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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Awesome TL!

Here is a final post from this Lil Sharks insider. I think her Wally info is off, but this post seems to be more detailed info than agenda or spin-and since she loves Jane and now I have befriended her (the insider) she answers my questions...

Let's hope this is true--notice the grouping!

I think if we all make a big push about Tracy and Lunacy while she is on these next couple weeks it will be really helpful.

I haven't written to jane in a while but I guess now would be a good time--maybe we can tell her who all we have been writing too! Can't hurt I guess!

Here is the final post of the night!

Some more from Lil Sharks--some of this actually sounds like info and not agenda and spin...

I'm heading out, but TracyFan, SD is doing well, but is somewhat fragile and fans can send in letters and they do get to him. He loves still GH and loves that he still gets letters. He is also still beloved on set with cast and crew alike.

I'm out but before I do I will say a little of what's coming,

Sonny loves Kate, he's not going to be with her for awhile but she IS who he loves.

Ric is going to surprised by the actual real feelings he starts to feel for Claudia.

Elizabeth is it for Jason, at the end of sweeps, the Jasam dream will be put to death once and for all. Jason and Sam will put to rest all the hate and their past once and for all. There is a saying there is a thin line between love and hate, B. G. is going to erase that line by showing Jason, moving past hate with Sam into indifference. It's what he did with Liz and Ric last year after the trial, now Liz only feels indifference for Ric.

Lucky is going to connect to his Spencer side with Sam, and he's going to like rediscovering that aspect of himself.

Lulu and Johnny are mimicing early Liason, but don't look for either to be paired else where. They will be back and forth but will love one another through it all.

Maxie is going to have an attraction to Matt but fans will see her vulnerable with Spinelli in a way they've never seen before. Some good stuff coming up with them, all three actually, but mostly after sweeps.

Carly and Jax aren't so good, but unsure about Carly and Prince Lardass of Tattville either. I don't think B. G. really knows where he's going with them.

Fight for the Q's.

And some really nice stuff coming up with Genie and Kin, and with Tony and Jane. Fans of old school GH will be happy for a few days, and if you love those scenes, CALL AND WRITE IN.

Night SD.

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Here you go Ms. Q

I think that Nex clipped all the courtroom stuff together on one clip





Hey Miss Jane! Thanks!

I posted the link to that a few days ago...but was too lazy to type it all out! You are a better Tracy fan than me :)

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A Luke & Tracy mention:

-listen Daytime Confidential interview with Carolyn Hennesy (Diane). She says she wants to be in a triangle with Luke & Tracy but she's afraid of being skinned alive by the Luacy fans LOL, so she says she'd like to become Edward's trophy wife

there's some more videos over at Tristan Roger's site that include Tony and alot of the stuff that got cut from the NS reunion (including Luke talking about his heart attack)

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That is hilarious about Diane/CH--I love her that she just speaks her mind. She is a trip.

So this was on soapdish..

Get ready for a trip down memory lane with Scott and Laura as they visit the site of their honeymoon 30 years later.

Seems they are going out of their way to re-establish Laura and Scotty. Being that it is Kin and he is not on contract, I doubt they would be really trying to appease him. Perhaps this is the way TPTB feel like they can finally free Luke of Laura by re-establishing Laura and Scotty. Works for me!

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Thanks! Do you happen to know the exact dates she was on during the trial? I'd like to update my episode count chart but am not sure of which days she was on that month (and yes, I'll have to count the mute days since she was still technically on - oy).

I am liking all this Tracy/Jane scoop... True or not, who knows, but it sure beats the drought we had there for the longest time.

funny, I read "Morning Panic" (I think that's what it's called) yesterday. Awesome job! Feels like forever since you wrote fic... Though I shouldn't talk... When was the last time I wrote anything? Haha. I thought about it last night, thinking some ideas would come to me while I was in bed, but then I started worrying about work, and I couldn't focus on the LuNacy. :(

Hair!Talk: hooked, you know my aunt that I mention now and then...She LOVES Tracy's hair. LOL. It really doesn't surprise me since she's a short hair kind of person. But she was saying, "And Tracy's hair, it's so gorgeous! She looks so much younger!" :o Oh, the first day Tracy's "Heat Miser" (thanks halee!) hair appeared, I showed my mom the screencap, and her reaction was: "OH! MY! GOD!" :lol:

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Halee.....you are my new hero! I LOVE the new Trash clip you posted on youtube :D:D:D

I had never seen that Trash clip (though I have the part with Ashton and Lila....which breaks my heart :( )

How typical of Tracy to "order" a dog! I never pegged Tracy as a dog person. Anyhoo, if you love Trash....go watch it NOW!

Edited by Lady Ashton
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Hey everyone. I'm back and my 'puter is just fine. Seems his nibs got the blue screen three times then left it alone - thank God! I really wasn't ready for yet another week or two without it this year.

I'm amazed by the chatter this weekend - just goes to show the difference between when LuNacy is on screen and when they are off screen. Good to see the advice about how to help them remain onscreen.

And Lainey, I'm right behind you with SNL, I will sing the praises of that couple until the cows come home. After this they can bring ewcbo back for the kids as often as they want - make Tracy a little nervous which prompts Lukey to break into another version of "How to I love my Spanky Buns, let me count the ways..."

I was a little 'meh' about Friday as well. I hope they pick it up. These two can be doing so much more, and it seems Guza takes weeks to create a setting (not on the slow build, unfortunately, but going in circles with the same conversation) and then bang, within a day the story is over. I'm really not interested in a LuNacy story-quickie. I want this long, drawn out and rhythmic. B)

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