is pulled into a road trip. Luke and Laura, Lulu, Nikolas, and Lucky. Tracy's along for way more than the ride and Scott is the catalyst. We're addressing the past of Luke/Laura/Scott and we'll play it off in the present. I can tell you this story will not end with Laura returning to Shadybrook.

November Preview! What Will Happen!

AMC: (Zach) Zach's "New" wife

Days: (Bo & Hope) Murder Shocker

Y&R: (Sharon/Nick/Phyliss) Here We Go Again!

GH Surprise Wedding

Pic of Robin & Patrick: Not Exactly Happily Ever After

3 Deaths Rock Daytime

Surprising Goings:

Kin Shriner & Genie Francis exit GH together the week of Nov. 10th. The GH fan faves leave the canvas in an unexpected and most dramatic way the week of November 10. Teases Guza, "Viewers will get some closure to Laura's plight, but as the best of stories, this 'ending' simply opens up another door the the future."

its a new pic in their wedding attire[/

I think this is how their story will end now--Laura/Scotty going off...then when TG figures out what he is doing and they decided what they are doing with genie (I did hear they were contemplating contract for her) then they will either have Luke leave on his next vacation to look for them...or they will come back for March sweeps or something to write out an exit or in December or whenever...

Works for me to at least have some time off!!

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Ah... do you hear that roar in the distance??? Me either because this is NO SURPRISE. Anyone who's been following anything knows that an LnL reunion was never in the cards. Some will get their knickers in a twist, but the rest have moved on.

Now we just have to hope that it's Luke choosing Tracy and Laura wishing them well, rather than Laura choosing Scott and Luke having to make the best of it. Personally I think Lukey chooses his Wife first.

BTW, wedding attire in November 2008 or wedding attire in 1977?

(Hooked, thanks for the screencaps. I've been looking for that particular expression on Tracy's face for ages.)

Edited by remos
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